Channeled Message from The Lion's Gate Portal, August 6, 2023.

It Is I, The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Portal To Speak With You At This Time,

Be Still, Dear Ones.

Be Quiet.

Take Time For Solitude Or To Be With Nature.

Feel The Presence - The Momentousness - Of This Moment.

All Is Paused As You Are Balanced On The Cusp Between One Era & Another.

Know That More Light, More Love Are To Flow Into The Planet In The Following Weeks & Months, Transforming Human Consciousness.

This Is What You Were Born Into This LifeTime For.

It Is Your Divine BirthRight To Receive This & To Be Raised Into A Higher Alignment With The Energy Of The New Earth.

This Time - Long Awaited - Is Here Now.

Take Pause - Witness: Let The Significance Of This Moment Fill You.

It Is I, The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Portal, 2023.

Channeled Messages from The Lion's Gate Portal, July 17, 2023.

It Is I, The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Portal To Speak With You At This Time As Your Earth Plane Moves Towards The Tremendous Energetic Event That Is The Lion’s Gate Portal.

I Want You To Know That The Energy Of This Portal Is Already Penetrating The Planet & Is Profuse In Nature & Also In The Physical Bodies Of Those Who Are Working On Integrating The LightCodes Received From The Central Galactic Sun.

The Energy Of My Portal This Year Is To Be Even More Transformative Than Usual Because Of The Nature Of The Times In Which You Find YourSelves In.

There Are Several Themes That You Are Being Asked To Integrate At This Time -

The First Is - Being In Integrity With Your Own Higher Guidance -> Whether That Be Your Heart, Your Higher Self Or Your Guide Team, Rather Than Following What Everyone Else Is Doing Or What You Have Always Done.

Of Equal Importance - Love YourSelf First -> But Honor Others As You Would Wish To Be Honored By Them.

Other Important Themes For This Time Include ->





The More You Develop In Each Of These Area The More Your Energy Will Expand & You Will Be Able To Share Your Gifts Still More Powerfully In The World.

As To The Actual 8:8 -

The Energy Is To Be Intense As You Move Through The GateWay - So Intense That Some Of You Will Feel YourSelves Knocked Out By It.

It Is Important That You Give YourSelf Time To Rest & Integrate This Energy In The Way That Is Highest Aligned With You - Without Having Concern For If You Are Doing Enough In The Physical Spheres In Which You Move.

One Of My Main Concerns In Connecting With You Today Is So That I May Give You A Foretaste Of This Energy.

Please Look At The Picture With This Message On The Day That You Receive It & Say - ‘I Open To The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Now.’

Another Concern Is To Prepare You For What Is To Come.

It has Been Decreed That Great Change Is To Occur On The Planet.

This Is Inevitable.

Be Aware Of This & Align YourSelf With The Energy Of What Is To Come.

Take Time To Feel The JOY & Celebration Of This Great Time Of Transformation - It Has Been Worked For For LifeTimes By Many Of You.

Don’t Let This Time Pass You By Without Pausing To Feel The Immensity Of This The Moment You Are Living In.

It Is Unparalleled In The History Of The Earth.

We Have Great Love For You. We Are Here Only To Support You.

When Changes Come & - As Some Of You May - You Start To Feel Unsettled, Remember This: There Is A Divine Plan & It Is Playing Out To The Letter For The Higher Good Of All In The Earth Plane Now.

Unparalleled Transformation Is Underfoot On The Planet.

Observe. Notice. Celebrate. Rejoice.

It Is Time For The Ways That The Ancient Ones Have Preserved To Be Honored & For Human + Human - Human + Nature - To Honor Each Other Once Again.

It Is I, The Energy Of The Lion’s Gate Portal, 2023.