Channeled Message From The Elohim Council, June 26, 2023.

Dear Beloved HuMans,

We Are So Honored To Be Serving With You In The Advancement & Uplifting Of Human Consciousness At This Time.

How Brilliant, How Beautiful Is The Light That Radiates From The Mind & Heart Aligned With The Krystos Consciousness.

The Light Of The ONENESS That You Are Radiates From Within - Lighting Up The Entire COSMOS With Its Power & Purity.

You Have No Idea How Powerful You Are.

It Is Time For You Now To All Activate More Of This As You Return To A Higher Expression Of Your TRUTH As GODLIGHTLOVE Here In The Earth Plane - Here For The Very Specific Purpose Of Helping Others To Activate More Of Their Own Re-Membering Within.

This Is The Task You Came Here For & THIS IS THE TIME.

This Is No Time For Hesitation.

Step Out In Alignment With Your Higher Guidance Now.

It Is Important That You Both Do This - & Come Together To Support Each Other.

We have so much Love & Honor for You - You Have Traversed So Much In So Many LifeTimes To Be Here To The Extent That You Have Everything You Need WITHIN.

Trust Your Guidance Dear One - but seek out ways to confirm - asking for Clear Signs to be Given To You when you are not confident.

This Is No Time To Stay On The Bench.

It Is Your Time To Honor The Sacred Role For Which You Came.

So Much Help & Support Is Here For You At This Time.

You Are Not Alone In This Unfolding Of The DIVINE COSMIC PLAN In Your Realms.

Take Strength & Positively-Activated Hope From This Message Dear Ones.

You Are So Near The Completion Of That For Which You Came - & Can Now Take It To A Higher Level Than Projected Both For GAIA & For Your Individual Soul.

Do Not Let Your Own Hesitation Or Lack Of Confidence Or The Negative Reactions Of Others Deter You From Sharing The LIGHT, the LOVE, The Divinely-Aligned ACTIONS That You Came Here To Bring Forth.

You Are Here For This Time - It Is For What You Have Remained In The Cosmic Cycle Of Consciousness & Chosen To Come Into LifeTime After LifeTime In The Earth Plane - All Leading To This Moment NOW.

Keep Straight & True On Your Path.

Ask For Help & Support From Those Around You When Needed.

We Love, Honor & Thank You For Your Presence In The Earth Realms At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Elohim Of Absolute Light.

Elohim Channeled Message