Channeled Message For January 2022 From Ascended Masters Yeshua, Hilarion and Lady Portia.

Dear Beloved Hu-Mans,

We wish to Salute You for how well you are Moving Through the Passage of This Time.

We each have some words we wish to share with you about the Energy of this month and the ongoing Energy of 2022.

First some words from the Master Hilarion -

Beloveds In The Earth Realm,

It is with great admiration in my heart that I see you face whatever comes up for you in your daily lives and choosing to Interact with it consciously. I wish you to know that this is to be a big theme for this year and that the more mastery you are able to acquire in this, then the easier you will find this year to engage with.

This year will not be easy in all respects, but it will be one of great Transformation.

You are Transmuting All That Is Not Aligned with the Crystalline Frequencies of the New Earth.

This will require a lot of upheaval as things come to the surface to be Released, a lot of Shedding of patterns and situations that no longer serve your Highest Good.

It may not be easy.

But you will Emerge from it like a chrysalis ready to Embrace an Entirely New Manifestation of Self in the World.

Have courage and surround yourself with like-hearted Souls - for they will fortify you when you find the going hard and cannot see clearly ahead.

It will be important to Trust your own Heart’s Guidance more.

And as for this month, this is the time to Go Within - to ask yourself what it is you really want from your life.

If the way you are spending your time and what you are dedicating your Energy to differs from this - then now is the time to make the Change.

Next a Message from Lady Portia -


How heartfelt is my admiration for all that you are moving through.

I urge you to create more Clarity in your life.

Clarity breeds Simplicity.

Simplicity breeds Ease.

When you are Clear on what is you want to Create in your Life, then you can put all your Energy and Attention Towards that.

So many of you are half-invested in what you think is possible for you - and of the other half spending a quarter of your energy on lamenting or regretting or creating from your past. Instead of putting the majority of your Energy towards creating that Glorious Unforeseen Unimagined Beautiful Potential-Filled Future you truly long to see.

It is time to Release those ties to who you think you have been, to who you have been told you are, to anything that keeps you in limitation instead of allowing you to be Free - Fully Accessing Your Highest Potential as you Co-Create with The Divine in Self.

You have not yet discovered your true Power as Creators.

It is time for you to do this - and to Recreate your World.

As to January - Go Within. Forgive, Release, let your pain be Transmuted on your behalf.

And then draw all your Energy unto you - and ask yourself what would I really like to create with this Beingness that I have been Gifted in this life if I thought and Knew and BELIEVED that anything were possible?

And then start to Create from that place.

Last a Message from Yeshua -

Beloved Beautiful Shining Ones,

Your Embodiment of the Light of your Divinity is truly marvelous to behold.

Now it is the time for you to share your Knowledge with your Earthly Brothers and Sisters - that they too may come to Know Themselves in their Highest Truth.

You are Blessed by the Whole of Creation in this endeavor.

Now is the Time for the majority of Humanity to Ascend.

You will be Greatly Supported as you Step Out on your Path.

You know your Path already though you think you do not.

It speaks to you in the urges of your Heart, in the whispers of your Guidance, in your Certain Knowing about which part is yours and in the Signs and Synchronicities that help to Guide you in the right direction.

Now is not a time to hold back because of fear.

Let yourself be seen in your Embodiment of your Light.

Envision the New World as you want it to be and pray to your MotherFatherGod that you be Supported in Creating this.

You are now about to discover all the abundant resources of the Universe that are available to you as you Align with your Highest Passion, your Highest Path, your Mission here At This Time.

As for the month of January - get that Clarity that the Beloved Portia spoke of and then do not hesitate to Act.

The Energy Supports your Actions this year and you will be greatly Supported on your Path as you Step Out in Alignment with your Highest Guidance.

We are greatly pleased for this chance to talk with you today and remain, always, the Upholders of the Organic Ascension.

We come in love and we wish upon you many blessings of Light.

It Is We, It Is Us, Hilarion, Lady Portia & Yeshua.

January 1, 2022. Channeled by Julia Greef.


