From The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light, December 11, 2018.
/Beloved Ones,
It is with joy in my heart and gladness in my smile that I greet you this day.
This is true whenever you are reading this Message, for I am always glad of the chance to communicate with One Of You who is Incarnated on the Earth Plane. I am grateful Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe of The Archangels Of Absolute Light, for making this possible this day.
I speak to you with Gladness And Joy as the End Of Your Year approaches. This has been a tremendous year of Evolution and Growth and evolution.
Those of you who feel that you have not seen as much Growth and Evolution this year as others, do not be discouraged. Each of you experiences both times of Growth And Evolution and times that are a Sacred Pause allowing you to Integrate. Always, much is going on under the surface.
As the end of the year approaches, put your focus on all that you have learned, grown into and Become.
Do not focus on unfinished projects, or things that you feel you might have done better.
None of this matters.
When you are Embodied in the Physical World, it is impossible for things to Complete.
There is always more to Expand Into And Become.
I wish you to offer yourself Complete And Unconditional Forgiveness for everything you feel is not Complete; all those places you feel you have not been or done enough this year.
This Message is also an Activation which will support you in this.
Invite the Complete And Absolute Love That You Are to encompass yourself as well as others.
Then shift your focus to all you have achieved this year with a Joyful Air Of Celebration.
This may be something as large as launching a new Website, getting married, or having your firstborn child. Or it may be something as everyday as getting out of bed each morning this week. Perhaps you challenegd yourself to do something that took you out of your comfort zone. Congratulate yourself on that as well.
What matters is that you were willing and you put action to this and tried.
As you think ahead to 2019, put your focus on your hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.
2019 is to be a tremendous year too, with lots more Change, Growth And Evolution For You.
Think of the things that you want to actualize in 2019 as being a Certainty In Your Life - Ready to come to you; Waiting For You Just As You Are Waiting For Them.
Be in an Attitude of Joyful Anticipation Of What Is To Come.
Take time at the End of this Year of Magnificent Growth And Evolution to be with yourself; to be with family and friends; and to be with others you love, including your Animal Companions.
This is the way to celebrate All That You Have Become.
By Being The Love That You Are.
By Being The Love That You Are Constantly Growing And Expanding Into A Deeper And Higher Embodiment Of.
Do this in your Interactions With YourSelf, as well as in your Interactions With Others.
It is I, The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light.
Channeled by Scribe of the Archangels Of Absolute Light, Julia Greef, Sacred Practitioner of Absolute Light.