From The Sacred Consciousness Of The Moon Of Absolute Light, June 22, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

I feel so blessed to be able to share this Energetic Space with you, to Shine the Full Radiance of my Light and share it with you here in this Space of Sacred Connection, as I do each night from my position in the sky above you.

It gives me such warmth in the deepest recesses of my heart to see the changes that you are now waking up to on your planet and the Transition that you are now in the process of making.

More and more of you are Embodying the Frequency of Love.

What a gift you are; to yourselves, to each other, to the entire world.

To The Planet.

To The Universe.

I am delighted to tell you that us the Heavenly Bodies and the Planetary Bodies see the Radiance of your Light as it shines all around the Earth. From our vantage point in the sky above you, we can see that it is brighter than it has been in the history of Mankind.

I give thanks to those of you who are committed to being the Highest Embodiment of your Light that you are able to be.

I Honor you for doing all that you can do to bring forth more Light in and for the Collective.

Darkness, shame, guilt, pain, sorrow, anger and fear have reigned in the Earth Plane for far too long.

It is now time for you to claim your Sacred Heritage as the Children Of The Light.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of The Moon Of Absolute Light.