Channeled Message from Yeshua, Quan Yin & The Two Marys, March 20, 2023.

Beloveds In This Realm,

We are so pleased to Connect With You Here & tell you of the Great Acceleration that is now Underway in your Earth Plane with regards to the Awakening & Ascension TimeLine, as more and more of you Come into the Embodiment of the Light That You Came To This Earth At This Time To Discover YourSelf As.

That which has Shifted for you in the past 5-10 years is tremendous - but it is Nothing Compared To That Which Will Shift For You In The Next 6-8 Months.

It is Time to Fully Align with the Soul Path That Is Calling You Forth From This Place.

Where Are You Being Asked To Be Truer To Self?

What Are You Being Asked To Release?

What Are Your Next Steps Going Forward?

Ask Your Higher Self for Guidance regarding these things, and Listen to the Answers That Will Flow into your Perceptive Field Attentively.

All is to Shift and Change in the next few years.

To some it will feel like a time of great Upheaval.

Others Will Ride These Times With Ease & Grace - Conscious In The KNOWING That They (You) Are Aligned With Your Soul’s Highest Path At This Time.

Set Your Intention At The Start Of Each Day For How You Want To Experience YourSelf.

Do You Want To Be In The Experience Of Self As Love? As Peace? As Truth? As Nurtured? As Rested? As Joyful?

You can Align with All of These Things And MORE as you Move through your Day Constantly Centering YourSelf In Your HEARTSpace.

Do not forget to partake in Spiritual Community At This Time.

Seek out others who can Support you on Your Path.

Each of us benefitted Greatly from Spiritual Community and Teachings Handed To us From Those Who Were Already Walking The Path Of A Truth-Aligned Life.

Choose Your Community Wisely as one that permits you to be in the Highest Expression of Self in the way that is True For YOUR Soul - rather than asking you to adhere to old dogma.

You are not alone in this Upleveling.

Many of you are Experiencing similar Influxes of Light Energy into Your Cells to Support the Integration of the LightBody At This Time.

Let yourself be Lifted Up by the Community that you choose.

Feel YourSelf Welcomed By GAIA Into The REALMS OF THE NEW EARTH - where all is Love - Creations Created In Love And Joy For The Purpose Of Spreading More Love, Consciousness, Joy & Peace amongst those you walk with and call Mankind.

You have been Annointed.
Your Mission At This Time is To Serve.

Look back and remember how far you have come -
See the Transformation In Self so you can believe in the Possibility of Such Great Transformation in Multiple Others Around You.

Let yourself feel Pride in your Journey.

Let YourSelf Feel & See The Brightness of Light You Are Becoming - For Self & For Others Around You.

Let YourSelf Know That The Next Stage Of Your Transformation Is Already In Place - Ready For You To Step Into.

For some, this step will need to be one so colossal in size that you will feel sure that you can’t do it - But We Say: Never To Worry - YOU CAN.

The next Stage of your Embodiment is What You Were Born For - Each Is Being Aligned With Their Pre-Birth’s Soul’s Highest Desires For Love & For Freedom.

Consider Each Choice From This Perspective - How Does It Align With More Of The Divine LoveLight That You Came Here To Know YourSelf As?

Thank you for Interacting With Our Message This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us - Quan Yin, Yeshua, Mary Mother Of Yeshua & Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Ascended Masters Of The Yeshua Line