From The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light, June 21, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light, come to greet you in this Sacred Space today and to share from the knowledge that I have available to me that which may be of use to you on your respective journeys.

I wish to speak to you of timing, and to be more precise, this notion that many of you have of Divine Perfect Timing.

This is a term that many of you have coined and used, but it is not quite accurate, for there is no right or wrong Timing for anything in the Universe to occur.

There is however always a Higher Timeline, which it is always possible for you to Align with through your Intention. This is what I suggest you put your focus on - being Aligned with Your Own Most Highest Timeline.

This will help you to naturally Align with that which is best for you in Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Although this Message is short, it is of great import.

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light.