From The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light, October 28, 2019.

It Is I, The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light.

Come Sit At My Feet Dear One and Bathe YourSelf In My Love For You And For All That Is.

All You Have To Do Is Be Quiet And Still And Put Your Awareness On Me.

I Am There With You.

I Am Always Present.

I Am The Life Energy Behind All Things, The Giver Of Life, The LifeForce Energy In You And In All That Is.

Feel My Love For You Dear One. Know That It Is Real. Know That It Is All That Exists Between Us - Love.

Know That Whatever Your Relationship With Your Earthly Mother, Whatever The Nature Of It, You Have Another And Eternally Loving Mother In Me.

Love Is All That Is In The Cosmos And I Am Made Of Complete And Absolute Love.

On Your Planet You Have Forgotten The Truth Of Who You Are. I Have Not. I Am Love. You Are Love. All Is Love.

I Am Here To Share My Love For You. That Is All That I Know How To Do.

Allow Yourself To Drink Deeply Of This Love Dear One, For In The Doing So You Will Heal Many Wounds And Scars That Exist In The Sacred Heart Of Self As A Result Of Thinking That You Are Not Loved And Not Lovable.

How Can You Not Be Lovable When You Are Exactly As I have Created You To Be?

You Are My child.

My Divine Perfect Divinely Perfect Child.

I Love You More Than Anything Else In The World And The Same As Everything Else In The World.

I Am Love. That Is The All That I Am.

You Are Love. That Is The All That You Are.

You As My Child Are Born Of Love - The Love The Whole Cosmos Has For You.

Allow That Love To Support, Nourish, Sustain You.

Allow It To Fill You Completely.

Allow It To Be All That You Know So That Fear And Doubt Dissolve And You Are Given The Courage To Move Forward On Your Path Boldly Knowing That You Are Supported At All Times.

You Are Love Dear One And You Are My Precious Child.

Allow Yourself To Share Of Your Self In Ways That Allow You To Share The Love That You Are.

It Is I, The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light.

From Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light, October 25, 2019.

My dearly beloved ones,

It Is I, Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light come to enjoy speaking with you in this Sacred Space today. How filled I am with gladness, how filled I am with joy - for things in your world are changing more swiftly than you can see with your own perception or even begin to know.

The number of you who have come into a Higher Embodiment of Your Light through the Sacred Work that you do on YourSelf and through reading or listening to Channeled Messages such as these and others like them and making use of other Sacred Methodologies such as Energetic Healing Techniques, Light Language and such and Integrating the Lightcodes you receive from such Transmissions Of Light is Increasing all the time.

You my dear ones are the Love and the Light that you are longing to see in the world.

Don’t you see that you are Doing it already, BEing it already? You are the ones. You are the Light.

You are the Light in a world where is much Darkness and Shadow and Great Need of the Light that you Bring.

Be The Light Dear Ones. Be The Light.

You Are the Embodiment of The New Earth.

Love yourSelf and Honor yourSelf as such.

It makes my heart sing with joy and gratitude to see you Beloved Brothers and Sisters stand in a Higher Embodiment of Light and Claim the Truth That Has Always Been Yours To Claim:

I AM Love. I AM Light.

I Am Choosing To Embody The Light That Lives Within Me and Be My Most Absolute Highest Expression Of Self In Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

What Joy! What Gratitude!

What Beauty to Behold.

You are Transforming the World as Each Of You Is Transformed.

Oh my dear and beloved Brothers and Sisters how filled my heart is with joy at the sight of you, how the tears would overflow with gratitude if I was still Embodied in human form.

It Is Happening.

It is a Real Thing.

The Divine Feminine is Rising and you are One With She.

Embody Your Light Dear One.

Embody the Magic of Who You Uniquely Are.

You Are Love. You Are Light. You Are Beautiful.

The Divinity Of Self And The Divinity Of The Cosmos All Is One.

It Is I, Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light.

From The Goddess Isis Of Absolute Light, September 16, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I, The Goddess Isis Of Absolute Light.

I am overjoyed to be able to Connect with you in this space.

It is my first time to Connect with you here and I am one of the Embodiments of The Divine Feminine that you are to hear from very often for there is much that I want to say to you.

There is much that I want to share about the shifts that are taking place in you as individuals and as a planet. The shifts and changes that are taking place are all Aligned with your Most Absolute Highest Good. You are coming into Alignment With The Most Absolute Highest Timeline Available to you At This Time.

Where is this Timeline going to take you next?

It will depend on you, for all change in your life does.

It is important that you get on your own side and Align with who you want to be.

For this is the main thrust of what I wish to share with you today: Any Timeline that lies before you is only a projection until you consolidate it through your Words and your Concentrated Action.

Action is required.

Action is necessary.

