From Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, June 17, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, here to Greet you in this Sacred Space today.

There has been much that you have been Awakening and Integrating within yourself in the last few days. There is much that you have been Opening Into, much of it Aligned with the Highest and Purest Light of your Soul. In this, you do great Tribute to your Dedication to bring through and allow to Shine and Radiate from you and around you in this your Physical Incarnation more of the the Most Absolute Highest Light of your Soul.

In order to do this with still more competence and in a way that feels truly Joyful and Uplifting to you, I ask that you Create more times of Sacred Quiet, Sacred Peace, Sacred Solitude and Sacred Silence throughout your day.

These are the times when you can come back to your Self and Connect with your own Divine Heart and the Divine Wisdom of your Soul that lives within you.

Because of your tendency to reach out and care for others, you feel the pull of all their demands on you. Do not allow the pull of these demands to take you away from Connection to your own true Self and the Highest Light of your Soul.

Nothing is as important as this:
To listen to the Guidance, the Wisdom, the Clarity of your own Sacred Heart.

To be able to hear her Sacred Guidance Clearly and with Accuracy you must make these times of Sacred Peace and Quiet throughout your day so that you can drop into and Access the Wisdom of your own Sacred HeartSpace easily in each Sacred Moment of Now.

I know that many of you are overloaded with commitments to others and to the job that you do in the world; I know that there is much that you feel responsible for. I ask that in all your looking after and taking care of others and meeting the practical needs of the world - the things that you do in order to be able to function and live successfully in the world, do not forget to also Honor your Soul and her Calling and what it is that she wants to say to you.

Honor this Above All Things for it is your Reason and your Purpose for Incarnating in this Lifetime.

I also ask that you Come Back Home to Rest often in the Beauty and Peace of the Sacred Energetic Field of your own Sacred Heart.

It Is I, Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.