Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Message from The Lion's Gate Portal, August 6, 2023.

It Is I, The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Portal To Speak With You At This Time,

Be Still, Dear Ones.

Be Quiet.

Take Time For Solitude Or To Be With Nature.

Feel The Presence - The Momentousness - Of This Moment.

All Is Paused As You Are Balanced On The Cusp Between One Era & Another.

Know That More Light, More Love Are To Flow Into The Planet In The Following Weeks & Months, Transforming Human Consciousness.

This Is What You Were Born Into This LifeTime For.

It Is Your Divine BirthRight To Receive This & To Be Raised Into A Higher Alignment With The Energy Of The New Earth.

This Time - Long Awaited - Is Here Now.

Take Pause - Witness: Let The Significance Of This Moment Fill You.

It Is I, The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Portal, 2023.