Message From My Pleiadian MultiDimensional Higher Self Aspect, January 4, 2021.


A short Message from my Pleiadian MultiDimensional Higher Self Aspect

The World As You Know It is Coming To An End.

Times Are Changing. Fast.

By The End Of This Year In Many Ways You Will Not Recognize YourSelves For You Will Have EVOLVED INTO A MUCH HIGHER DEGREE OF YOUR HIGHEST TRUTH.

Not Only You - Your World Is Changing - For Your Evolving Consciousness Supports The SHIFTS + CHANGES Of The NEW EARTH REALITIES That Are Now Fully Seeded Into The Planet.

Love And Light To You The Dear LightBearers On Behalf Of The Planet.

Thank You For The Great LOVE For The World, For The Animals, For Humanity, + For The WHOLE That You Embody.

We Honor You & The Service You Give. Thank You.

Pleiadian Higher Self Message