Equinox Message From Metatron & Melchizedek, September 22, 2021.


Beautiful Light-Filled Beloveds,

As the Equinox Approaches, we can see that there is great disparity in your Realms between those who are already Accessing the Higher Consciousness and the Higher Light that is Coming Into Your Planet in Great Force At This Time - and those who are still ‘asleep’ and are yet to Awaken to their True Self and their Greater Potential as a MultiDimensional Being.

As many of you know, the Equinox symbolizes a time of Perfect Balance - a time when All is Brought Into Harmony Within and Without.

We ask you at this time to Hold this Intention of Balance in Your Earth Plane - of Opposing Forces being brought into Harmony and Peace; and that All may be Lifted by the Higher Light and Higher Consciousness so that there is no longer this Divide that is observed.

We wish to Honor Each Of You for Sharing and Holding the Light in the world - it is thanks to the Great Work that you have done and are dong that darkness is unable to hold a grip that will last for long in your Realms.

Keep sending Light and Love Energy into the Grids.

It Is ESSENTIAL That You Remain In TRUST & In Your MASTERY At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Archangel Metatron And Melchizedek Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message - Metatron, Melchizedek