Transmissions Of Light

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From Archangel Metatron, May 15, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you.

You have undergone some days of great energetic shifts and transformations, and many of you have managed to walk through them with a great deal of ease and grace, showing how far you have come in your mastery of your human experience.

I want you to know that which you have been waiting for won't be long in coming now, for you are living in an era in which you are greatly supported in the fulfillment of your Soul's desires.

Keep your focus on all that you are becoming and expanding into, and the things your Soul desires.

Keep your focus on the new.

Now is a powerful time for planting the seeds of your Intentions.

Do not look back or hesitate to step forward out of fear of failure.

That is a trick your ego uses to try to keep you in old and known ways of being.

Look to the new, claiming your right to have and experience all that your Soul is drawing you towards.

It is your time to embody the Unknown; to claim as your own and embody that which you are in the process of Becoming. You do this by making all your choices and decisions from a place of Love and Trust in the guidance you receive.

How do you know if your guidance is true? Ask yourself, how does it feel in your heart space. If it feels expansive, then it's a decision which is aligned with your Soul.

Talk to your Soul on a daily basis; putting your hand on your heart and asking the Core of your Being how he or she would like to express in the world that day.

Guidance received through the heart space is always that which is aligned with your Soul and your Highest expression of Self.

Take time to drop into your heart space often, for it is there that you find your connection to Source and to the All That You Are.

Thank you for the beautiful work your are doing in embodying your Truth. You give others permission to do the same.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron.