Transmissions Of Light

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From Archangel Metatron, August 18, 2018.

Beloved ones,

You have just gone through a big timeline shift, and will find that your reality manifests differently now.

Many around you are Awakening. They are the newly Awakened and they do not have the benefit of the wisdom and tools that you have gained, so I ask you to share what you have learned freely with them, and celebrate each time they grow into a Higher embodiment of their Light. For now is truly the time to Know yourselves all One.

To Know with a clear and certain Knowing that each of you who grows into the embodiment of Light is here to serve the Whole.

There is no competition to be had between you. As each of you grows into a greater embodiment of Light you help to raise the quota of the Light on the planet, and so you are all inter-connected and supporting each other, weaving a colossal web of Light that stretches around the Earth.

It is this web of Light that is going to help those who are Awakening now, for it becomes a point of anchor for them.

The web of Light anchors Light into the planet and into the structures of 3D Earth, and these structures cannot help but change and be brought into a higher alignment; because of the powerful nature of the web of Light that you, by your collective efforts, have woven.

We want you to know how proud we are of you and of what you have accomplished already.

It is beyond what was forecast and projected. It is a testament to the dedication of Lightworkers all around the world, fulfilling the role for which you came with dedication and passion, creating waves of change on the planet.

I wish to thank you, for you have helped the anchoring of the Light more than you yet know.

Do not create separation between yourselves, by thinking in terms of who has been doing this the longest or done the most. This is egoic thinking, and it is time to leave all that is of the ego and doesn't serve you behind.

Now is the time for you to come together as a collective of Lightworkers new and old, and support the Earth by binding your Light together; dissolving old stories of separation as you do.

You will be surprised at how fast the new Lightworkers are able to grow into the embodiment of their Light when they engage with their Awakening with passion, for the energies on the planet are very supportive now.

It is important that you each embody your Higher Self and put your focus on Being Love and Light as you walk in the world.

Now is the time for society to change, and it can only do that when individuals in a society initiate a change in themselves.

"Be the change you want to see in the world," as one of your wise ones said. (Ghandi).

This is what you are being called to do.

To embody Light and Love in each moment, so that the collective energy becomes permeated with these Higher frequency energies. And once that has happened a significant shift cannot be far behind; for everything is energy; and energy responds to and aligns with the prominent energy surrounding it.

So Be Light in the world.

Be Love in the world.

The Earth is ready to make a significant shift, and asks you to step up joyfully and fulfill your role; knowing that as you do you are supporting Her as you agreed to do before you came.

Remember always, your Being is still more important than your Doing.

BE the energy of Love; BE the energy of Light.

Breathe that energy into your heart space and let it radiate from you to fill everywhere you go.

This is how you are to help transform the world; one conscious breath at a time.

To some of you other roles are given as well. But first and foremost put your attention on your Being. For this is what allows you to step into and embody all the other roles you have come here to fulfill.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

Make wise choices, for now is the time for which you have come.