From The Archangel Seraphiel Of Absolute Light, May 22, 2019.
/Beloved Ones,
It is with great joy in my heart that I greet you in this Sacred Space today.
I wish to keep you abreast of the planetary changes at this time, and also to congratulate you on how well you are doing at Integrating the Energies and the High-Dimensional Light that is flowing into and flooding your planet, bathing all of you in High-Vibrational Energy at this time.
This Energy that is flowing into the planet holds within it the potential for great change for you, both as individuals and as a species.
It is time for you to come into the Manifestation of the next Highest Level of Consciousness of which so many of your kind have spoken.
This is the Level of Consciousness that is Associated with the Higher Heart. It holds the Frequency of Love.
This is not love by the definition of which you know it, but a more Expansive definition of Love by which you extend your Love to all of your kind. Not only to all of humanity, but to the Planet Earth who Supports you and of which you are an integral part, and to all your fellow creatures.
It is time for you to focus on Unity - that which brings you together, not that which drives you apart. There are not so many differences between you all at the most essential level.
In fact, when we get down to the most essential level you all really only need one thing: and that is Love.
The feeling of being Loved.
The feeling of Being Love.
This is the level of Consciousness in which you are One with and Aligned with the Highest Expression of your Self. From this space of Connection to the Highest Light of Who You Are, you consider not only your own Greatest and Highest Good but the Greatest and Highest Good of the Whole.
This is the direction in which your planet is heading, and an area in which a lot of progress has already been made.
We see that many of you are already very Conscious of this.
We want you to bring more Consciousness to the effect that the decisions you make in your individual life have as they ripple out and have an effect on the Energy of the Whole.
As you do this, we do not ask you to sacrifice your own happiness in any way. We wish you instead to gradually grow so Expansive in your Love that you can easily Embrace the understanding that you are One Human Collective.
You will lead by your example.
We ask you to start thinking of yourself as a Leader in this Consciousness Revolution, for if you are reading this that is part of what you are here to be and do. To be The Light for others. To shine Light on their Consciousness wherever it is still in darkness.
It Is I, The Archangel Seraphiel Of Absolute Light.