From Archangel Metatron, April 19, 2018.

Greetings beloved ones,

It is with great joy that I welcome you to this space. I have been absent from this space for a while, and I regret the interruption to our communication, for this is one which brings great joy to me.

I am happy to see that this community is growing, and to see you look forward to the messages with eager hearts. The messages work on you in more ways than you know. It is not just the content of what is written, but the energies with which they are infused which gives them such a powerful pull on you.

Your Soul feels the pull of these energies and Lightcodes, for you Soul is always looking to evolve into more of your Light.

The codes that are embedded in these messages will help you to do just that, with a great deal more ease and grace than you are able to achieve on your own.

You do not have to do anything to receive these Lightcodes, but the more your heart is open the more you are able to integrate them. In future before you read the messages on this page, I suggest that you set your Intention to have an open heart which is ready to receive.

This will help you integrate the Lightcodes in the best possible way, the way which serves your Highest Good and Timeline, and also with swiftness, Ease and Grace.

It is I the Archangel Metatron. With the willingness of your heart and your great desire to transform and evolve into more of your Soul's beauty I am well-pleased.