Channeled Message From The Energy Of LOON

It is time for you to find yourself amongst all the noise, to dip into your Inner Knowing, to Connect More Fully with your Intuition and ask what it is Guiding You Towards.

Take time for yourself to be with yourself in these quiet days of the end of the year when the world comes to a hiatus and you have more space and time in your busy, packed schedules.

Allow yourself to Come Home to Self.

Self is always waiting for you to Access Him/Her/It. Self has Knowing. And this Knowing is Always Available to you.

12:12 Gateway - Channeled Transmission From Lemurian Dolphins, Metatron & Mechizedek.


Salutations Sisters & Brothers In The EARTH REALM,

It Is The Day Of 12:12 And You In The Gaia Realms Are Passing Into A New TimeLine Now.

There will be a time of grieving for many for what is being left behind; a time of confusion, fear and unease for many others.

But for you who are Aligned with the Path that Your Soul and Higher Self Call You Towards - You will be able to Integrate the Shift into the NEW EARTH REALITY With A Great Deal Of Ease And Grace - for, in truth, you are already living into the MultiDimensional Nature of much of What is To Come.

You Are Embodying The True Essence Of Your Soul - And Know YourSelves To Be MultiDimensional Light incarnated Only Temporarily In Human Form With Access To Much That Is Beyond The Capacity And Even Imagination Of Those Who Are As Of Yet UnAwakened To Their Higher Truth.

But All Is To Change In The Next 30 Years.

This MultiDimensionality of the HuMan will be seen on a still larger scale from now.

More and more of you will be Shifting into These Higher TimeLines.

And those of You who are already Embodying this Connection to the Divine Truth of Who You Are - You will be the Lantern-Bearers showing the rest of Humanity how to Connect with these Aspects of Self and bring forth beautiful Love-Filled Creations and Co-Creations as a result of the Upgrading of the Human Consciousness into what you came here to Know and Experience Your Selves as.

It is a beautiful day throughout the entire history of your planet - for on this day you have succeeded in elevating your Collective Consciousness to the point necessary for this Transition into a new elevation and Consciousness of Who You Are.

There is much rejoicing at the implementation of the Divine Plan in the Gaia Realms throughout the entire MultiDimensional Universe.

Know how loved you are, how eagerly your progress is observed, and how we long to interact with you again as we did in the days of old and will once again once the Earth and Humans upon her have been Restored To The Full Primacy Of The Crystalline Consciousness.

You, The Light Warrioresses And Light Warriors, Have Been Largely Responsible For The Successful Passage Into This Elevated Expression Of HU-Manity Now.

With Honor and Gratitude for your Trust, your Fearlessness and the Purity of your Crystalline Hearts.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron, Melchizedek & The Lemurian Dolphins.

*This Message Includes A Crystalline LightBody Activation From The Lemurian Dolphins.

The Energy Of December - From The Beings Of Absolute Light


It Is Time For Us To Align With The Divine Essence Of Who We Are.

Much Support Is Being Given At This Time, But It Is Also True That We Are Expected To Step Up And Embody That Higher Frequency Of SELF.

The Divine Plan Has Decreed That This Is The Time For Humanity To Awaken To Our TRUTH And ASCEND Into A New Frequency Of Consciousness.

It Is Up To Us To Do Our Part To Purify Our Bodies, Hearts And Minds And To Align With The Purest Frequency Of Who We Are At Soul Level.


Channeled Message & Wisdom Teachings From WOLF, November 30, 2021.


Dear beautiful Humans -

I, the Spirit of Wolf, ask you to Remember that you are a Human Family.

We Wolves like to move in packs in the Physical World, but in the Energetic Realms where all Consciousness Exists our Higher Selves our Connected and we Know that We Are One.

It is the same for you - your packs:
your communities, your families, the people at your workplace, your ‘Tribe.’

But the difference is that many of you have forgotten the connection to the Energetic Realms, forgotten that You Are One Consciousness Manifesting As Different Expressions of Itself.

Forgotten your connection To Your Truth.

As you have also forgotten your connection to The Earth, Our Mother.

We see that this breeds a curious mix of arrogance and self-hatred within you. You are no longer humble in the way you walk up on the Earth; you think yourselves the masters who can do all that they choose - not recognizing that things come and pass and go in cycles and in the end all that is put into the world comes back to you for You Are A PART OF THE MOTHER - cannot live without her life-nourishing, life-sustaining Force.

And separated from The Divine you somehow simultaneously conceive of Self as the top of Creation, whilst this lack of Knowing of the Divine Essence within you at the same time gives you a lack of self-love that is pitiful to us to observe.

You are majestic beings placed in this Realm to Explore More of YourSelf:

To live.

To make mistakes perhaps, but to learn, to grow to observe, to explore, to have fun in the doing of it - as you - and this is important - always Honor the Law Of One that it behoves all to obey:
Honor All Life, For Life Is Sacred.

It Is Life From Which You Came And The Expansion Of Consciousness Is The Primary Goal Of This Ongoing Cycle Of Life-Force.

You, dear ones, are here to EXPAND Your Consciousness - To ReMember Who You Are.

The Energies Coming Into The Planet At This Time Are Ripe For This.

Claim back your Divine Essence; the ReMembrance of Who You Are.

Let your unique howl be heard - one in the harmonic blend of voices expressed, as you allow the creator that you are to be expressed through you in each moment.

Honor Life.

All Life, not just your own species.

Honor the Mother, Our Planet. Know that all that comes from her is given with Love and can be used for your sustenance; but that you have an equal responsibility to honor and look after her; to take care of the lands, the water, the soil, the Earth, other species.

That you have an equal responsibility to show constraint in your actions where it is warranted - for you were not given free license to destroy Gaia’s natural habitats without there being any consequence for either yourselves or for other lifeforms.

We are fascinated by you - you are so bold, fearless, in your development.

But you fail to see that even development and progress can have a shadow if it’s unchecked.

BALANCE is what Restores Harmony to all Natural Systems.

Bring Balance To YourSelf first - and then to your Actions in the World in accordance with the Laws of Nature and The Law Of One.

We love you dear brothers and sisters, if only you knew how much.

We, the other species, are here to support you.

But we ask you now to ReMember Yourselves In Your Truth.

For your own sakes and for the sake of us all - for the Greater Good of the Whole is also connected to the choices that you make, both as individuals and as groups and packs, what you would call ‘societies.’

Spirit Wolf’s wisdom teaching for you - When you are in Integrity with yourself, Love for Self also Naturally Flows.

Start to question - what does it mean to be in Integrity with Self? What does that look like? How can I explore that in my life - through my words, my actions, my thoughts, my way of being in the world?

We, standing as the representative of all the Animal Kingdoms, ask your forgiveness for any and all pain we have caused you. We forgive you for any and all pain visited upon any within the Animal Kingdoms.

Do not forget your Divine Heritage dear ones, nor your Heritage as Children of the Earth.

Be grateful to your Mother, for she has given much to you and always with love and gratitude for your presence upon her back.

But she cannot give what is no longer there to give - she can only give from the overflow of abundance that is naturally hers.

Do not choke her with your pollution, your over-fishing and over-farming, your dirtying of her airs and waters; your lack of consideration for all but your own very small pack.

Widen your perspective - the whole Human Family is your pack in a sense.

How can you support that pack today?

What can you do to bring joy to someone you don’t even know - but who is a member of your ‘pack?’

What can you do to support other life forms on the planet?

What can you do to support our beautiful Mother herself?

She longs to hear your words praising her beauty and feel the joy and gladness in your hearts when you look upon her.

She longs to see you be kinder to one another and to consider your actions - instead of assuming things should be done a certain way just because that is the way they have been done - either recently or throughout time until now.

She reminds you that the whole of human history is but a short passage of time to her; nothing is too entrenched that it cannot be changed and shifted into a way that is better for the whole of Life.

