Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Message From The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA, May 19, 2024.

Beautiful Human Ones,

We Inhabit This Earth At The Same Time As You - And Some Of You Are Walking In The Same Frequency Band As Us As You Activate More & More Of Your Truth.

There Is So Much That We Wish To Share With You, But Here We Will Do Our Best To Be Brief.

You As HuMans Still Have Much To Learn About Having Relationships In Which Each Supports The Others Around It.

You May Manage This In Your Smaller Groups Or ‘Family-Units’ - But Not Often On A Larger Scale.

We See So Much Ruthless & Divisive Competition In The Way You’re Encouraged To Be In The World.

This Is Not Supporting You In Aligning With The Frequency Of NEW EARTH GAIA - Which Is About Love, Joy, Beauty - And The Greater Good Of The WHOLE.

Which Means That Sometimes Your Own Personal Desires - & Even Needs - Should Be Submitted To The Greater Good Of The Whole - That Is If You Truly Wish To Align With The Divine Plan For This Time.

In This Community, We See This To Be Especially Prevalent Where You Are Either Taking Up Too Much - Or Too Little - Space.

Ask YourSelf - Is There An Ego Voice That Prevents You From Giving That Soul-Aligned Friend The ‘Leg-Up’ They Need?

On The Other Side, Is There Anywhere You’re Not Stepping Forward Where You Could Really Shine Your Light & Do Great Good In Alignment With The Values & Practices Of The New Earth - & Yet You Hesitate Because Either You Don’t Really Feel Ready - Or Even You Know It Will Take Away From Your Own Personal Time, Pursuits & Desires?

We Have Learned To Balance Our Own Good With The Good Of The Whole.

It Serves Our Tree Communities Well.

We Hope You HuMans Can Also Learn This So You Can Move More Quickly Into The Full Alignment With The Ascended GAIA Realms That Is Being Asked Of Those Who Choose To Stay Now.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA.