Channeled Message From The Grandmothers Of The Ascended Earth, June 5, 2023.

Dear Sweet Beautiful Children on the Face of The Earth,

We are so happy to connect with you in this space and to commend you on the Transformations that have taken place within your Hearts that have led to great Transformations within who you are being in the World, and also in the Energy that you Embody.

For, as you know Dear Ones, the HEART is Key to this Ascension Process You Are Now Undergoing.

So many people are under the misconception that it is all about Opening Up the Third Eye & more of your Spiritual Gifts - which is also important. But the Love, Peace, Joy & Integrity of the Heart are of foremost Importance & Must Come First.

You, Dear Ones, who Align with what this channel has to share the most, you understand this - and for this we thank you.

For YOU are the Beautiful Gift the World Needs At This Transformational Time.

Share with others the importance of developing a closer relationship to their own heart space - as well as the many gifts that Arise from the closer relationship that you have with yours - making you like an overflowing fountain of generous giving unto the World.

Thank you 🙏

What you do is Seen & Recognized & Honored by Us - and we wish you to know that it does not go unnoticed or unseen.

With Honor & Love for the Light You Are And Sending You Now Waterfalls Of Light To Support You In Your Ascension Process.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Grandmothers Of The Ascended Earth.

Grandmothers Channeled Message