Transmissions Of Light

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From Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Jesus Of Absolute Light, June 6, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is I, Jesus Of Absolute Light. I am here to greet you in this Sacred Space today and to share my Message of Absolute Love and Absolute Light with you.

I have seen the efforts you have been making to grow into a Higher Embodiment of your Light. I would suggest that it is not something that you grow into or a process that you can control, but something that you Allow.

You do this by your Willingness and via your Intention.

Put your Intention on being Deeply Present in your Sacred HeartSpace at all times. This is literally all you need to do.

The rest will be done for you.

The Ascension Process is not something that you are to do alone. That would be impossible for you to achieve.

We in the Higher Realms know that and are here to Support you; to Lift you up and Raise you into the Higher Dimensions and a Higher Embodiment of the Light that you Innately Are but has been forgotten by you with the Energetic LightCodes that we are Transmitting to you and everyone on your planet all the Time.

Being in the Sacred HeartSpace is how you Allow these LightCodes to be Integrated with Ease and Grace.

Be in your Heart Dear Ones. Live in the Sacred HeartSpace.

The Heart is where the key to your Transformation lies.

I am here to Support you in this, both with my words and with the Energetic LightCodes that are being Transmitted to you in this very moment through this Sacred Message.

It Is I, Ascended Master Jesus Of Absolute Light.