Channeled Message From The Totem Energy Of Hawk, January 24, 2022.

Dear Beloved Ones With Legs Who Walk Upon The Earth,

From where you are, you do not have the same perspective as we who are able to glide above.

You see yourself as isolated communities or individuals, but we see the patterns and networks amongst you and that you are one body of the living Earth, one expression of LifeForce here on the Planet at this time.

You are so much more connected to each other than you know.

You are so much more Expansive than you know.

You see yourself only in your limitations - but now is the Time for these to be Released.

For it is time for all the Beings of the Planet to Ascend - and you are the Ones who have Chosen to be here and to Engage with this process.

So we ask you to Actively Engage with the Ascension Process now - letting yourself make this a major priority in your life.

This is what is being called forth from you now - this entirely new perception of who you are, your possibility both as Individuals and as a Collective - and your commitment to this Unfolding of your Highest Potential Now.

Fly above the perspective of self you have thus far held.

It holds remnants of the old paradigm and the ways you have been taught to think & perceive - despite all the work you have done on Transforming YourSelf in Alignment with the New.

It is time now to Surrender to the process of Ascension that is Unfolding in these Realms and to let yourself become one with this on a Cellular level.

Invite this in now - affirming: I am ready to engage in my Ascension Process Now with a commitment to being the Embodiment of All That I Came Here To Be And To Know MySelf As In These Times.

Ask your Higher Self to Reveal to you what it is you need to do each day to be Aligned with this Higher TimeLine and - above all - love yourselves through this process, for from here the Energy is going up in Frequency and Intensity and you will need to allow your Physical Bodies lots of time to Rest & Integrate.

Holding you in Love and in Honor for the Paths you have Chosen to Walk.

It Is I, The Totem Energy Of Hawk.