Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Messages & Ascension Activations From Buddha, Yeshua & Metatron May 9, 2023.

Dear Beloved Earth Beings,

We Are So Grateful To Be Here Greeting You In This Space This Day At The Start Of The New Era On your Planet.

From Yeshua -

This Era Is Calling You Into A Higher Expression Of Self On All Levels.

You Are Being Asked To Dive More Fully Into The Embodiment Of The Aspects & Attributes Of Your Higher Self - Compassion, Love, Adherence To Truth, Adherence To Justice, Aligning With The Best & Highest Version Of Your Self.

Being This Highest Version Of Self Is Not Always An Easy Choice.

It Requires You To Be Deeply In Integrity.

But It Is What These Times Are Calling For Humanity To Expand Into.

Will You Make The Transition Into Greater Alignment With The Energy Of These Times Rapidly By Making The Choice To Be Conscious About Being In Integrity In All Your Actions, Behaviours & Words? Or, Will You Cling To Past Behaviors & Ways Of Expressing That No Longer Serve And That Are Not Aligned With The Highest TimeLine Now Unfolding For You As A Collective Of Souls On The Earth?

It Is Your CHOICE - Each Of You Is Choosing Which Of These Paths You Will Serve.

I Activate You Into A Higher Embodiment Of The CHRISTED CONSCIOUSNESS Now.

It Is I Yeshua, Of Absolute Light.

From Metatron -

It Is I, Metatron.

Dear Beloved Children - I Wish To Commend Those Of You Reading This On Your Embodiment Of Light & On How Much You Have TRANSMUTED.

The Divine Plan Is Unfolding In These Realms Now.

You Are Part Of This.

It Is What Your Soul Came Here For.

The More You Transform Personally, the Greater Service You Can Be To The Whole.

It Is Your Time In This LifeTime To Let Go Of LifeTimes Of Karmic Patterns & To Embody LIGHT & Divinity Of Being.

I Activate You Further In The Embodiment Of The CRYSTALLINE LIGHTBODY Now.


From Buddha -

Sweet Beloveds,

There Is So Much Love For You In My Heart.

How Expansive Is The LIGHT You Embody, The Light You Hold.

You ARE The LightBearers On Behalf Of GAIA & HuManity At This Time.

This Is The Sacred Role For Which You Came.

It Is Time Now To Step Into A Greater Embodiment Of Your Purpose.

Over the Next Year, much will be Given to You in relation to this.

It Is Important That You Align With The Highest Expression Of Self So That You Can Be In The Receiving Of The Highest Activation Of Your Gifts.

Where Are You Not In Integrity In Your Actions?

Where Are You Not In Integrity In Your Words?

We Ask You Clearly To RELEASE These Things Now.

Much Is To Be Accomplished In The Laying Of The Foundations Of The New Earth In The Next 8 - 36 Months.

In Order That You May Play An Active Role In This, Now Is The Time To Let Go Of People, Situations, Behaviours, Beliefs, Thought Patterns, Actions & More That Are Not Aligned With The Clear Pristine Crystalline Energy Of The New Earth.

There Is Such Love In My Heart For Each Of You - Especially Those Of You Who Are Yet Far From Doing This.

This Is The Journey For Which You Came.

This Is The Next Level Of Being That You Choose To Be A Leader In The Embodiment Of.

Put On The Golden Energy Of The Christed Self & Let This Support You In Easily & Effortlessly Aligning With A Truer Sense Of Who You Are.

And Let Me Tell You That You Are Love - And You Are Also Love’s Purpose Here.

As You Step Into A Higher Embodiment Of Active Love, Then Much More Will Be Given To You & Your Purpose Will Be Activated In You To A Very High Level.

Let This Be So.

You Are The People Who Have Chosen To Be Part Of This Role Of Ushering In The New Era Of Light.

You Can Do This.

It Is For What You Came.

I Activate You Now Into A Higher Embodiment Of The Expanded Heart Presence.

I Love You. Always Remember This Love The Cosmos Has For You.

It Is I, Buddha.

It Is We. It Is Us, METATRON, BUDDHA & YESHUA Of Absolute Light.