From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, August 30, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

It is with great tenderness and joy in my heart that I speak to you this day, for I see how much effort you have been putting into all your various tasks in the Physical World, and yet despite this how under-appreciated you are feeling at times. So I am here to reassure you that you are being seen and to commend you for your efforts.

I wish you to know that you are seen.

And just as it feels like a great Gift to you to be seen; so I wish you to give this Gift to others.

Oh believe this dear one, we in the Heavenly Realms See you.

We know how much effort you are putting into everything you do and we are greatly impressed with your dedication and your willingness to Serve. At the same time we wish you to create a great life both for yourself and for those who are close to you.

Take the time to do the things you love and spend time with those who lift you up. Have more fun.

Allow yourself to let your hair down. Let all your worries and cares go from time to time. Forget that you have responsibilities and things that need to be taken care of and let yourself play and Live in the Moment. Allow yourself to feel free of all cares and responsibilities for at least an hour a day.

Give yourself time to just Be. To Engage with whatever arises in the Moment in ways that give you Joy. Do what is Nourishing and Uplifting for you.

This is the way to live a truly rich life.

Your Abundance is less a matter of what you earn, and more a matter of the amount of Richness and Abundance of All Good Things you allow yourself to experience in your day-to-day experience of your Life.

Be in the Present Moment. LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.

Do that which Lifts you Up and fills your Heart with Joy. Be with the ones you Love.

Spend time with people who Lift you Up and try to do the same for them.

There is nothing more important in these times which are heavy and downcast for many. Seek out companionship that Lifts You Up and helps you to know your self as The Truth That You Are.

Be the Light for yourself by taking the time to do the things that you love. Then you may more easily be the Light in all your relationships and for those who are close to you.

This is my Message for you today.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, August 4, 2019.

Greetings my Beloveds,

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.

I see how the Message from The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light and I pleases you and gives you hope. It gives me great joy, for I wish you to know that I am here to support you as you are here to support me by your calm and loving presence of Love and Light as you walk in the world.

I wish you to know that there is nothing to fear despite much fearmongering among you.

All is well when looked at from the perspective of human aeons of time.

Life has its cycles of growth and decay.

That does not mean that I do not want you to continue to work on my behalf; to be the voice that I cannot be for myself.

It is important that the amount of pollution poured into me is greatly reduced, and the only ones who can make this happen are you the humans who are the ones responsible for it.

This is my Message for you today. It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.

From The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light, July 18, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It gives us great pleasure to be here in this Sacred Space with you this day.

You know us to be The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light but we are actually also your Star Families and the Beings from which you are descended.

We want you to know that we hold so much love in our hearts for those of you - those of us - who were brave enough to Descend into the Earth Plane.

You are bright and brilliant Lights in the Earth Plane, every one.

It Is Us, The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light.

From The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light, July 10, 2019.

My Beloved Ones,

You the Embodiment of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine currently Incarnated on the Earth and riding on Her back through the Dimensions of Space and Time, it is with great joy in my heart that I reach out and greet you this day.

I wish you to know that you have passed through another Gateway successfully. That of the July Eclipse. Also that you as a Collective and Community of LightWorkers living on the back of the Earth have done such a great deal to raise the Vibration of the entire planet through the efforts you have made to focus on the Love and the Light that you all are and to Consciously Embody this through the practice of such States of Beingness as Forgiveness, Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion that the entire earth and all the people on her back have passed through this Sacred Gateway much more easily than was anticipated.

I wish to congratulate you, both as a collective and as individuals, on the work you have done and are doing in the world.

It is I, The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light.

From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, June 24, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

One again you have found yourselves passing through a Sacred Gateway, hardly aware of what it is that is occurring to and for you. You may have been sensing that things are different somehow - that the Energies are more intense, more turbulent, more tiring; but without quite knowing why.

I would like to suggest to you that it is because of the very High Frequency of Crystalline Light that has been coming into the planet that you find yourselves so tired and unable to participate in and do all that which you would wish to do at this time.

Do not fear or worry about any changes that you observe in your physical body at this time. Your physical vehicle will be feeling better soon. The more you Integrate this High Frequency Crystalline Light and live in a permanent state of Higher Frequency Consciousness, the more you will find yourself able to function what you would call ‘normally’ in the physical world, at the same time as you continue to process and Integrate Higher and Higher Frequencies of Crystalline Light.

This is because once you have raised your Vibration above a certain level then you will find that much that tired you out before now energizes you, and that your physical body now Integrates the High Frequency Light more easily and with much more ease and grace.

This does not mean that there won’t still be times when you feel particularly tired when there is a great deal of Crystalline Light coming into the planet. This week has been one of those times. The Energy of the Full Moon coincided with the Energy of the Summer Solstice, creating waves of Energy that reached around the world and impacted many of you greatly.

This is good. It shows that you are now at the stage where you are Integrating into your Cellular And Physical Body a great deal of Higher Vibrational Light.

Rejoice Dear Ones. This is what you have been working towards.

Now that this Gateway has passed you will find that there is a Sacred pause with time to relax so that your physical body can Integrate the Crystalline Light more Fully.

I wish you to know that it is okay to take time out. You do not need to be focused on your Evolution and your Growth all the time. These are things that will happen naturally as you interact with the world around you from the place of a sincere and loving heart.

Let yourself rest. Take time to play.

