From The Ascended Master Quan Yin Of Absolute Light, June 20, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is with great Joy and Compassion in my heart for the journey that you are on that I greet you in this Sacred Space this day.

You are Brave and Courageous Pioneers dear ones.

Each and every one of You.

You are each a Sacred Fractal of Source Light come here to Know yourself in more of your Truth - as One with Absolute Light. You do this through the exploration of how you Create your life through your thoughts, your actions and what you put your focus upon.

For you see ‘Absolute Light’ is nothing other than another name for the Originating Source Consciousness from which you - we - are all brought forth.

You are One with this, one of its Sacred Aspects of Self. So are all the others you will ever encounter, including myself.

We are One on a very deep level, for we spring forth from the same Originating Source Consciousness of Absolute Light.

So you see that the Light that you see in me and in other Beings of the Higher Realms is the same Light that is In You, only we do not have to contend with the duality of the Physical World as you and others of your kind do.

This is why we are able to Help and Support you at such a deep level.

You can avail yourself of more of our Help and Support by asking for it whenever you desire to experience more Help and Support from the Higher Realms in your life.

You Are Light, dear one. You Are Love.

This is who you are in your most fundamental Essence, and as you start to believe this about yourself then you will open up into a greater expression of the Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are in your Expression of Who You Are and in your interactions with others.

While you are Incarnated in the Physical World, you are always able to avail yourself of a Higher Embodiment of the Absolute Light And Unlimited Love That You Are and Know YourSelf as More of this.

While this may not feel true or easy for you at all times, I would suggest that it is because you are looking at what you are not.

Change your focus. Put it on all the Love that you are giving in the world.

Start to see yourself in terms of the Love That You Are - The Love That You Are Already Embodying.

There is nothing more important than this when it comes to learning how to truly and deeply love yourself.

It Is I, Quan Yin Of Absolute Light.