From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, August 30, 2019.
/Beloved Ones,
It is with great tenderness and joy in my heart that I speak to you this day, for I see how much effort you have been putting into all your various tasks in the Physical World, and yet despite this how under-appreciated you are feeling at times. So I am here to reassure you that you are being seen and to commend you for your efforts.
I wish you to know that you are seen.
And just as it feels like a great Gift to you to be seen; so I wish you to give this Gift to others.
Oh believe this dear one, we in the Heavenly Realms See you.
We know how much effort you are putting into everything you do and we are greatly impressed with your dedication and your willingness to Serve. At the same time we wish you to create a great life both for yourself and for those who are close to you.
Take the time to do the things you love and spend time with those who lift you up. Have more fun.
Allow yourself to let your hair down. Let all your worries and cares go from time to time. Forget that you have responsibilities and things that need to be taken care of and let yourself play and Live in the Moment. Allow yourself to feel free of all cares and responsibilities for at least an hour a day.
Give yourself time to just Be. To Engage with whatever arises in the Moment in ways that give you Joy. Do what is Nourishing and Uplifting for you.
This is the way to live a truly rich life.
Your Abundance is less a matter of what you earn, and more a matter of the amount of Richness and Abundance of All Good Things you allow yourself to experience in your day-to-day experience of your Life.
Be in the Present Moment. LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.
Do that which Lifts you Up and fills your Heart with Joy. Be with the ones you Love.
Spend time with people who Lift you Up and try to do the same for them.
There is nothing more important in these times which are heavy and downcast for many. Seek out companionship that Lifts You Up and helps you to know your self as The Truth That You Are.
Be the Light for yourself by taking the time to do the things that you love. Then you may more easily be the Light in all your relationships and for those who are close to you.
This is my Message for you today.
It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.