The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light, March 8, 2021.

Dear beautiful Brothers and Sisters of Light,

My heart is full of Great Joy as I Greet You in this space this day.

You, My Dear Ones, Are Elevating & Lifting The Planet Into The Higher Path Of Humanity's Ascension and Evolution to a Far Higher Degree than you Realize.

You must Trust that It Is So for the timebeing, for I know there is little of evidence for many of you to see presenting in the External World right now.

And yet - the Schumann Resonance is changing.

Permanent changes are being made in the Frequency of Light that you are able to Receive and Integrate into Your Cells while you are Incarnated in these Physical Bodies in which you find yourselves.

You yourselves are Aligning with your Higher Self's Perspective with far Greater Ease and Grace than in previous moments of this LifeTime in which you faced confusion, chaos, fear, loss and grief.

In short, you are your own Transformation.

When you look back on yourself at this point in years to come, you will hardly recognize yourself.

What I mean to say by this, Dear Ones, is that this is only the Beginning for you in this Great Transformation that is Now Unfolding on an Accelerated TimeLIne in your Earth Realm.

There is much that will be Revealed to you Going Forward that you do not know now. Then you will understand more of Who You Are in Your Divine Truth and How You - Specifically - have Come Here To Serve.

But For Now - You - Each Of You - must TRUST.

Trust in The Divine Light of God To Carry You Through These Times Safely to the Other Side.

Trust in the Divine Light of Your Soul To Guide You in the Path That Is Highest Aligned For You.

Trust in YourSelf To Be Able To Successfully Enact & Complete What Is Asked Of You by your Higher Self and your LightTeam.

This is the Sacred Purpose for which you have come.

It is Good.

All is Good.

Where you are is perfect - even if you have no clear or aligned path to follow at this time.

Simply Be With YourSelf in Your Aligned State of Beingness.

Allow YourSelf to Activate this Space Within You & Come To Sit in this Energy of the Divine Selfhood often.

It is your Greatest Gift to the World.

It is your Greatest Gift to Self.

It is That Which Is Your DIVINE SELFHOOD and all That You Came Here To Embody At This Time.

Be Strong, Dear Ones.

Be Brave.

Be Honest with YourSelf about what it is you want to Align With and then Move Towards that.

You have Everything You Need.

You ARE Everything You Need.

You Are The Essence Of Divine Creator God In Human Form - you get to Choose What It Is You Create.

It is Time for You to Step Into Your Power Now.

Look at this image for 5 seconds, then say 'thank you' once aloud. It is an Activation of Your Lion's Heart of Courage for Aligning with Your Soul Purpose.

With Honor & Respect for each of you and the Journey You have Undertaken as a Divine Soul in this your Current Incarnation.

Honoring You.

Honoring your Journey.

It Is I, The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light.

Archnagel Raphael Channeled Message Mar 2021