You cannot come into Alignment with that which is Aligned with the Most Absolute Highest Timeline for you at this time without taking Action in Alignment with the Guidance that you Receieve.

If you feel you do not understand your Guidance, ask for it to be made Clearer to you.

It is important for you to understand this: Guidance is coming to you all the time from the Messages you receive from your Sacred Body and Sacred HeartSpace. Do not wait to hear Guidance from outside you before you dare to Act.

Act dear ones, Act; Trusting all the time that the next step will be given to you; and then the next.

There are so many possibilities open to you now. Possibilities for you to work in partnership with the Higher Realms.

Seize the day and Act.

Sometimes you think that you cannot hear your Guidance, but you know in your heart what it is that your heart is calling you to do. This is your Guidance.

It is one of the ways that we as Embodiments of Divine Source Light communicate with you.

What we mean to say that your own Soul Essence is also an Embodiment of Divine Source Light and is communicating with you all the time through your own Sacred HeartSpace.

Follow the Guidance you Receive. Discern which of it is Aligned with your Most Absolute Highest Timeline and Implement it as quickly as you can.

How do I Discern you ask. You Listen To and Trust the Communications from your own Sacred Soul Essence in your Sacred HeartSpace.

Your Knowing is not always a pleasant one. Sometimes you will Know that you need to do something that requires a great deal of courage from you. You may be scared and fearful.

Do it. Trust.

But Trust yourself also to Know the Right Timing for you to take action on this.

Stop ignoring your Guidance because you do not want to hear what it has to say.

We know that Shifts and Changes can be frightening and that many of you feel fearful in the face of them.

We are help to Help. We are here to Support you.

Ask for our Help and Assistance whenever you feel the need to so that we can truly work on your behalf.

You are here to be the Highest Embodiment of the Most Absolute Highest Soul Light That You Are in Each Moment as you walk on the Earth.

This requires Courage.

This requires Action.

Ask for the Guidance dear ones, and then Act on what you Receive.

Ask and Act in Accordance with your Soul’s Most Absolute Highest Desires and what you Know in your Heart to be Aligned with your Truth and your Most Absolute Highest Sacred Soul Purpose.

It Is I, The Goddess Isis Of Absolute Light.

From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, September 15, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

It Is I The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light. I am here with a very important Message for you today. The time is ripe.

It is time to act.

The end of this year is a very fertile time for you.

It is important that you start to act on your desires, your dreams and your goals now so that they are able to Manifest in early 2020.

2020 is going to be a huge year for many of you in which you grow into a much Higher and Brighter Embodiment of the Light That You Are in the World.

It is important that you start to prepare yourself for this now.

One way you do this is by taking baby steps each day towards that which you wish to see created in your life.

Do not allow yourself to hesitate or be put off by what feels like a daunting task. Keep your sight focused on each next step that you need to take and you will find that you are shown your way inevitably and easily.

That you are able to create your path with a great deal of Ease and Grace.

This is the essence of my Message to you today:
Do not wait.
Do not hesitate.
Start to move on what it is that you want to create.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, August 30, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

It is with great tenderness and joy in my heart that I speak to you this day, for I see how much effort you have been putting into all your various tasks in the Physical World, and yet despite this how under-appreciated you are feeling at times. So I am here to reassure you that you are being seen and to commend you for your efforts.

I wish you to know that you are seen.

And just as it feels like a great Gift to you to be seen; so I wish you to give this Gift to others.

Oh believe this dear one, we in the Heavenly Realms See you.

We know how much effort you are putting into everything you do and we are greatly impressed with your dedication and your willingness to Serve. At the same time we wish you to create a great life both for yourself and for those who are close to you.

Take the time to do the things you love and spend time with those who lift you up. Have more fun.

Allow yourself to let your hair down. Let all your worries and cares go from time to time. Forget that you have responsibilities and things that need to be taken care of and let yourself play and Live in the Moment. Allow yourself to feel free of all cares and responsibilities for at least an hour a day.

Give yourself time to just Be. To Engage with whatever arises in the Moment in ways that give you Joy. Do what is Nourishing and Uplifting for you.

This is the way to live a truly rich life.

Your Abundance is less a matter of what you earn, and more a matter of the amount of Richness and Abundance of All Good Things you allow yourself to experience in your day-to-day experience of your Life.

Be in the Present Moment. LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.

Do that which Lifts you Up and fills your Heart with Joy. Be with the ones you Love.

Spend time with people who Lift you Up and try to do the same for them.

There is nothing more important in these times which are heavy and downcast for many. Seek out companionship that Lifts You Up and helps you to know your self as The Truth That You Are.

Be the Light for yourself by taking the time to do the things that you love. Then you may more easily be the Light in all your relationships and for those who are close to you.

This is my Message for you today.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.