From The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light, December 9, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I, The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light.

I am Overjoyed and Deeply Grateful to you for your Sacred Heart of Wisdom and Love and Overjoyed to be greeting you in this Sacred Space Today.

You are Beautiful.

Your Willingness to Serve and to Align with Your Highest Timeline is Beautiful.

It is Pristine.

It is Clear.

It is Beautiful to see.

It is Beautiful to See Radiating Out from you in Waves The Love and The Light that You Embody when you are Centred in the Sacred Heart of Self.

This Your Sacred Heart is where your Divinity Lives.

It Is Where The Divinity Of YOU Resides.

It is where the Sacred Heart of Self waits for you to discover Him / Her and Turn Your Ear to the Wisdom That Lives Inside.

Do not pay so much attention to what those around you say about you or to you.

They do not know your Path.

They do not Know the Sacred Truth of Your Heart.

They do not know who you are. They do not know or have any insights into the Desires Written On Your Heart By Your Soul - the Essence Of Pure Light That You Are - to Support You in Finding Your Right & Highest Path.

Only You Can Know Your Most Absolute Highest Truth.

Only You Can Know Your Most Absolute Highest Path.

You came here to Be Uniquely You.

Not Anyone Else.

Which is the Right And Highest Path for you?

Ask your Heart and Listen Carefully in the Silent Times throughout your Day to the Answers you Receive.

You will know when you are on the Right Path by how it Feels.

It will feel Joyful.

It will feel True.

Because it is in Integrity with The All That You Are and The All That You Are BeComing Now In This Moment Of Now And Then The Next It Will Feel Aligned With Your Ever-Evolving Highest Truth.

Trust Your Self.

You Know Your 0wn Way.

You are simply afraid. You are afraid to lean into Trust. You are afraid to Be Your Own Authority.

You believe the Answers lie somewhere outside of you. This is your challenge - to learn to Trust yourSelf.

Self-Trust is Essential if you are to Expand into the Most Absolute Highest Embodiment of the Light That You Are.

The lack of Self-Trust is part of what the Matrix has invoked in you. It is what you have been taught and told.

One Untruth, although there are many others, which has been used to keep you in submission.

Trust YourSelf, dear One.

Trust in the Sacred Heart of Self & the Answers you Receive.

You Are Your Own Answer. Look no further than Within. Trust the Answers you Receive.

Do no give away your power to any Authority outside yourself.

Your are your Own Authority.

You Are Your Own Goal.

All Higher Wisdom about Your Path Is Within You.

Within your Heart Is Where All Wisdom Resides.

It Is I, The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light.

The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light.jpg