Channeled Message From Various Of The Beings Of Absolute Light, February 14, 2023.

Dear Beloved Light Beings Who Are Walking On The Earth,

We have much that we wish to say to you and we know it has been a while and greatly apologize for the delay in our being able to communicate with you and share our Light Codes with you to Support you in your Ascension Process.

This Message is Encoded with Light Codes that work on the DNA Level to Support you in Upgrading into the Embodiemnt of the Next Stage of your Ascension Process and also to Support You in Healing past pain that is stored in the Heart which will allow for a Higher Embodiment of the Higher Heart.

Various of us will be communicating with you through our channel today.

First Yeshua wishes to speak with you, for he has greatly missed the opportunity to do so over the past few months and knows that many of you have been waiting for his Messages and those of the other Beings of Absolute Light eagerly over the last months.

From Yeshua:

My Beautiful Earth Beings Who I Have Long Desired To Speak With,

--YOU-- dear Ones Are the Ascension Process.

You are the Embodiment of Light that is Showing the way for the Rest of Humanity.

You are the Light Workers, the Light Holders, the Embodiments of Light that Show How To Be The Embodiment of the Truth that you Came to Know YourSelves as to All Those Around You.

You are - in all these things - the Way Showers.

I implore you:

Be True To Your Heart Above All Things.

The Heart Already Knows Your Path.

It Is Revealing Your Path To You, Moment By Moment.

It Loves You - For It Is Your Connection To Your Soul.

Your Souls want to say to you - those of you who are reading this Message - that they Hold So Much Love For You:

they see the effort and skill and determination to be Light in the World that you infuse All You Do with and they love the way that you Hold True to YourSelf in a world that is constantly pulling you in other directions.

Your Souls Honor You.

They wish to shower you with Rainbow Light of Love.

They wish to Celebrate you for they see that you are doing So, So Well - even as, at the same time, they know that some of you feel lost and unmotivated and afraid at this time.

If that is you, do not fear or feel alarmed or overwhelmed by your Process.

Take comfort in the fact that you Soul Honors You and Holds You in Love and is Opening the Path for you before your very feet. The way Unfolds so Naturally, so Gracefully when it is Aligned and the Right Path for you.

Use this Knowledge to Help You Navigate Your Path.

Meetings will be set up for you.

The right people will appear before you.

You will be nudged in a certain direction - Have the courage to follow that nudge and new vistas will open up for you.

Just as I, Yeshua, had my role of Service in the world, so do each of you.

You are my Brothers and Sisters in this, and I Honor You.

I thank you for the time you are taking to read these words and to integrate them into your Being.

I say again: Listen to your Heart Dear Ones.

It tells you the Truth.

While it is inevitable that when the world tells you you are wrong you doubt what you hear in your heart at times, this is a way that you dishonor yourself.

Each time you listen to your Heart, you Honor your Self - you Honor your Soul. You Align more closely with your Soul’s Path.

What is your beautiful Heart asking you to do today my dear beautiful Ones?

Listen closely, for this is a way to Connect with your Soul and your Highest TimeLine Available to You At This Time - a way that is Available to All Even Those Of You Who Are New To This Path.

I Love You - wherever you find yourself on your path at this time.

There is no judgement. There is only Love.

I send you my Blessings. I thank you -

For you are great Light in the World.

Blessings to You Dear Ones.

It Is I, Yeshua Of ABsolute Light.

From Cleopatra, Divine Mother, The Two Marys & Oshun:

Dear Beautiful Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Embodiments Walking In The World,

It is with great honor that we speak with you.

We wish to honor each of you for the Journey that you are on - for we know that in many cases they have not been easy ones, and we wish you to know that as you Align more and more with the Soul Essence - the Light, Beauty and Truth - That You Are things will become much, much easier for you on many levels.

First, you will develop a truer sense of Self-Love and what this Really Means.

For Self-Love is much deeper and yet much Simpler than most of you now think.

It simply means learning to Love more of the Essence That You Are and Understanding that this Essence is Big Enough to Absorb all the rest of the aspects of your personality and your human that you perhaps feel less than loving towards.

This is one aspect of a Real Self-Love, and perhaps the Highest.

Another one is learning to love Oneself Enough to make the Choices that Honor and Support you on your Path and in Aligning with Your Joy.

Another important Aspect is learning to Trust YourSelf: - and for many of you this means learning to Trust your Guidance better, for this is an Aspect of your True Self.

We Know You As You Really Are.

We See You In Your Truth.

If Only You Could. For:

You are Beautiful As You Are.

You Are Aleady Divinely Perfect.

Yet, there is still Room for you to Grow.

Just as the Flower is Perfect in each Stage of its Embodiment -

yet until the last Petal is formed there is still Room to Grow.

We wish you to understand more deeply this Divine Perfection That You Are In Each Moment - for This Is The Beginning of True Self-Love: To Accept All Of Who You Are - the Good and the Bad, for All is Okay in the Eyes of The Divine.

All Is Accepted With Great Divine Love.

This is how we want you to learn to Love YourSelf.

Another aspect of this Great Self-Love is learning to Honor the Call In Your HEART To Evolve Into A Being That You Love And Respect More On A Human Level As Well.

We Know This Is A Process That Takes Time, That Has Its Waves - There Are Times When It’s Easier To Embody The DIVINE LOVE That You Are In Your Essence Than Others.