She reminds you that there are many different ways of living in Harmony with Her; with her bountifulness; with Life.

She reminds you, above all, to Connect with the Divine Essence Within you for that will guide you in Right Living.

We - the wolves - and also the Wolves as representative of the other Animal Species - thank you for your presence on the planet at this time - you the fearless ones letting your cry of beauty rise into the sky and fall beyond the mountains into the valley beyond.

Your beautiful creations echo throughout the entire world.

More of our wisdom:
Learn to love more; to give more; to serve more - to do all these things with a joyful heart, knowing that you came here to Explore the Oneness of All That Is Expressed through the Individual Vessel you are Inhabiting.

We ask you to have love, compassion and understanding for all Lifeforms in all Vessels - knowing that as among your own species, none is better or less than another; simply different.

There are many more teachings we would wish to share with you - but for now we will leave it here.

We ask you to consider our words, to consider your hearts, to consider the integrity of your actions and words - integrity with Self; and Integrity with All Of Life.

With love, honor and respect for the wondrous nature of this Journey we are taking together.

It Is The Spirit Of The Wolves.

Channeled Message From Leonardo da Vinci, Nov 2, 2021.


Hello Beloved Earth Ones,

You who have Chosen to come to this Planet at this Time to Support Her & Humanity in Her Ascension.

Those of us in the Higher Realms wish you to know how well you are doing, how much on target you are with everything that it has been Decreed will come to pass.

We see it doesn’t look like that from where you are and it is easy to lose hope and faith and your trust that everything is going to Align.

Don’t lose your faith. Your Consciousness is helping to Create the New Earth.

It is important at this time that you do what supports you in feeling Alive, Full, Solid in your Embodiment of Your Soul Truth.

You are having so much more impact than you know and your numbers continue to grow, minute by minute, hour by hour.

No matter the picture the external paints, come back to your Inner Knowing and your own Inner Highest-Aligned Truth.

As you Align more with this you will return to the Knowing that you - the entirety of the Earth Plane - is Divinely Held.

There is so much Support for you and this path.

Do not give up your hope or your faith. Let yourself be carried by your Trust in the Divine and your Vision for a World that Upholds and Aligns the Divine In All.

Love, Honor and Respect to All You - You Are Leading The Way.

It Is I, Leonardo da Vinci.


Channeled Message from Freddie Mercury, September 30, 2021.


Beautiful Earthlings,

I was - until recently - One Of You - and now I am Awestruck by the Divine Beauty and Grace I see moving through so many of you.

You are creating Magical Patterns of Light as you Move in the World - Awesome, So Inspiring to Behold Beautiful Earthlings.

I am proud to say that while I was on the Planet I feel I was a Fully Expressed Man. This is my Highest Desire for Each Of You - That You Know The Full Potential Of Your Gifts Activated & Feel Yourself As The Highest Expression Of Your Soul’s Desires.

I want you to be BOLD in your Embodiment of Your COURAGE To Live Into Your Soul’s Desires & Passions.

Don’t You Know That Life Passes In A Fleeting Instant, The Blink Of An Eye.

So much that seems Important to you now will be of no consequence when you come to this place - what will matter to you is how much you allowed your SOUL to Fully Express - To Boldly EVOLVE - How Much You Allowed YourSelf To LOVE + To Grow Into A Higher Expression Of The LOVE That Is ALL THAT IS.

So much I didn’t know or understand when I was incarnated - though, oh, what fun I had!

Now I understand so much more, and I know that LOVE is all that really matters in the end - and, what I didn’t know during my incarnation, that all LOVE must begin with a DEEP & TRUE HONORING + LOVE Of SELF First.

I am filled with a passion to support you dear fellow Earthlings, who are facing such pain and suffering in so much of your life.

This love that you cultivate for SELF FIRST, Then ALL OTHERS will greatly Support You in Moving Through Your Time There with more Ease, more Grace, more JOYFUL FLOW To Your Days.

I am going to Activate you to a Higher Degree of Self-LOVE and a deeper level of HEALING and WHOLENESS.

