From Quan Yin Of Absolute Light, December 22, 2018: The Winter Solstice.

Beloved Ones,

I wish to speak to you today of Absolute Love and Absolute Compassion and the Absolute Love and Absolute Compassion that You Are In Your Truth.

You must first know that both Love and Compassion can only begin with yourself.

If you wait for another to give you the Love You Desire or show you the Compassion You Wish To Receive, you will always feel Lack in some Aspect of your Being.

You must Give The Love And Compassion You Desire To Yourself.

It follows that you can only experience genuine Love or Compassion for Another when you have first felt genuine Love and Compassion for Yourself.

How can you feel Compassion for another, if you have not seen the places within you that are Asking For Your Compassion and Loved Them Where They Needed To Be Loved; Poured The Healing Salve of Forgiveness on Yourself where it was needed?

These are the first steps in Mastering the Arts Of Self-Love And Self-Forgiveness - the prelude to the Embodiment of Absolute Love and Absolute Compassion For Self And All Beings.

When you have Loved Yourself enough to Forgive Yourself for that which you perceive as wrong or lacking in you, only then you are ready to Embrace and See another with the eyes of Love, Forgiveness and Compassion.

Prior to that you may feel pity or even sympathy for another, but not True Compassion.

True Compassion is born of Love for Another as A Being Of Light incarnated in human form as you yourself are; combined with a deep understanding of the human condition that results from the experiences you have lived and/or witnessed during your Incarnation.

This deep understanding of the human condition is what enables you to Offer Unconditional Acceptance And Unconditional Forgiveness Towards Another, as you have Accepted and Embraced Yourself - Honoring the Light You Are but not feeling ashamed of any lingering Shadow Aspects: You Know their Purpose: To be your Teacher and guide you as you Navigate the Lessons you came to learn in this lifetime. To show you where you still need to move into a Greater Embodiment of the Eternal Light, Love, Joy, Pecae and Compassion That You Are at the Center of the Core of Your Being.

To feel the kind of True Compassion for another in which you Honor the Light That They Are And Honor The Journey They Are On without wanting to change it in any way, first you must have felt a depth of Love and Compassion for Yourself and Your Own Journey; seen that even though at times you have felt like you were not on your Right Path, everything in your Life has led to this Sacred Moment Of Now Which Is Perfect In And Of Itself.

This is True Compassion - when you can Hold Another In Light wherever they are on their Journey; and be a background Presence of Unconditional Love and Compassion that is always there for them to turn to if they so wish, in order that you may help them to Remember The Light, The Love And The Joy That They Are And See And Value This In Themself.

And now to speak of Absolute and Unconditional Love for Self and All Others.

This is what you are all aiming to return to during your Incarnation - that you may experience yourself while Incarnated in a Physical Body as The Absolute Light And Absolute Love That You Are.

In order to Embody Complete and Unconditional Love For Self, you must Accept all the parts of Yourself that you have disliked and/or felt to be lacking in the past.

You can only do this by being the Embodiment of Self-Compassion.

So you see that in many ways Love and Compassion are One And The Same thing.

Compassion is born of Love:

Compassion -Is- Love.

To Be Compassion Is To Be Love.

To Be Love Is To Be Compassion.

To Be The Embodiment Of Absolute Love In The World Is To Be Absolute Compassion Towards Yourself And All Other Beings.

It is I, The Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Quan Yin Of Absolute Light.

Transcribed by Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe To The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.