Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Message & Wisdom Teachings From WOLF, November 30, 2021.

Dear beautiful Humans -

I, the Spirit of Wolf, ask you to Remember that you are a Human Family.

We Wolves like to move in packs in the Physical World, but in the Energetic Realms where all Consciousness Exists our Higher Selves our Connected and we Know that We Are One.

It is the same for you - your packs:
your communities, your families, the people at your workplace, your ‘Tribe.’

But the difference is that many of you have forgotten the connection to the Energetic Realms, forgotten that You Are One Consciousness Manifesting As Different Expressions of Itself.

Forgotten your connection To Your Truth.

As you have also forgotten your connection to The Earth, Our Mother.

We see that this breeds a curious mix of arrogance and self-hatred within you. You are no longer humble in the way you walk up on the Earth; you think yourselves the masters who can do all that they choose - not recognizing that things come and pass and go in cycles and in the end all that is put into the world comes back to you for You Are A PART OF THE MOTHER - cannot live without her life-nourishing, life-sustaining Force.

And separated from The Divine you somehow simultaneously conceive of Self as the top of Creation, whilst this lack of Knowing of the Divine Essence within you at the same time gives you a lack of self-love that is pitiful to us to observe.

You are majestic beings placed in this Realm to Explore More of YourSelf:

To live.

To make mistakes perhaps, but to learn, to grow to observe, to explore, to have fun in the doing of it - as you - and this is important - always Honor the Law Of One that it behoves all to obey:
Honor All Life, For Life Is Sacred.

It Is Life From Which You Came And The Expansion Of Consciousness Is The Primary Goal Of This Ongoing Cycle Of Life-Force.

You, dear ones, are here to EXPAND Your Consciousness - To ReMember Who You Are.

The Energies Coming Into The Planet At This Time Are Ripe For This.

Claim back your Divine Essence; the ReMembrance of Who You Are.

Let your unique howl be heard - one in the harmonic blend of voices expressed, as you allow the creator that you are to be expressed through you in each moment.

Honor Life.

All Life, not just your own species.

Honor the Mother, Our Planet. Know that all that comes from her is given with Love and can be used for your sustenance; but that you have an equal responsibility to honor and look after her; to take care of the lands, the water, the soil, the Earth, other species.

That you have an equal responsibility to show constraint in your actions where it is warranted - for you were not given free license to destroy Gaia’s natural habitats without there being any consequence for either yourselves or for other lifeforms.

We are fascinated by you - you are so bold, fearless, in your development.

But you fail to see that even development and progress can have a shadow if it’s unchecked.

BALANCE is what Restores Harmony to all Natural Systems.

Bring Balance To YourSelf first - and then to your Actions in the World in accordance with the Laws of Nature and The Law Of One.

We love you dear brothers and sisters, if only you knew how much.

We, the other species, are here to support you.

But we ask you now to ReMember Yourselves In Your Truth.

For your own sakes and for the sake of us all - for the Greater Good of the Whole is also connected to the choices that you make, both as individuals and as groups and packs, what you would call ‘societies.’

Spirit Wolf’s wisdom teaching for you - When you are in Integrity with yourself, Love for Self also Naturally Flows.

Start to question - what does it mean to be in Integrity with Self? What does that look like? How can I explore that in my life - through my words, my actions, my thoughts, my way of being in the world?

We, standing as the representative of all the Animal Kingdoms, ask your forgiveness for any and all pain we have caused you. We forgive you for any and all pain visited upon any within the Animal Kingdoms.

Do not forget your Divine Heritage dear ones, nor your Heritage as Children of the Earth.

Be grateful to your Mother, for she has given much to you and always with love and gratitude for your presence upon her back.

But she cannot give what is no longer there to give - she can only give from the overflow of abundance that is naturally hers.

Do not choke her with your pollution, your over-fishing and over-farming, your dirtying of her airs and waters; your lack of consideration for all but your own very small pack.

Widen your perspective - the whole Human Family is your pack in a sense.

How can you support that pack today?

What can you do to bring joy to someone you don’t even know - but who is a member of your ‘pack?’

What can you do to support other life forms on the planet?

What can you do to support our beautiful Mother herself?

She longs to hear your words praising her beauty and feel the joy and gladness in your hearts when you look upon her.

She longs to see you be kinder to one another and to consider your actions - instead of assuming things should be done a certain way just because that is the way they have been done - either recently or throughout time until now.

She reminds you that the whole of human history is but a short passage of time to her; nothing is too entrenched that it cannot be changed and shifted into a way that is better for the whole of Life.

She reminds you that there are many different ways of living in Harmony with Her; with her bountifulness; with Life.

She reminds you, above all, to Connect with the Divine Essence Within you for that will guide you in Right Living.

We - the wolves - and also the Wolves as representative of the other Animal Species - thank you for your presence on the planet at this time - you the fearless ones letting your cry of beauty rise into the sky and fall beyond the mountains into the valley beyond.

Your beautiful creations echo throughout the entire world.

More of our wisdom:
Learn to love more; to give more; to serve more - to do all these things with a joyful heart, knowing that you came here to Explore the Oneness of All That Is Expressed through the Individual Vessel you are Inhabiting.

We ask you to have love, compassion and understanding for all Lifeforms in all Vessels - knowing that as among your own species, none is better or less than another; simply different.

There are many more teachings we would wish to share with you - but for now we will leave it here.

We ask you to consider our words, to consider your hearts, to consider the integrity of your actions and words - integrity with Self; and Integrity with All Of Life.

With love, honor and respect for the wondrous nature of this Journey we are taking together.

It Is The Spirit Of The Wolves.