12:12 Gateway - Channeled Transmission From Lemurian Dolphins, Metatron & Mechizedek.


Salutations Sisters & Brothers In The EARTH REALM,

It Is The Day Of 12:12 And You In The Gaia Realms Are Passing Into A New TimeLine Now.

There will be a time of grieving for many for what is being left behind; a time of confusion, fear and unease for many others.

But for you who are Aligned with the Path that Your Soul and Higher Self Call You Towards - You will be able to Integrate the Shift into the NEW EARTH REALITY With A Great Deal Of Ease And Grace - for, in truth, you are already living into the MultiDimensional Nature of much of What is To Come.

You Are Embodying The True Essence Of Your Soul - And Know YourSelves To Be MultiDimensional Light incarnated Only Temporarily In Human Form With Access To Much That Is Beyond The Capacity And Even Imagination Of Those Who Are As Of Yet UnAwakened To Their Higher Truth.

But All Is To Change In The Next 30 Years.

This MultiDimensionality of the HuMan will be seen on a still larger scale from now.

More and more of you will be Shifting into These Higher TimeLines.

And those of You who are already Embodying this Connection to the Divine Truth of Who You Are - You will be the Lantern-Bearers showing the rest of Humanity how to Connect with these Aspects of Self and bring forth beautiful Love-Filled Creations and Co-Creations as a result of the Upgrading of the Human Consciousness into what you came here to Know and Experience Your Selves as.

It is a beautiful day throughout the entire history of your planet - for on this day you have succeeded in elevating your Collective Consciousness to the point necessary for this Transition into a new elevation and Consciousness of Who You Are.

There is much rejoicing at the implementation of the Divine Plan in the Gaia Realms throughout the entire MultiDimensional Universe.

Know how loved you are, how eagerly your progress is observed, and how we long to interact with you again as we did in the days of old and will once again once the Earth and Humans upon her have been Restored To The Full Primacy Of The Crystalline Consciousness.

You, The Light Warrioresses And Light Warriors, Have Been Largely Responsible For The Successful Passage Into This Elevated Expression Of HU-Manity Now.

With Honor and Gratitude for your Trust, your Fearlessness and the Purity of your Crystalline Hearts.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron, Melchizedek & The Lemurian Dolphins.

*This Message Includes A Crystalline LightBody Activation From The Lemurian Dolphins.

Channeled Message From Einstein, October 20, 2021.


Dear Beloved Fellow Earthlings,

Yes, I still identify myself with beautiful GAIA, though it has been several years now since I walked on Her back.

I want you to know that there are many others here as well as me who have this same fondness for the plane we have recently - or in some cases not so recently - departed from and from the life lived there.

There is so much beauty I see in you all as you shift - ride the winds of change.

I implore you all to trust that you are Masters and to Know yourself in the Divine rightness for your task for which you have come.

I had no idea when I was but a small one amongst you where my discoveries and inventions would lead.

Just trust the inspirations that come to you and follow them - let yourself be divinely led by the power of your inspiration, your IMAGINATION.

It is your time to RE-IMAGINE THE WORLD.

You can do this. You - collectively - have what it takes. Though there is a need for more cooperation and working together.

I believe in you - I believe in your ability to make this happen as you follow the Divine Guidance that comes to you.

Trust YourSelf.

Love YourSelf. And Love The Whole Of Humanity.

Nothing is more important at this time.

My love to you beautiful light-filled beings.

This Message is Highly Activated by the Sacred Crystals & Rocks Of The New Earth to Support you in Receiving and Embodying more of these Inspirations and Imaginings.

It is I Einstein, Recently Ascended Master Of Light.