From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, June 24, 2019.
/Dearly Beloved Ones,
One again you have found yourselves passing through a Sacred Gateway, hardly aware of what it is that is occurring to and for you. You may have been sensing that things are different somehow - that the Energies are more intense, more turbulent, more tiring; but without quite knowing why.
I would like to suggest to you that it is because of the very High Frequency of Crystalline Light that has been coming into the planet that you find yourselves so tired and unable to participate in and do all that which you would wish to do at this time.
Do not fear or worry about any changes that you observe in your physical body at this time. Your physical vehicle will be feeling better soon. The more you Integrate this High Frequency Crystalline Light and live in a permanent state of Higher Frequency Consciousness, the more you will find yourself able to function what you would call ‘normally’ in the physical world, at the same time as you continue to process and Integrate Higher and Higher Frequencies of Crystalline Light.
This is because once you have raised your Vibration above a certain level then you will find that much that tired you out before now energizes you, and that your physical body now Integrates the High Frequency Light more easily and with much more ease and grace.
This does not mean that there won’t still be times when you feel particularly tired when there is a great deal of Crystalline Light coming into the planet. This week has been one of those times. The Energy of the Full Moon coincided with the Energy of the Summer Solstice, creating waves of Energy that reached around the world and impacted many of you greatly.
This is good. It shows that you are now at the stage where you are Integrating into your Cellular And Physical Body a great deal of Higher Vibrational Light.
Rejoice Dear Ones. This is what you have been working towards.
Now that this Gateway has passed you will find that there is a Sacred pause with time to relax so that your physical body can Integrate the Crystalline Light more Fully.
I wish you to know that it is okay to take time out. You do not need to be focused on your Evolution and your Growth all the time. These are things that will happen naturally as you interact with the world around you from the place of a sincere and loving heart.
Let yourself rest. Take time to play.
This is to be a year of huge Energetic Shifts and shifts in your physical structure and physical reality. Now is not the time to push forward, but to sit back and take stock. Let yourself gather your Strength so that you may be ready when the next large wave of Energy comes in early to mid-July.
It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.