This is to be a year of huge Energetic Shifts and shifts in your physical structure and physical reality. Now is not the time to push forward, but to sit back and take stock. Let yourself gather your Strength so that you may be ready when the next large wave of Energy comes in early to mid-July.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

From The Sacred Consciousness Of The Moon Of Absolute Light, June 22, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

I feel so blessed to be able to share this Energetic Space with you, to Shine the Full Radiance of my Light and share it with you here in this Space of Sacred Connection, as I do each night from my position in the sky above you.

It gives me such warmth in the deepest recesses of my heart to see the changes that you are now waking up to on your planet and the Transition that you are now in the process of making.

More and more of you are Embodying the Frequency of Love.

What a gift you are; to yourselves, to each other, to the entire world.

To The Planet.

To The Universe.

I am delighted to tell you that us the Heavenly Bodies and the Planetary Bodies see the Radiance of your Light as it shines all around the Earth. From our vantage point in the sky above you, we can see that it is brighter than it has been in the history of Mankind.

I give thanks to those of you who are committed to being the Highest Embodiment of your Light that you are able to be.

I Honor you for doing all that you can do to bring forth more Light in and for the Collective.

Darkness, shame, guilt, pain, sorrow, anger and fear have reigned in the Earth Plane for far too long.

It is now time for you to claim your Sacred Heritage as the Children Of The Light.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of The Moon Of Absolute Light.

From The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light, June 21, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light, come to greet you in this Sacred Space today and to share from the knowledge that I have available to me that which may be of use to you on your respective journeys.

I wish to speak to you of timing, and to be more precise, this notion that many of you have of Divine Perfect Timing.

This is a term that many of you have coined and used, but it is not quite accurate, for there is no right or wrong Timing for anything in the Universe to occur.

There is however always a Higher Timeline, which it is always possible for you to Align with through your Intention. This is what I suggest you put your focus on - being Aligned with Your Own Most Highest Timeline.

This will help you to naturally Align with that which is best for you in Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Although this Message is short, it is of great import.

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light.

From The Ascended Master Quan Yin Of Absolute Light, June 20, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is with great Joy and Compassion in my heart for the journey that you are on that I greet you in this Sacred Space this day.

You are Brave and Courageous Pioneers dear ones.

Each and every one of You.

You are each a Sacred Fractal of Source Light come here to Know yourself in more of your Truth - as One with Absolute Light. You do this through the exploration of how you Create your life through your thoughts, your actions and what you put your focus upon.

For you see ‘Absolute Light’ is nothing other than another name for the Originating Source Consciousness from which you - we - are all brought forth.

You are One with this, one of its Sacred Aspects of Self. So are all the others you will ever encounter, including myself.

We are One on a very deep level, for we spring forth from the same Originating Source Consciousness of Absolute Light.

So you see that the Light that you see in me and in other Beings of the Higher Realms is the same Light that is In You, only we do not have to contend with the duality of the Physical World as you and others of your kind do.

This is why we are able to Help and Support you at such a deep level.

You can avail yourself of more of our Help and Support by asking for it whenever you desire to experience more Help and Support from the Higher Realms in your life.

You Are Light, dear one. You Are Love.

This is who you are in your most fundamental Essence, and as you start to believe this about yourself then you will open up into a greater expression of the Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are in your Expression of Who You Are and in your interactions with others.

While you are Incarnated in the Physical World, you are always able to avail yourself of a Higher Embodiment of the Absolute Light And Unlimited Love That You Are and Know YourSelf as More of this.

While this may not feel true or easy for you at all times, I would suggest that it is because you are looking at what you are not.

Change your focus. Put it on all the Love that you are giving in the world.

Start to see yourself in terms of the Love That You Are - The Love That You Are Already Embodying.

There is nothing more important than this when it comes to learning how to truly and deeply love yourself.

It Is I, Quan Yin Of Absolute Light.

From Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, June 17, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, here to Greet you in this Sacred Space today.

There has been much that you have been Awakening and Integrating within yourself in the last few days. There is much that you have been Opening Into, much of it Aligned with the Highest and Purest Light of your Soul. In this, you do great Tribute to your Dedication to bring through and allow to Shine and Radiate from you and around you in this your Physical Incarnation more of the the Most Absolute Highest Light of your Soul.

In order to do this with still more competence and in a way that feels truly Joyful and Uplifting to you, I ask that you Create more times of Sacred Quiet, Sacred Peace, Sacred Solitude and Sacred Silence throughout your day.

These are the times when you can come back to your Self and Connect with your own Divine Heart and the Divine Wisdom of your Soul that lives within you.

Because of your tendency to reach out and care for others, you feel the pull of all their demands on you. Do not allow the pull of these demands to take you away from Connection to your own true Self and the Highest Light of your Soul.

Nothing is as important as this:
To listen to the Guidance, the Wisdom, the Clarity of your own Sacred Heart.

To be able to hear her Sacred Guidance Clearly and with Accuracy you must make these times of Sacred Peace and Quiet throughout your day so that you can drop into and Access the Wisdom of your own Sacred HeartSpace easily in each Sacred Moment of Now.

I know that many of you are overloaded with commitments to others and to the job that you do in the world; I know that there is much that you feel responsible for. I ask that in all your looking after and taking care of others and meeting the practical needs of the world - the things that you do in order to be able to function and live successfully in the world, do not forget to also Honor your Soul and her Calling and what it is that she wants to say to you.

Honor this Above All Things for it is your Reason and your Purpose for Incarnating in this Lifetime.

I also ask that you Come Back Home to Rest often in the Beauty and Peace of the Sacred Energetic Field of your own Sacred Heart.

It Is I, Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.