Lion's Gate Portal Message From The Beings Of Absolute Light, August 2, 2021.

Lions Gate Portal

Welcome To The Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Energy Coming Into The Planet At This Time Is Highly Supportive Of LightWorkers, WayShowers, Frequency Holders & Ascension Catalysts & Guides Aligning With Our Next Highest TimeLine.

There is nothing you Need to do to Receive this Energy - but the more time you make to be Grounded in your Body, in Nature, Connected to Your Essence; the easier it will be for the Energy to Integrate into Your Cells.

You can also Support this process by drinking more pure water than usual.

There is much that will change in the Upcoming Months.

The Earth Plane will be unrecognizable in some ways - as early as the end of this year.

It Is Time For Change - Change In The Direction Of What Is Aligned With The Greater Good For The Whole.

We are in a period of profound Transformation & Transition.

New Earth is being Grounded into our Physical Reality as we Enter this important Lion’s Gate Portal.

This is made possible because of the High Frequency of Light that we in the Earth Plane have been able to Hold & Embody - and we are honored and thanked for this.

The Beings Of Absolute Light say that the Energy Incoming Into Our Planet & Our Human Bodies from The Central Galactic Sun is to UpShift Still Higher as we move through the Lion’s Gate 8:8 Portal, which is already Open.

They ask that we take care of our Physical Vessels.

It is also essential At This Time that we Infuse our Energetic Bodies with the Maximum Amount of Light possible to Support Us in Navigating this Transition Time with Ease & Grace.

As This Increased Amount of Amplified Light Energy Comes In from The Central Galactic Sun our Number One Priority is to be Looking After our own Physical Body & Energy System.

This could look like -

  • Distancing YourSelf from Negative Energies (people, groups, spaces, communities and etc.) and what is no longer working

  • Taking more time for Rest

  • Taking more time for Meditation and Breathing Practices and other practices that Align you with Your 5D And Above Consciousness and State of Being

  • Taking more time to be in Nature - whose own Activated LightCodes Greatly Support Us in Integrating The Quantum Light Received from The Central Galactic Sun.

It could look very different for everyone - so there is no need to feel that you are not doing it in the right way if you notice that it is unfolding differently for the people around you.

Do what you need to do so that you can Integrate this Energy smoothly, making this your top priority now.

Much is being given to you for it is time for your Planet to Transform.

This has been Decreed by Source Light.

And It Is So.

From The Beings Of Absolute Light, August 2, 2021.