We Love And Honor Each Part Of You.

Always Return To This Question - Why Did I Come Here?

Why Did The Divine Choose To Send ME To This Particular Planet At This Particular Time?

What Is My Divine Purpose Here At This Time?

This Purpose will be an ongoing Process of Self-Discovery.

It will bring you Great Joy and will Support You in Uncovering Still More Of Your Highest Truth.

We Love You, Each Of You Reading This Now, And Hold You In Light.

We See the Light that You Are Now Ready To Evolve Into More Of And We Are NOW Activating You To Align With More Of the Divine Wisdom and Truth That Live in Your HEART.

SendingYou Bouquets Of Love.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light.

From Babaji:

I wish you to look at the image included with this Message for 10 seconds and say ‘Thank you’ once aloud. It is Encoded to Support you in the Process of Self-Love and Self-Forgiveness.

These are the most important things for you each to focus on at this time.

These are the keys to coming into a Truer Embodiment of your Higher Self, for they allow you to develop the spaciousness in your Heart that permits you to turn your focus to your Evolution and How and Who you want to be in the World.

It is okay to take time for YourSelf.

It is - in fact - necessary to take slowed-down time for the Process of your Evolution into the Next Highest Embodiment of Self.

This Process is not always easy, but it is always worthwhile.

The Embodiment of the next Highest Level of Self that is Now Appearing Before You will bring you Untold of Joy.

You will Discover YourSelf A-New -

Discover more of the Precious Joy and Love that your Soul is Calling You To Be.

Remember - You do not need to rush or to hurry on the path. It is okay to take one little step at a time towards loving YourSelf More; towards loving the people around you More.

You need Your Love.

They need Your Love.

They need Your Light.

And you Fuel your Light by being Loving to Self and allowing yourself all the time you need for your Process of Evolution.

It is now time for the next Evolution of Humanity -

into Beings Connected to your Higher Selves, more aware of your place as one species in the Universe, more aware of all the potential and opportunity that is available to you both as individuals and as a Collective at this time as you learn how to Connect with your Higher Self on a deeper level and come into Closer Contact wtih your Galactic Family and Know YourSelf in the Truth of Love, the Truth of Light, the Truth of Joy, the Truth of Peace, the Truth of Forgiveness that You Came Here To Be And Know YourSelf As.

Be slow with your moves; be slow with your breath.

Allow yourself all the time you need to make the decisions that feel Right in your heart.

As Yeshua has shared, your Heart Knows the Path.


Let YourSelf Be Led By The Light That Is In Your Heart.

It Is I, Babaji Of Absolute Light.

Ascended Masters Channeled Message

From Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Jesus Of Absolute Light, June 6, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is I, Jesus Of Absolute Light. I am here to greet you in this Sacred Space today and to share my Message of Absolute Love and Absolute Light with you.

I have seen the efforts you have been making to grow into a Higher Embodiment of your Light. I would suggest that it is not something that you grow into or a process that you can control, but something that you Allow.

You do this by your Willingness and via your Intention.

Put your Intention on being Deeply Present in your Sacred HeartSpace at all times. This is literally all you need to do.

The rest will be done for you.

The Ascension Process is not something that you are to do alone. That would be impossible for you to achieve.

We in the Higher Realms know that and are here to Support you; to Lift you up and Raise you into the Higher Dimensions and a Higher Embodiment of the Light that you Innately Are but has been forgotten by you with the Energetic LightCodes that we are Transmitting to you and everyone on your planet all the Time.

Being in the Sacred HeartSpace is how you Allow these LightCodes to be Integrated with Ease and Grace.

Be in your Heart Dear Ones. Live in the Sacred HeartSpace.

The Heart is where the key to your Transformation lies.

I am here to Support you in this, both with my words and with the Energetic LightCodes that are being Transmitted to you in this very moment through this Sacred Message.

It Is I, Ascended Master Jesus Of Absolute Light.


From Jesus Of Absolute Light, December thirteenth, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I greet you with Joy in my heart and a bright, joyful tone in my voice At least, that is how I would sound if I was Incarnated in a body and able to walk amongst you and greet you whilst walking on your planet as I have done many times in the past.

You wonder who is present in this Sacred Space today greeting you in this way - It is I, The Ascended Master Of Absolute Light Jesus Of Absolute Light.

As you all know, I was known as a Great Healer - one who could Heal many diseases and bring Peace to the suffering - during my most recent Incarnation.

I want to let you in on a secret. It is because was able to see - never forgot in fact for this is the way my Soul chose to experience the world - that the Light In Me Is The Same As The Light In You.

I know that many of you work in the Healing Arts. I would like to share this one thing with you today:

You Are A Gift In The World.

And the Greatest Gift you can give to another is to see in them The Light That They Are.

The Greatest Gift you can give yourself is to Know yourself as The Light That You Are.

Ignore the rest. It is not important.

Align with that which is Light within you and you will have a Greater experience of yourself as Light.

Put your focus on and highlight in your interactions with others The Light That They Are, and they will start to experience themselves more as Light. This is the key to Healing.

This is the key to Healing the World.

It is time for Humanity to Wake Up and Know herself in her Truth.

It is time for all of you Incarnated on Earth at this time to Wake Up To The Light That You Are.

It is I, The Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Jesus Of Absolute Light.

Transcribed by Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe To The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.