Transmissions Of Light

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From Mt Fuji, Mt Shasta & Mt Kilauea, February 16, 2020.

Today's Energy Report is from Mt Fuji, Mt Shasta & Mt Kilauea:

From Mt Shasta:

Dear Beautiful Ones, Beautiful Strong Ones Carrying The PRESENCE Of LIGHT In The World. I wish to Thank You. I Wish You To Know How Beautiful You Are And How Much I Appreciate Your Presence Here On The Face Of The Earth At This Time.

I Am Here Now To Inform You That Another Huge Influx Of Energy Is Now Coming In To The Planet. Prepare Yourself To Integrate It By Drinking More Water Than Usual And Eating A Lot Of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Instead Of Heavier Foods.

This Is A Stronger Frequency Of Photon Light Than Has Yet Been Felt By Many Of You And May Have Serious Physical Effects On Your Physical Body. Do Not Be Alarmed But Do Seek Out The Help Of A Holistic Practitioner If You Need Support In Moving The Energy Through Your Body In The Way That Serves Your Body Best.

From Mt Fuji:

Dear Beautiful Ones, How Happy I Am To Be Here To SERVE You Today. For You The Ones With The Beautiful PURE Hearts Who Are Serving The Planet And/Or The People Around You In The Ways You Know Best Are Making The Change On The Face Of The Planet The Likes Of Which Has Never Been Seen Before And Is To Be Felt For Years.

I Serve You Today By Activating In You The KNOWINGness Of Your Own Beauty So That You May See YourSelf As You Are Seen From Afar By The Eyes Of Source & The LightBeings & The Energetic Soul Imprint Of Who You Are, Seeing Who You Are In Your Current Incarnation In Physical Form In All Your Resplendent Beauty.

From Mt Kilauea:

I Love You Dear Ones For I See - While You Don't - How Beautiful You Are.

You Think You Are Full Of Imperfections But I See Only The Beauty & Perfection Of Your Soul.

Your Soul Light Shines Brightly Like The Fire Within Me & I Love To Support You On Your Path By Moving Your ROOT Chakra Into A Higher Alignment With The Energies Of NEW EARTH As You Read This Post.

The New Earth ENERGY & CONSCIOUSNESS Is Being B0RN INSIDE YOU Each And Every Day. This Is A Transformation That Is Taking Place WITHIN.

It Is Important That You Take Time To Rest & Be Still & Also To Observe & Honor The Changes Within You For They Will Be Many As You Move Into A Fuller Embodiment Of The Unique LIGH8T That YOU Came Here To Manifest As.