From The Divine Cosmic Sophia Of Absolute Light, December twenty-seventh, 2018.

Beloved Daughters and Beloved Sons you who are Embodying the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine here in the Earth Plane,

It is time for you to Rise, for the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine upon the Planet to Rise; to be Seen and Valued.

Behold the dawning of a New Age; a New Earth. One in which the old limitations and consciousness are transmuted and all living upon the Earth's surface Ascend into a Higher Vibration of Love.

That is the frequency you are here to hold. You do this by Mastering it within yourself so that you may be the Light for others. This is what it means to Be the Embodiment of Love and the Embodiment of Light living on the Planet.

That is what many of those whom you call Ascended Masters who have come before you have done. In this sense you are their Descendants and may also refer to yourselves as Ascended Earth Masters.

Each of you are Transcending and Transmuting that which comes from your human lineage and stepping instead into the Embodiment of your Infinite Self. This is the part of you that is One With All That Is and knows no limitation, no fear, no restriction, and no judgement of Self or Others.

This is the Greatness and Magnitude of the Love that you are here to Embody and ground into the Earth Plane - you the Wayshowers; the Gatekeepers; and the Forerunners.

I call you this for although the rest of humanity has a lot of catching up to do, all are to be brought through this Gateway of Ascension or to leave this planet in the natural way. It is you who are reading this now who are the Gatekeepers, the Wayshowers and the Forerunners who in your Embodiment of the Light Raise the Consciousness of the Whole. You show by your example those who come after you how to Embody Light. You also support others in their Ascension and support the Ascension of the Planet by holding the frequency of Light and Love here by Embodying these qualities in your life.

This is the Greatness and the Magnitude of your Role here.

This is the Light That You Are In The World.

You Are The Christed Light Of Love For Self And Others.

You may not feel yourself to be particularly Love-filled or Light-filled; you may not feel yourself to be the Physical Embodiment of Love and Light walking the Earth Plane. You will still have moments - perhaps many of them - when your human self is dominant over your Higher Self. That is okay, although it is important that you constantly refocus your attention on Being The Embodiment Of The Love And The Light That You Are.

I see the work that you do on yourself and the work that you do in the world and I am pleased. I tell you that in choosing to Release that which is not aligned with the Higher Dimensions and to Embody Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Non-Judgement of Self and Others in all the places you are able, you are already Embodying far more Love and far more Light than you know. It is Becoming What You Are in each Moment Of Now.

This is what it means to Be Love.

This is what it means to Walk As Light on the Planet.

Each of you is at a different stage and this is okay, for it is a continuous process of unfolding. Just as a flower continues to unfold and bloom into more of her beauty; so you continue to unfold and bloom into more of the Love That You Are which is Your Beauty.

I wish you to focus on the Light that you are and the Love That You Are and turn your attention away from the rest. Everything else is in the past and no longer exists.

Put all your Attention on this precious Moment Of Now and the Love and the Light that you are Choosing to Be in it.

It Is I, The Divine Cosmic Sophia Of Absolute Light.