To Receive the Self-Love Activation, please look at the image of a White Rose for 3 seconds and say ‘Thank you’ aloud.

To Receive the Healing Activation, I request that you listen to this treasured song of mine, letting it wash away your heartache and pain as you re-member - are Activated by The Beings Of Absolute Light to Re-Member - that LOVE Lives Within You & is not External to You. The Eternal Truth That Is: LOVE IS ALL YOU ARE + ALL THAT EXISTS - ->>>

What joy to know this while in the Earthling Body! What fun! How much easier it would be to PLAY in the world - to be truly FREE in the truest sense of the word - knowing the true immutable nature of the SOUL.

My final Message to you dear Earthlings - LIVE - BE PRESENT WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE. Get out and ENJOY YOURSELF.

I am happy for this chance to speak with you this day and convey my GREAT LOVE FOR YOU.

Freddie. Freddie Mercury.

Self-Love Activation
Channeled Message Freddie Mercury

Equinox Message From Metatron & Melchizedek, September 22, 2021.


Beautiful Light-Filled Beloveds,

As the Equinox Approaches, we can see that there is great disparity in your Realms between those who are already Accessing the Higher Consciousness and the Higher Light that is Coming Into Your Planet in Great Force At This Time - and those who are still ‘asleep’ and are yet to Awaken to their True Self and their Greater Potential as a MultiDimensional Being.

As many of you know, the Equinox symbolizes a time of Perfect Balance - a time when All is Brought Into Harmony Within and Without.

We ask you at this time to Hold this Intention of Balance in Your Earth Plane - of Opposing Forces being brought into Harmony and Peace; and that All may be Lifted by the Higher Light and Higher Consciousness so that there is no longer this Divide that is observed.

We wish to Honor Each Of You for Sharing and Holding the Light in the world - it is thanks to the Great Work that you have done and are dong that darkness is unable to hold a grip that will last for long in your Realms.

Keep sending Light and Love Energy into the Grids.

It Is ESSENTIAL That You Remain In TRUST & In Your MASTERY At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Archangel Metatron And Melchizedek Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message - Metatron, Melchizedek

Channeled Message From The Element Of Fire July 26, 2021.


Greetings Fellow Ones That Are Of The Earth,

I, The Essence Of The Element Of Fire, Am Here To Speak With You Today.

Also to Share an Activation To Support You In Accelerating Your Ascension TimeLine

Please look at the image of me for 5 seconds and say ‘Thank you’ aloud.

I also desire to speak with you of things that pertain to the Planet Gaia of which we are both part.

It is important that All Of Us Embodied Here As Divine Essence Come Together To Support Her Now - To Support Each Other Now.

Each Of Us, As You Well Know, Has Both A Destructive & A More Loving Nature.

I Have Both. You Have Both. This Is The Inherent Nature Of Things In Physical.

I Ask You To Allow Your Loving Nature To Shine Through - To The Best Of Your Ability - Whenever You Can.

And To Know That The External Destruction Is Important Now For The Renewal Of The Earth Plane & All Life In It That Is Currently Taking Place.

Yes, It Is The Ascension Of Which I Speak.

Many LightCodes Are Coming Into The Planet. This Is An Exciting Time - But Also One In Which It Is Essential That You Look After YourSelf First.

Your Bodies Are Being Upgraded At All Times.

They Are Being Upgraded In Ways That They Have Never Been Upgraded Before In This Plane.

It Is Essential That You Listen To What Your Body Needs And Honor Her Or Him.

You Can Also Support Me - Just As I Am Supporting You And Have Always Desired To Support You - By Visualizing With The Intention That Any And All Forest Fires Come To A Peaceful End Without Harm For Any Form Of Life.

I Have Been Thrown Out Of Balance At This Stage Of The Planetary Cycle And Desire Your Support In Coming Back Into Alignment With What Serves The Human Collective.

For I, As The Other Elements, Desire Only To Serve Humanity.

We Love + Honor Each Of You With Your Desire To Serve Your Collective Also.


We Thank You.

We Honor You.

We Love You.

Continue To Dialogue With Us & Let Us Know How We Can Best Serve You.

With Our Combined Intent For The Highest Good Of The Whole, We Lift Each Other, We Lift ALL LIFE.

It Is I, The Element Of Fire Of Absolute Light Speaking With You This Day.

Channeled Message - FIRE.jpg

From The Essenes Of Absolute Light, July 11, 2021.


We Dear Ones Are Here To Teach You Of Our Ways - Ways That We Have Also Adapted For Your Time.

First - Connect To The IS-Ness Within - That Which Is The GOD TEMPLATE OF YOUR INHERENT DIVINITY.

Second - Do Not Doubt Your TRUE ESSENCE as SONS + DAUGHTERS 0F GOD - Learn To See Beyond The Surface Of Who You Have Been Taught To Think You Are.


Fourth - LOVE. This is the greatest Commandment we can give to you. Love yourself. Love the people around you. Love God & Love The Mother Nature Who Is Your Sustainer & Divine Mother In This Plane.

Fifth - Honor The Divinity Within You By Making Choices - Of THOUGHT, WORD + ACTION That Align With That Your Essential Essence.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Essene Brotherhood Of Absolute Light.

(Image (cropped) credit - Tamarah; licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license).

Essene Channeled Message

Channeled Message From Dian Fossey, May 31, 2021.

Dear Beloved Those Of You Who Are Incarnated In The Earth Plane At This Time Who Are Powerful Forces For The LIGHT,

I Honor you. I thank you for the Service you Give and for Holding the Light on Behalf of All Of Beloved Humanity.

I didn’t know in my time Incarnated on Earth how important this was. I thought it was okay at times to fight darkness with clever subterfuge of my own.

Now I see that the only way forward out of the climate crisis, the extinction breaking point, and all the other problems that are being created within the 3-dimensional Earth - is:


Ascending into a New COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS Purely Based In And Founded Upon DIVINE LOVE - Love For All Creatures, Honoring All As Sacred And As Valuable.

This includes Those Who Do You Harm.

They too are Divine Beings.

Honor them, Honor their right to make their Choices.

You do not need to Agree with all they do or think or say - but you do need to accept that their life is their own to be Lived and that the only way you can Hold the space of TRANSFORMATION for them and the Planet is to HOLD THEM IN LOVE

- Not In Hate.

I see this clearly now, which I didn’t see during my Incarnation.

And I feel so very and profoundly blessed to be able to continue to Serve in the Upliftment of the Consciousness of Humanity from this side.

It is a true Blessing what is Unfolding now within your Plane - whatever it looks like from in the midst of it.

I understand that it must be difficult for many of you there now.

Allow yourself to Trust in the Divine Plan That Is Unfolding.


I Love And Honor Each Of You Who Are Part Of This Great Shift In The Collective Consciousness.

I humbly say ‘Thank you’ for your time on the Planet; for the Light You Are and the LIGHT You SHARE.

With love to each of you - I wish to Support you with an Activation to Support you in being more Powerfully Motivated To Take Action in the Direction of what your Soul Calls You To.

Dian Fossey, channeled through Julia Greef, May 31, 2021.


From The Sirians & Arcturians Of Absolute Light, May 14, 2021.

Dear Beloved Ones,

We wish to speak to you at this very important time in your Earth Plane to remind You that - You Are Not Alone.


We know that for some it feels like we are far-off and distant and that the Higher TimeLine does not seem to be Unfolding in your Earth Plane as you have been promised.

We Assure You It Is.

Much is coming up for Release. This is only natural.

It requires you to stand strong in your faith and to TRUST.

It is time for You to practice being RESILIENT.

The Planet Needs YOU At This Time.


Call on your Galactic Families To Support You At This Time.









It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians , The Arcturians & The Rest Of Your GALACTIC FAMILIES.

Sirian High Council Channeled Message
Arcturian High Council Channeled Message