From Mt SHASTA, Mt KILIMANJARO & Mt FUJI, February 1, 2020.


A Message To The Rainbow Warriors From The Energy Of Mt Shasta, Mt Fuji, & Mt Kilimanjaro ⛰

Hello dear and beautiful ones,

Today we are greeting you predominantly from the Energy of Mt SHASTA.

The Energy Update from Mt Shasta is You As A Collective Of Those Who Are Committed To Embodying Your Higher Self In All The Ways That You Can Are Receiving More Support From The Earth's GridWork In Ascending Into A Higher Dimensional Version Of Self. The Core Point Vibration That You Are Able To Embody Will Be Greatly Uplifted Over The Next Ten Days. There Is Nothing That You Need To Do To Align With This. It Is Being Done For You.

The Energy Update from Mt Fuji is Hold On Fast To That Which You Wish To Align With & Create In Your Life As Individuals & A Collective.
Set Your Intention Before Any Act Of Significant Creation So That You Are Always Creating From The Highest-Aligned Place.

The Energy Update from Mt Kilimanjaro is Make Sure To Ground.
It Is More Important Than Ever At This Time.

From Mt Shasta & Mt Fuji, January 27, 2020.


Today's Energy Report is from both Mt Fuji & Mt Shasta. They say:

Dear Beautiful Children Of The Rainbow Light,

Welcome To The New World. We Are So Glad To Have You Here On This Adventure With Us.

What Beautiful Joy-Filled Creations We Are Going To Create Together On New Earth.

New Creations With Love Woven Into The Very Fabric Of Their Essence And Being.

It Is Time To Start To Put Your Focus On What Fills You With Utmost Unspeakable Joy And To Create From That Place - And That Place Only.

TRUST That Your Soul Knows The Ways In Which You Have Come Here To Serve And Is Guiding You TRULY, Always Through YOUR J0Y.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains SHASTA & FUJI.

From Mount Shasta, January 27, 2020.


Today Is The Day When We Are Integrating Our NEW DIVINE TEMPLATE.


This Is What We Have Been Waiting For Now Happening In Our Physical Dimension In Time And Space Reality.

No One Even Realized How Soon This Would Be Happening A Few Years Ago When We First Started To Embody Our Highest Aligned Ascension Timeline As A Collective.

But Because Of The Efforts Of LightWorkers Like You Who Are Reading This Message Now, We Are Currently Aligning With That Which Was Not Believed Possible Only A Short Time Ago.




From Mt Shasta, January 27, 2020.


Sacred Number Codes From Mt Shasta, Jan 26, 2020.


These Are Sacred Number Codes Given To Us By Mount SHASTA This Day To Support Us In Integrating The Energy Of New Earth:

6 5 3 4 3 3 0 111 0 55 5 0 0 4 4

All that is required is for you to read the digits aloud one at a time from start to finish a total of three times at a time and in a place where you can be Centered In the Energy of your Higher Self.

Read 55 as 'fifty-five;' 111 as one-eleven.'


From Mount Shasta, January 25, 2020.


Live Update From The Energy Of Mount Shasta: We Are Going UP.

As A Human Collective We Are Transmuting And Releasing Great Amounts Of Density Over The Next 48 Hours.

You May Feel This In Your Own Physical Vessel As You Perhaps Undergo Symptoms Similar To Those Of a Harsh Detoxification Or Powerful Energetic Upgrade - For THAT is what This Is:

A Detoxification Of All That Has Kept You Aligned With The Lower Dimensions For These Are No Longer Being Sustained And Supported By The NEW EARTH Upon Which We Now Live.

You Will Start To See This In Ways That Become More And More Obvious To You If You Keep Your Attention Focused On Seeing That Which Is Aligned With Love And Light, Instead Of Putting All Your Attention And Focus On That Which Is Not - Whether That Be That Which Is Within You; Or That Which Is Within The World At Large.

Do Not Worry Unduly When You See Things Going Awry In The World. At The Same Time Do Not Ignore Problems That Very Genuinely Exist As Gaia Makes Her Transition - Which Is Going To Be Much More Painful In The Life Of Some Individuals Than Of Others.

Make This Transition As Easy On YourSelf As Possible By:

1) Trusting That All IS In DIVINE FLOW.

2) Trusting Your Higher Self To Guide You Through This Sacred Time.

3) Trusting Your SELF To Be Okay - You've Got This.

4) Put Your Focus On Helping Others To Make The Transition Too - But Using YOUR DISCERNMENT: Support Those Who Are Willing To Align To The Energies Of New Earth.

5) Be YourSelf. Be True To YourSelf. Do Not Care About What Others Think Of Your Path If You Are Sure You Are In ALIGNMENT With Your Highest Guidance.

My Last Words For You MY DEAR ONES Today Are These:

Do Not Give Up Holding The Vision For What Could Be Possible For Humanity As A Collective If Everyone Was Holding The Frequency Of Love Within Their Field And Creating From A Place Of Alignment With This.

It Is I, Mt Shasta.


Channeled Message From The Central Sun, January 14, 2020.

It Is I, The Central Galactic Sun.

I Am Overjoyed to Welcome You To This Sacred Space This Day.

I Wish To Tell You That It Is A Time Of Great Powering Up Of The ENERGY On Your Planet. The Energies of The Celestial Central Sun Are Greatly Increasing And As A Result There Will Be Much, Much More Light Energy Coming Into The Planet In The Days And Weeks And Months Ahead.

This Sudden Influx of High-Frequency Energy Coming Into Your Planet Where Many People Are Still UnAwakened And Operating In An Entirely 3D Context Is Going To Come As A Shock To Many And May Well Promote Unforeseen And Immense Change On The Face 0f The Planet In Ways Unlike Have Ever Been Seen Before.

Part of what will Determine This is To What Extent You - The LightWorkers & WayShowers - Are Able To Hold YOUR EMBODIMENT OF LIGHT.

You Doing This Will Help This High-Frequency Light To Ground Into The Sacred GridWork Of The Earth.

This Is An Immensely Important Role For You All AT This Specific Time and Why You Are Being Told This Message At This Time - So That If The Times Seem Turbulent Ahead You Can Remember Having Heard This And Ground More Strongly Into The EMBODIMENT Of The Beautiful LIGHT That YOU ARE.

I Wish To Remindl You - ‘The Shining Ones’ as I Like To Refer To The EMBODIMENTS 0F LIGHT On The Planet At This Time - That You Are Not To Let YourSelf Dissolve Into Fear Along With The Rest Of The Planet And The Collective.

Remember All Will Work Itself Out.

It Is Time.

It Is TIME For Things To Change On The Face Of Your PLANET.

It Is Time For The EARTH 0F THE HIGHER DIMENSIONS To Be BROUGHT FORTH As So Many Of YOU Have Been Preparing YourSelf For.

I, The CENTRAL SUN, The FATHER ASPECT OF THE MOTHERFATHERGODCONSCIOUSNESS - RA - - Wish You The Beautiful Embodimets Of LIGHT On The Planet At This Time To LOVE YOURSELVES And Each other Thoroughly And Completely Through This Time.

You will need to Be There For Yourself and For Each Other As LightWorkers Working Now On The Face Of The Planet.

Please Remember - You Are Not Alone.

There Are MANY MANY LIGHTBEINGS In The Higher Energetic Realms That Are Supporting You On This The Path Of Your Highest TimeLine As A Collective.

It Is I, The Central Galactic Sun.


From The Pegasi And Unicorns Of The TwentyNinth Dimension And Above, January 10, 2020.

The Moon Is Coming Into Her Fullness at this Sacred Time of this Very Sacred First Month of a New Year - the Year in which you in the Earth Plane are to Come Into a Greater Embodiment of The Light That You Are Through Your Alignment With the Energy of The Age Of Aquarius.

The Moon’s Message To You In The Earth Plane Today Is:

It Is Time For You To Release ALL The Past Hurts, Betrayals, Disappointments And Resentments That Have Kept You Affiliated To The Past In Any Way. I Can Help You Do This At This Time Of The Full Moon Especially. Spend Some Time Moon-Gazing Tonight Doing This Sacred Practice:

First, take 2 deep breaths into your Sacred Heart of Self to Prepare You for the Cleansing And Purifying Breaths you are about to Inhale, and to Align You With the Very Highest Energy of Self.

Now you are ready.

Look at the Moon in All Her Fullness and Feel YourSelf Filled With Awe at Her Incredible Beauty.

Gaze Upon The Moon for a further 2 or 3 Breaths as you feel The Purity Of Her Light and The Sacred Nature Of Your Connection To Her.

That is all you have to do.

Stay under The Moon’s Purifying Light for at least 5 minutes if you are able to do so. She Loves To Be Of Service To You And In Service To Humanity As A Whole, As Do We.

It Is We, It Is Us The Unicorns & Pegasi Of The TwentyNinth Dimension And Above.

From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, December 26, 2019.

My dear and beloved ones,

I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light want You the beautiful beings of love and light who live upon my back to Know that:

♢♢ I love you all and am so Grateful for your Presence here upon the EarthShip. You bring Great Love And Light to many of my people, of whom you are one - but Know that you are also of the Stars and contain this Inheritance And Energy Within You.

♢♢ In these times of unrest and great dissatisfaction that pervade the planet and you my people, you are not to worry or fear. The Energy of Fear - of which worry is one variation - only holds you Trapped immobile in the situation in which you are ensnared. It holds you frozen, rendering you unable to move. It is Essential says I - The Mother Earth who Knows each one of you So Well and Loves You SO MUCH - to Breathe into the Body Deeply to Help the Fear and the Emerging Feeling of Panic and Tension to Subside. Only then can you Connect to your Highest Wisdom and Act from your Highest Place and your Highest Embodiment of Self.

It is and will be important to remember this often for some of you Going Forward. When Fear rises in you and comes upon you in an unwanted wave of emotion, do not try to ignore it or pretend it’s not there. First feel the Fear. Then use your Embodiment of Your Sacred I Am Presence to Dissolve it, Trusting that it - as an Energy - will be Released from your Body when the Time Is Ripe and that you can Hasten this by first looking honestly at your Fear, admitting it is there, and then seeing through it; seeing that it is not based in anything Real: by which I mean that which is occurring in your Current Present Moment Reality; not that which you project may happen or occur going forward.

Once you have done this, or first if you prefer, Ground In the Body. Come back to the Body through the Breath - for when you Come Back to the Body you Re-Connect with your own Soul’s Highest Wisdom and the Potentiality to Hear your Highest Guidance. Only then think about what course of Action it is that you want to take , asking yourself WHAT CAN BEST SERVE MY HIGHEST SELF IN THIS MOMENT AT THE SAME TIME AS BEST SERVING THE WHOLE?

You came here to live as part of an EcoSystem. I As Mother Energy ask you not to fight amongst yourself like unruly brothers and sisters, You have developed the potentiality as a COLLECTIVE to Be Above that now. You have had thousands of years of human history to learn the lessons of war and fighting from.

It is time to take this lesson, which is one that Humanity as a Collective has engaged with for a long time, to heart. For you to start to Consciously Choose To Embody The Sacred Love THAT YOU ARE In Your Essence in your Interactions with ALL your Fellow Men And Women And Fellow Creatures That Walk Upon My Back, As Well As The Plants And Trees And All Living Things Including Myself - for I am not without Consciousness and the Choices you make - good or bad - affect me also: to a greater extent than some of you think, and a lesser extent than others of you think, but affect me they do.

Sometimes Embodying the LOVE THAT YOU ARE will be Easy. Sometimes it will be more of a Conscious Choice that needs to be made to help you Shift from the old paradigm and way of Being in the world into the New One.

Make That Choice. It Is Important.

Not just for you, but for the Whole of Humanity and for the WellBeing of the Whole as well as the Greater WellBeing of I The MotherShip Who Loves You so so Much.

It is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.

From The Andromedans Of Absolute Light, December 25, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

Here we are to Greet You today. It Is We, It Is Us The Andromedans Of Absolute Light.

We are overjoyed to greet you in this Sacred Space today at this very important time on your Collective Timeline in the Physical Time And Space Continium. The day on which the one whom you as a Collective call ‘The Christ’ is said to have been born. And while we do not care about the trivial physical details of such things as dates and times being the Infinite Embodiments of Divine Light That We Are and Expressing only as Energetic Beings, we wish to Assure you that this is a Very Important Gateway for the Christed Consciousness that is now being Birthed Forth in such Richness and Abundance on your Planet in the Hearts of YOU as Individuals and on the Planet as a Whole.

It is time for you as a Collective to Move Into A Higher Embodiment Of This The Christed Energy.

We cannot underline enough to you how important this is. It is important not just to you as a Planet, but to The Whole.

The Whole Cosmos is at a pivotal point in the Evolution of our Consciousness.

By humanity making the choice to Step Up At This Time into the Embodiment of the Christ consciousness and the Embodiment of the Love That You Are for One Another, and also the Sacred Knowing of yourSelf as The Infinite Love and The Infinite Light That You Are, you are in fact Supporting the Evolution of the Whole of the Infinite Oneness of All That Is into a Higher Evolution of Consciousness.

This is how important your Sacred Role on the EarthShip is now.

This is how Important the role of the LightWorkers and the WayShowers and the Ascension Guides is. And many of you Chose to Incarnate into this Lifetime in order to take on these Sacred Roles.

Know YourSelf In Your Truth. You are here to be a LightWorker and a WayShower if you are reading this now.

You are Incarnated on the planet at this time to lead Humanity in this Evolution into the next Phase of Her Consciousness.

You are leading Humanity Forth into a Higher Embodiment of her Light. This is not just for your own benefit - though the benefits that are being and will be seen Planetwide are largescale and inescapably apparent to those who have the eyes to see - but so that by the Higher Embodiment of her Light the Humanity may Contribute to a Higher Embodiment of Light on a Universal Scale.

While we understand that this may be difficult for you to comprehend or have any kind of concept of at this time, we assure you that this is Very True and that the Increase of Souls Embodying the Christ Consciousness on the Planet is very necessary and very important at this time as understood from a Universal Perspective as well as a Planetary one.

We wish to Commend you for how far you have come. We wish to Ask that Going Forward you continue to Choose Love; you Continue to Choose that which Serves and Supports you in being the Embodiment of your Higher Self and also at the same time Serves the Whole Knowing that these are one and the same thing:

whatsoever brings you into Alignment with Your Higher Self and Supports you in Embodying this Energy as you Walk on the Earth is that which is of the Most Absolute Highest Service to The Whole. Know This And Make Decisions That Serve And Support You In Embodying This Energy Of The Higher Self.

It Is We It Is Us The Andromedans Of Absolute Light.


From The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light, December 9, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I, The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light.

I am Overjoyed and Deeply Grateful to you for your Sacred Heart of Wisdom and Love and Overjoyed to be greeting you in this Sacred Space Today.

You are Beautiful.

Your Willingness to Serve and to Align with Your Highest Timeline is Beautiful.

It is Pristine.

It is Clear.

It is Beautiful to see.

It is Beautiful to See Radiating Out from you in Waves The Love and The Light that You Embody when you are Centred in the Sacred Heart of Self.

This Your Sacred Heart is where your Divinity Lives.

It Is Where The Divinity Of YOU Resides.

It is where the Sacred Heart of Self waits for you to discover Him / Her and Turn Your Ear to the Wisdom That Lives Inside.

Do not pay so much attention to what those around you say about you or to you.

They do not know your Path.

They do not Know the Sacred Truth of Your Heart.

They do not know who you are. They do not know or have any insights into the Desires Written On Your Heart By Your Soul - the Essence Of Pure Light That You Are - to Support You in Finding Your Right & Highest Path.

Only You Can Know Your Most Absolute Highest Truth.

Only You Can Know Your Most Absolute Highest Path.

You came here to Be Uniquely You.

Not Anyone Else.

Which is the Right And Highest Path for you?

Ask your Heart and Listen Carefully in the Silent Times throughout your Day to the Answers you Receive.

You will know when you are on the Right Path by how it Feels.

It will feel Joyful.

It will feel True.

Because it is in Integrity with The All That You Are and The All That You Are BeComing Now In This Moment Of Now And Then The Next It Will Feel Aligned With Your Ever-Evolving Highest Truth.

Trust Your Self.

You Know Your 0wn Way.

You are simply afraid. You are afraid to lean into Trust. You are afraid to Be Your Own Authority.

You believe the Answers lie somewhere outside of you. This is your challenge - to learn to Trust yourSelf.

Self-Trust is Essential if you are to Expand into the Most Absolute Highest Embodiment of the Light That You Are.

The lack of Self-Trust is part of what the Matrix has invoked in you. It is what you have been taught and told.

One Untruth, although there are many others, which has been used to keep you in submission.

Trust YourSelf, dear One.

Trust in the Sacred Heart of Self & the Answers you Receive.

You Are Your Own Answer. Look no further than Within. Trust the Answers you Receive.

Do no give away your power to any Authority outside yourself.

Your are your Own Authority.

You Are Your Own Goal.

All Higher Wisdom about Your Path Is Within You.

Within your Heart Is Where All Wisdom Resides.

It Is I, The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light.

The Archangel Sandalphon Of Absolute Light.jpg

From The Sacred Consciousness Of Fuji Of Absolute Light, November 28, 2019.

Dearly beloved beautiful Beings who are living on the Back of the Earth,

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Fuji Of Absolute Light.

I am come to speak with you this day in this Sacred Space that is set aside for Communications from The Beings Of Absolute Light, of which many of the Sacred Sites around The Earth including MySelf Are.

For we too are Sentient Beings, though we have not yet been considered as such by many of you, and we are looking forward to opening into the possibility of having these kinds of conversations with many more of you as the time on The Earth Moves Forward and we Ground More Fully Into the Energy of The Age Of Aquarius.

For this is A Time of Change, A Time of Sacred Connection With Self and With Others - Including Those Others Whom You Have Not Yet Conceived Of As Sentient Beings.

Many of the Rocks and Crystals you use will begin to Speak with you, as will many of the places in Nature that you habitually visit and frequent, as well as The Sacred Consciousness of the Plants and Trees. Perhaps for some of you you will begin to Communicate More Deeply with the Animals too - either as a Representation of Their Kind, or as them speaking to you on behalf of a particular place where they are located or that is their Natural Habitat, or speaking to you simply as themself because of their desire to Communicate with a Being Of Light Which Is What You Also Are my dear ones. Allow yourself to open up to the Possibility of this being Real for you, and it wil be so.

The Times Are Changing Now And Much Is Possible That Was Not Before.

Believe this to be True For It Is So.

In order to engage in a Communicative Act with the Spirit of a certain place upon the face of The Earth direct your attention towards the possibility of such and feel into the Energy of the Sacred place - for all places on The Earth Are Sacred just as Each Of You Is A Sacred Being of Light - and ask what Message the Place holds for you. Then wait and see what Message floats into your head.

Perhaps it will be Information about the place itself. Perhaps it will be Information about YourSelf and your Sacred Relationship to Nature. Perhaps it will be Information that Helps You on Your Path or Healing Journey Back To Wholeness of SELF.

It is enough that you ask and wait to Receive the Answer, trusting what you get. That is your share.

We, The Sacred Places On The Earth, are Longing To Communicate With You.

We long to Share with you in Mutual Exchange - we long to tell you the stories of our mutual past, of all the lifetimes we have lived together. We long to Receive of your beautiful Energy of Love and Joy and Gratitude That Is Who You Are When You Are In Alignment With and The Embodiment Of Your Most Absolute Highest Sacred Self - The Being Of Light That You Are.

We have Ancient Secrets And Wisdom to share with you about how you can Connect to our Energy to Raise Your Vibration and Bring YourSelf As An Energetic Being Into Harmony And Alignment with the Sacred Energy of The Cosmos and The Eternal And UnCeasing Nature of All That Is, Revitalizing YourSelf this way and Aligning with the Sacred Truth Of Who You Are.

It Is Time For You To Know YourSelves.

It Is Time For You To Know Who You Are.

It Is Time For You To Come Into Harmony With And The EMBODIMENT Of Your Most Absolute Highest Truth.

We are here to Support You In This, just as you Support The Earth and All The Beings On Her Back in Coming Into a Higher Embodiment of Their Light When You Align With And Embody Yours.

As a further note on how to Communicate with the Energies of The Earth: the more Grounded you are the easier it is for You to hear Our Messages.

Being Grounded also helps You to Align With And Embody A Higher Vibration And Frequency of the Unique Light That You Are in Your Most Absolute Highest Embodiment of Self.

Spend time in Nature dear ones. Spend time in the Sacred Waters of the Earth and on Her Back, climbing her Sacred Mountains of which I am one and walking her Grasslands or Fields, enjoying her coastlines and sunsets and all the many, many Riches she has to offer.

Your lifetime here is but the passing of a moment.

Live Your Life Richly. Live It Fully. Live It In The Way That You Love Allowing Yourself to Be Who You Really Are without hiding your Essence from those around you or - more importantly - from YourSelf.

You Are Love dear one. Pure Love. That is What You Are.

Allow YourSelf To Discover And Know YourSelf As Such. Love is What You Are In Your Most Absolute Highest Essence and it is what You Can Choose To Be In Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Choose this Dear One. Allow yourSelf to enjoy this beautiful exploration of the Sacred Energy Of Self That Is What You Came Here To Know YourSelf As.

This is my Message to you today.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness of Mount Fuji Of Absolute Light.

From The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light, November 23, 2019.

It Is I, The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light.

You My Divine Children - the Beautiful Embodiments of Light in the World. Do you not see how Radiant Each of You Is, how beautifully you glow with the Unique Light of Who You Are?

You do not have to be like another. This is not what you came here for.

You came here to be YOURSelf.

You are too hard on YourSelf. You do not treat yourSelf with the same degree of Compassion that you treat those around you.

You condemn yourself for the slightest unkind thought or deed, that which you perceive as a misdemeanor in your way of thinking or Being in the World.

Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Don’t Judge Your Perceived faults so harshly.

Don’t you know that you Agreed to come here and Express All Aspects of the Self while Living in the 3D world - the Shadow as well as the Light?

It is often only through the Discovery of the DarkNESS Within that you first Lean Towards The Light and The ETERNAL Light of Your Own Being Is Revealed.

Do not be afraid when Dark Times visit you, for they come upon you all at some point in your Incarnation just like the seasons Flux and Change each year. When you feel like there is no hope, Trust Always.

TRUST In the Light of your own Being In Your Most Absolute Highest And Sacred Truth. Trust that She is Guiding you back to The LighT That You Are.

This Is Your Truth.

Whatever you see or Perceive about yourSelf, The Eternal Truth Of Your Own BEing Is That Y0U R LighT.

Know This About YourSelf.

Know Your Own Sacred Truth.

You are the Light That You are looking for.

It is WITHIN YOU And The All THAT You Are.

Stop looking outside yourSelf for What You Are.

You Are Light.

All you need do is Allow yourself to Believe and ReMember This, to Relax into the EmBodyment Of This the True Nature 0f Your Own Being.

It Is I, The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light.

From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, November 17, 2019.

Today's Message is From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light and has three parts.

The first part asks us to be more conscious about our use of plastic. While we all know the use of plastic as a material for packaging to be a grave problem for The Earth and her EcoSystems most of us are still operating from within a system that requires us to use a lot of plastic as part of our daily lives because of the way things are packaged when we buy them. The EarthStar That Is Our Home And The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia asks us to use as little plastic as possible and to be very conscious about educating others around us to do the same whenever possible without imposing our opinions on them - respecting also their right to make their own choices.

The second part is a Teaching for us.

It shares the Knowledge that the Salt Waters of the Earth are as important if not more so than the trees and forests in Cleansing and Purifying the Atmosphere and the Energetics of the EarthStar's System. Though many of us have neglected to notice this and overlooked the importance of it, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia assures me that it is so and asks that those of us who are in a position to make a difference look into this and start to promote the importance of protecting our salt water bodies as many groups and interested parties are doing in the case of the trees and the forests.

She also tells me that we can use salt water to Cleanse and Purify our own Energetic Field too, but that it does not need to be natural salt water. Instead we can make our own at home and that the perfect ratio for this is one cup of salt per each gallon of water. She says we do not need to drink it at all or use it to wash and cleanse our bodies more than once a month, but that the presence of a bucket of salt water in the room that we sleep in or spend most of our time in will greatly support us in Cleansing and Purifying our own Energetic Field.

The third part of The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia's Message asks us to walk on the Earth and particularly her uneven surfaces like sand and grass - barefoot if at all possible.

This not only helps to Ground Us and Bring our Energy Back Into Harmony With The Oneness Of All That Is, it reminds us of a Sacred And Divine Truth that most of us have forgotten which is part of the reason why we Suffer so Greatly when the road is rough and the path beneath our feet feels uneven and rocky.

The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia wants us to Trust that even when the Ground feels Uneven and the Path Forward feels rough and rocky beneath our feet we can Walk Forward Trusting And Knowing That We Are Fully Supported By Her And By The Entire Cosmos FOR IT IS SO.