Transmissions Of Light

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From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI & Divine Mother - Energetic Support For The Post-Equinox TimeLine

Each of us, the WayShowers and New Earth Leaders who are Incarnated on the Planet at this time, have a very Specific Soul Purpose Embedded into our DNA Structure.

The seeds of our Purpose - our Unique Soul Mission - Encoded Within our Cells.

Many of us were abruptly Awakened, Brought Into Alignment with the Purpose for Which We Came, with the Influx of Vast Amounts of High Vibration Photonic Light into the Planet to Support StarSeeds in Waking Up & Assisting GAIA in Making Her Transition into a Higher Dimensional Planetary Body at the end of 2012 .

This Soul Purpose is now Awakening to a Still Higher Degree Within Us.

In addition to this information, today we have several Messages of Support from the Higher Dimensional Consciousnesses of the Ascended Earth:

First - From The Sacred Consciousness Of GAIA 🌍

GAIA wishes to Remind Us that we are Ready For This.

She says:

This Is The Moment You Were Born For - Do Not Let Fear Hold You Back At This Time.

Remember You Are Here To Create A NETWORK OF LIGHT TOGETHER - There Is No Reason For Any Of You To 'Go It Alone.'

It Is In COMING TOGETHER That You Will Be Able To Have The MOST IMPACT.

Do Not Hesitate To Reach Out For Help From The LightWorkers & WayShowers Around You. Each Of You Has Been Given Part Of The Key.

You Are Strongest - WE ARE STRONGEST - For I GAIA Too Am An ASCENDING CONSCIOUSNESS - When We Work Together For The Common Cause.

Next - From The Mountains Of The World ⛰

The Mountains Of The World wish to Convey the Importance at this Precise Time on the Planet in Activating the Current Generation of WayShowers, StarSeeds & New Earth Leaders to Come Into a Still Higher Embodiment of our Soul Purpose.

They say it is Essential that we do this to Support the Human Collective At This Time - for there is currently - & is to continue to be - an Influx of CrystallineLight Streaming into the Planet That Is To Awaken All Into A Higher Expression of Self.

They add that as we are all at very different places, this will look very different for some than it will for others.

The Mountains Wish To SUPPORT US - The WayShowers & New Earth Leaders & Guides - At This Time:

From Mt SHASTA these LightCodes to be read aloud every day - if possible both am & pm - for the next 7 days (Sept 26 - Oct 2):
2 2 3 4 1 2 5 5 5

From Mt FUJI, Mt SHASTA & DIVINE MOTHER this video with an Energetic Transmission of LightCodes to Support Us in the Ascension into the Next Elevation of our Being & Our Purpose Here: