Channeled Messages From The Mts & Crystals Of Ascended GAIA, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI, Jan 21, 2024.


Dear Beautiful Sacred Light-Filled Ones Here To Transform & Shift The Earth At This Time,

What Momentous Changes Are Underfoot & Already Starting To Unfold In The GAIA REALMS In Which You Reside.

There Is So Much That Is Going To Be Made Conscious - So Much That Will Be Revealed.

It Is The TIME Of The GREAT AWAKENING Upon The Earth & We - You + Us - Are Here To Support This.

We Feel The Rumbles Of Change Deep Within Our Roots & We Have A Sense Of Both Nervous & Excited Anticipation For What You Will Allow To UNFOLD.

It Is Important To Keep Your Focus On The Highest Possible Vision You Have For GAIA At This Time - For The Vision & The Frequency You Hold Will Help To Determine How Quickly The ELEVATION OF GAIA Unfolds.

What Exciting Beautiful Times In Which You Have Chosen To Incarnate.

It Is We, It Is Us, Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Crystals Of The Ascended Earth:

Dear Beautiful Light-Centered, Light-Filled Ones,

How we Love to Feel Your Presence Here Upon The Earth.

The Vibration You Emit is of Great Support To Us as we Continue to Elevate the Frequencies of GAIA On Behalf Of The Whole.

We are So Very Happy To Work In Collaboration With You In This Way for this is the ROLE, The SACRED PURPOSE For Which We Came.

We Are Honored To Fulfill This Role And Honored To Work With Such Beautiful Light-Beings Who Chose To Incarnate In The 3d Earth Realms Despite Being Able To Incarnate In Places Of A Much Higher Frequency.

You Came Here With The Specific Purpose & Role To Help The EARTH At This Very Special Time In These Realms & For This We Honor & Respect You Greatly.

We Are Here To Serve GAIA & HuManity In Her ASCENSION - As Are You.

You Are Our Sisters & Brothers In This.

We Love You.

We Thank You For Your Presence Here.

In Great Light & Great Love,

It Is We, It Is Us The Energies Of Amethyst, Fluorite, Selenite & Rose Quartz Of The Ascended Earth.

From Lord BABAJI & Lord KRISHNA:

Dear Beautiful Radiant Light-Emitters Of The Ascended GAIA,

Such Beautiful PURPOSE For Which You Came.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With Your Actions, Also With The Frequency You Hold & Emit.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With The Frequency You Emit, Also With The Concrete Actions You Take To Build The NEW EARTH.

It Is Not A Time To Hold Back Or Hesitate.

NOW Is The Time To Create The Physical Structures Of The NEW EARTH.

It Is I Lord Babaji & I Lord Krishna Of Absolute Light & We Thank You For Your Presence Here On The Planet At This Time.

You Are Of Tremendous LIGHT-FILLED Support To GAIA At This Time And She Honors & Thanks You Also.

It Is We, It Is Us, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message from Yeshua, Quan Yin & The Two Marys, March 20, 2023.

Beloveds In This Realm,

We are so pleased to Connect With You Here & tell you of the Great Acceleration that is now Underway in your Earth Plane with regards to the Awakening & Ascension TimeLine, as more and more of you Come into the Embodiment of the Light That You Came To This Earth At This Time To Discover YourSelf As.

That which has Shifted for you in the past 5-10 years is tremendous - but it is Nothing Compared To That Which Will Shift For You In The Next 6-8 Months.

It is Time to Fully Align with the Soul Path That Is Calling You Forth From This Place.

Where Are You Being Asked To Be Truer To Self?

What Are You Being Asked To Release?

What Are Your Next Steps Going Forward?

Ask Your Higher Self for Guidance regarding these things, and Listen to the Answers That Will Flow into your Perceptive Field Attentively.

All is to Shift and Change in the next few years.

To some it will feel like a time of great Upheaval.

Others Will Ride These Times With Ease & Grace - Conscious In The KNOWING That They (You) Are Aligned With Your Soul’s Highest Path At This Time.

Set Your Intention At The Start Of Each Day For How You Want To Experience YourSelf.

Do You Want To Be In The Experience Of Self As Love? As Peace? As Truth? As Nurtured? As Rested? As Joyful?

You can Align with All of These Things And MORE as you Move through your Day Constantly Centering YourSelf In Your HEARTSpace.

Do not forget to partake in Spiritual Community At This Time.

Seek out others who can Support you on Your Path.

Each of us benefitted Greatly from Spiritual Community and Teachings Handed To us From Those Who Were Already Walking The Path Of A Truth-Aligned Life.

Choose Your Community Wisely as one that permits you to be in the Highest Expression of Self in the way that is True For YOUR Soul - rather than asking you to adhere to old dogma.

You are not alone in this Upleveling.

Many of you are Experiencing similar Influxes of Light Energy into Your Cells to Support the Integration of the LightBody At This Time.

Let yourself be Lifted Up by the Community that you choose.

Feel YourSelf Welcomed By GAIA Into The REALMS OF THE NEW EARTH - where all is Love - Creations Created In Love And Joy For The Purpose Of Spreading More Love, Consciousness, Joy & Peace amongst those you walk with and call Mankind.

You have been Annointed.
Your Mission At This Time is To Serve.

Look back and remember how far you have come -
See the Transformation In Self so you can believe in the Possibility of Such Great Transformation in Multiple Others Around You.

Let yourself feel Pride in your Journey.

Let YourSelf Feel & See The Brightness of Light You Are Becoming - For Self & For Others Around You.

Let YourSelf Know That The Next Stage Of Your Transformation Is Already In Place - Ready For You To Step Into.

For some, this step will need to be one so colossal in size that you will feel sure that you can’t do it - But We Say: Never To Worry - YOU CAN.

The next Stage of your Embodiment is What You Were Born For - Each Is Being Aligned With Their Pre-Birth’s Soul’s Highest Desires For Love & For Freedom.

Consider Each Choice From This Perspective - How Does It Align With More Of The Divine LoveLight That You Came Here To Know YourSelf As?

Thank you for Interacting With Our Message This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us - Quan Yin, Yeshua, Mary Mother Of Yeshua & Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Ascended Masters Of The Yeshua Line

Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, May 1, 2022.

From The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth -

Dear beautiful Beloveds in the GAIA Realms,

What exciting times for you as you move more into the Embodiment of the Crystalline Light that you came here to engage in the process of at this time.

We, the Mountains of the Ascended Earth are very familiar with this process of being Crystalline and we wish to offer you some of the wisdom we have gained as pointers to help you on your way.

It is important that you first start to conceive of yourself as Crystalline Light-based.

The Crystalline Activations are underway for All now. There is none that they will not reach. However, you can accelerate the process if you start to perceive of yourself as this Crystalline Light and to Know that you are already on this path, rather than feeling that it is something separate from you.

There is no call whatsoever for you to feel that you are not worthy, not deserving, not ready for this Upgrade. It has been Decreed by Divine Light and we wish you to Know that it is in place for you.

That it is in place for All.

The next pointer we wish to stress is to be gentle and patient and compassionate with yourselves.

We know you are eager for this to be done Now.

But let it take the time it needs. For that is the way that Nature works and you, in returning to more of your Divine Nature, are returning to more of this Oneness with the Process of Natural Organic Life.

It is important also that you feed your Body Vessel healthy clean foods and give her/him clean water. These things Support the Plasma Light Energy in being Integrated into your Body and Cells.

We are well pleased with the progess that is being made in these Realms, and wish you to know that it is not just you - all of us are undertaking this Upgrade.

As we the Mountains, the Stones, the Crystals Integrate more CrystallineDiamond Plasma Light the Frequency of GAIA continues to Raise and this is our way of offering our Support to you - which we are glad to do for we see how earnestly those of you who follow the writings of this Channel and others such as her desire for more Light to be brought into your Realms.

We thank and honor you for your committment to this Path that your Soul has Chosen for you.

In Love and In Light our dear Crystalline Brothers And Sisters,

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth.

From St Germain -

Dear Sweet Souls and Holders of the Flame of Eternal Light in Those Relams.

It is I, St Germain, with words of import to speak unto you.

Take care of yourselves.

Take care of each other.

These are times when much is coming up for Release in your Realms and these Times feel hard for many. It is important that you are kind and loving unto each other - and also to yourself.

These words sound so simple - and yet they are one of the most important things that you can embody at this time.

The kindness that you embody brings light to those in the experience of darkness and helps to shine the light of the Divine in the World at this Time.

For the Divine Qualities are so much closer to you than you know.

Just a kind word away, just a compassionate action away.

We know that it has been important in these past few years for you to be focused on the qualities of your own deep Release and Healing. You have made so much progress on an individual level that now there is much more spaciousness within that enables you to turn your focus outwards at times and look for those whom you may serve and bring the light of the Divine to through the kindness of your words, your Unconditinal Acceptance of them As They Are and your Divinely-Guided Actions to lend a hand to a Sister or a Brother in need.

Such Actions will be richly rewarded both in this lifetime and in the Realm of the Eternal - for there is nothing more important than the Love that you Embody and show to One Another.

Do not forget this in the days to come - for it will be important that you are there as a support and a pillar of strength for one another, and that you lead the way for the rest of Humanity to see what this sort of Unconditional Love and Support of those in need of a kind and loving ear, hand or feet to carry them what they need looks like.

Your role here now is so much more important than you know - and being fulfilled so beautifully as you generate so much Crystalline Light in these Realms. Do not forget, however, how much good you can do when on a human level you Embody the Divine Qualities of Non-Judgement, Mercy, Forgiveness, Brotherly & Sisterly Love and have an eager Heart that desires to be of Service to the Humanity Around You in any one Moment of your Life.

This is also what you came for - to be the model of Excellence at this time and to demonstrate unto the rest of Humanity what is possible when Unconditional Love is a Value that is embodied instead of simply being seen as an ideal that is too far ahead for you to reach.

Your Embodiment of Love does not need to be Perfect. It just needs to be begun. One step at a time. Asking what you can do to help your Human Brothers, your Human Sisters, those both near and far.

We would encourage you to contemplate this at this time and to Know that each has specific roles that you are given and each is placed in certain places and certain circumstances so that you may be a greater blessing in the world in her time of need as Humanity transitions through this Great Shift of the Ages that is Upon You In This Now Moment.

Have open Hearts.

Have kind Hearts.

Have loving Hearts.

And continue to ask your Guide Teams and your Higher Self how you can bring forth your Light in Unique Ways that are of Service to the Human Collective At This Time.

We Love And Honor You In Your Transition.

It Is I, St Germain Of Absolute Light, Speaking On Behalf Of Many Of The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light In This Now.

From The Golden Phoenix.

You are Rising and the Old Versions of Self are Falling Away.

You are being Greatly Supported in this at this time, for it is Your Time - As Humanity - to Rise and to Know YourSelves in the Authentic Power and the Unlimited Potential for Creation with the Divine Light Within That You Are.

I Am Bringing Through Activations To Support You In This Now.

May they Support Each of You on your Highest Path.

It Is I, The Golden Phoenix Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, April 12, 2022.

From St Germain -

Hello dear Beloveds,

What exciting Times in your Realms - and what a privilege it is to be part of this Ascension Process with you and to be able to provide Support to your Earth Realms At This Time.

There is so much love and care in my Heart for all of you and I am so happy to see many of you moving beyond that which has held you back for so long.

The Crystalline GAIA REALMS are starting to be Grounded into your Reality Now - there is much coming up for Release.

Let it All Go.

It will only Weigh you Down if you try to Hold Onto it.

Continue to Call On the Violet Flame And Also the Platinum Flame - for they will Greatly Support you in your Release of all that is not Serving You.

You have shown great Courage and great Strength.

The path before you is still long - and yet it is less of a distance to traverse than that which you have already successfully walked.

Know this in your moments of difficulty and continue to Trust in Your Soul to Guide Your Way.

With love for each of you in the Situation you Find YourSelf In.

It Is I, St Germain Of Absolute Light.

From The Holy Spirit -

Dear beautiful Light-Filled Beloveds of the Divine,

I am honored to be in your presence and to share my Light with you today.

Know that you are Receiving a Great Activation of Light as you read this Message which will Support you in Elevating into a Higher Vibrational Frequency of Love.

It Is Your Time To Evolve.

It Is Your Time To Know YourSelves in the Higher Truth which you came at this Time to Discover About YourSelves.

It is a continuous Unfolding into more of the Love and the Light You Are.

You are much more Powerful than you know.

I wish you to Remember this - and to Create from this place.

You have the Power of the Divine Within You that is Supporting you at this time in Aligning with the Highest Energies Coming Into the Planet.

Be in a State of Peace and Joy that you may Transmute the Lower Densities and Come Into a Greater Fulfillment of Your Divine Potential.

It Is I, The Holy Spirit.

From Yeshua -

It is with love in my Heart for Humanity that I connect with you At This Time.

You are on the cusp of great change that has never been seen on such a large scale in the human heart and psyche.

The Plasma and Photonic Light coming into your Planet have Upgraded the Human Vessel to such an extent that you are Ready to move into a new Expression of your Being.

It is with great joy in the Higher Dimensions that we observe the speed with which you are making the transition into Bodies that are more Crystalline.

Your bodies are adjusting well, and it will not take long now for the Collective Consciousness to start to Shift and Change.

Dear Ones, you are the Leaders of this Shift and we Honor all you are doing to bring about the Birth of the New Earth.

With love in our Hearts we are sending you a wave of Plasma Light to Support your Ascension Process Now.

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

From The Ascended Crystals Of The Ascended NEW EARTH -

We love you, we salute you, we celebrate with you The Birth Of The New Earth.

The Crystalline Frequencies are now Permeating your Planet to a degree that has never been seen before and they will continue to do so over the next 20 - 30 years to Support the Human Race in her Ascension into her next Level of Being.

You will be changing so much that you will hardly know yourselves.

Not only those of you who have been referred to as the Indigos, Crystals and Rainbows, we wish you to know that all of you are now the Crystalline Children of The Ascended New Earth.

This is your Divine Heritage.

This is Who You Came Here To Know YourSelves As.

It Is Now Time for you to Create Your Realities - Both Individual And Collective - Anew In Alignment with the Energy of the CRYSTALLINE NEW EARTH FREQUENCIES.

This is more possible now than it has been to this point because of the Huge Gateways Through Which You Have Passed in the first few months of this, the year 2022.

Much has fallen away that was holding you back - and the Path Before you is Freer of obstacles than it has been to this point.

Keep your focus on what you want to Create and Allow the Divine Essence Within you to Flow Through You and Bless the World.

We thank you and honor you for being here At This Very Important Pivotal Time In These Realms We Too Love So Much.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Crystals Of The Ascended NEW EARTH.

Channeled Message From The Ascended Master St Germain.

Dear Beloveds,

It is now Time for much of the Lower Energies to be Cleared And Released from your Realms.

Call on the Violet Flame to Support you in this Release, for the Time is Now to Step Into the Next Highest Embodiment of Self.

You Are Ready For This - So Much More Than You Know.

There is time available to you now to go Within, to Receive your Guidance, to Connect with the Vision of what you want to Bring Forth.

From August onwards the Energies will be more directed towards Active Creation And Fast, Forward Movement.

Now is a Breathing Space for you to prepare yourself for what it is you want to Create Going Forward into the New Energy of the Ascended New Earth.

We are here with you to Share Our Support.

With Love and Respect for the Light you Bring to the World.

It Is I, The Ascended Master St Germain Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages & Ascension Codes From The Beings Of Absolute Light, March 22, 2022.

From The Collected Ascended Masters And The Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds,

It is with Joy in our Hearts that we welcome you into this Space and we wish to send you our blessings of Love and our blessings of Peace to each of you as an Individual and to the Greater Collective At This Time.

There is much that we wish to say -

First that we Honor and Hold each of you in Love for the Process you are Moving through at this time and the Integrity and the Dedication to truth that you are Embodying, as well as the Clear Purity of your Hearts that is like a Mountain Stream blessing the world with its pure waters.

Do not let yourself be swayed away from the space of the Heart, whatever may be unfolding in the Collective or your Individual TimeLine. We know that this will be difficult at times. There is much that is coming up to be examined in the lives of Individuals as well as a great deal of fear and tension in the Collective. All of this needs to be so - for it is as if you are being squeezed through a narrow opening like that of an hourglass to allow all that which is not Aligned to Fall Away before beginning the Ascent into the Vibration of the Higher Dimensions of The New Earth.

We know that many of you feel unsettled. There’s a feeling of a time-lapse. It is as if you are waiting for something to happen and to gain more clarity around your role Going Forward. And so there is a hesitancy about what to do next. This is well and good. For many of you, your roles will be shifting from this point forwards into a Higher Embodiment of your next Manifestation of Who You Came Here To Be.

There is much to be excited about ahead.

Above all we wish you to know this.

It is literally just around the corner. But it will require your Integrity, your Patience, your Strength and your Determination to remain Aligned with the Highest Essence of Self for you to walk through these times with Ease and Grace and in a way that Allows you to be of Service to the Collective of Humans that you came here to Lead the Way for.

It is all about being Fully Centered within your own Highest Essence of Being. And both thinking, speaking, acting and interacting from this place.

This is the example you are here to be at this time - as the Collected Ascended Masters before you.

We now Activate you to Come into a Higher Embodiment of your Truth through the Diamond Golden Ascension Column.

This is the end of our Message to you today. We now hand you over to the Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth.

From The Ascended Masters Yeshua, The 2 Marys, Metatron, Melchizedek Of Absolute Light And The Golden Phoenix Of The Ascended New Earth.

Beautiful Shining Ones,

We salute you in the Process of your Ascension.

You are becoming Crystalline through your Physical Structures in a way that is so beautiful to behold, as all that is not of the Purity of the Ascended New Earth is Dissolving and Falling Away.

You are Shining Ones.

Shining with the Embodiment of the One True Light That Is In All That Is - That Is In You, That Is In Us, That Infuses Each Being With Life In These Realms.

Until now this Light That You Are has been Hidden from you by your Inherited Patterns from Other LifeTimes And/Or Your Ancestral Lines.

These patterns are now losing their grip - coming up for their greater Release.

Allow yourself to take the time to be with them and to do the individual work that needs to be done to move through this time with more Ease, more Grace.

This is important - for it will put you in the position of Internal Strength which is where All True Power is located.

Do not forget the Truth of Who You Are as a Soul That Is Beyond the Limitations of the Body.

Allow this to Sustain you Through These Times, that you may bring sustenance and nourishment for others wherever you may go.

You are Serving here now as we are also Serving.

Each Action And/Or Word dedicated to a Higher Divine TimeLine, Plan And Design.

This is as it should be for this is what these Times are for.

It is time for the Human Realms to Align with the Higher Dimensional Energies and Come Into the BEingness of the Ascended Earth Realms Here In Physical Now.

How wonderful to be a sentient being on the Earth At These Times and to share in this experience with you dear Beloveds, who so bravely have come and reincarnated in these Realms from Higher Dimensions.

With great honor to you for your Service - which is great. We love and hold you in our hearts and in our Esteem.

We gift you these Number Codes to work with through the rest of this month. Please say them once a day for 3 - 5 consecutive days -

2 2 4 8 9 0.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth - and we are honored to have had this chance to speak with you this day.

March Channeled Message From The Beings Of Absolute Light, March 1, 2022.

Welcome To The Month Of March Dear Ones,

We are greatly honored to be able to speak with you in this way and Support you through the Passage of this time in your Dimension.

It is a beautiful time to be alive despite all appearances to the contrary. Much is shifting under the surface and the darkness of the times you see before you will not last as long as it may seem.

Today many of us are stepping forward to speak with you. We will each share a short Message that we hope will Bless You greatly on your Soul’s Highest Path as you navigate these times.

First, Sophia -

Dear Beloveds Of The Earth Realms,

You who I have known since before the beginning of Time and are yet to Know me as the Mother of All Life on the Planet GAIA. She is my Sacred Sister - and you as her kindred - those who have chosen to come here and be the Allies Supporting Her in her Ascension Process At This Time are my kindred also. It is with great love in my heart that I speak with you this day for I know that you see the turmoil on the surface of the planet and feel love and compassion for your human brothers and sisters and want to support them in their plight. The best thing that you can do right now is to hold the light - by which I mean not only hold the light of love and compassion for all beings in your heart and direct peace and love into the areas which need support, but to also Align with your own individual Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.

Take the time to focus your attention on what you need most right now to be Supported in your own personal Ascension Journey.

This is the most important thing you can do right now, despite external appearances.

I hold you in gratitude, honor and love and send my light to surround you in a cloak of light that will lift your Energetic Frequency and Support you now.

It Is I, The Sophia Of Absolute Light.

Next, from Yeshua.

Dear Beloveds, I am your brother in Light and you my Brothers and Sisters,

I thank you for the deep concern with which you hold the areas of the world that need support, of which there are many it is true.

I ask you not to let your own Energetic Frequency become depressed. The upholding of a High Frequency of individual light at this time is crucial to the next Evolution of the Collective. It is not selfish when you focus on that which gives you joy despite the sufferings of others - it is in fact vital for the Planet, your Beloved GAIA, that you do what will support you in remaining centered in a Higher Frequency At This Significant Time.

I love you and send you my love,

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

I pass you to My Brothers in Light - Metatron & Melchizedek -

Dear Beloveds in the Earth Plane,

How brightly your Light has shone for so long and how it has been the efforts of you the Ascension Guides and Catalysts and the LightWorkers and WayShowers that has helped GAIA + Humanity to Ascend to the degree that has been possible.

This is something that you are doing together as a Collective - Do Not Forget This. It is important that you come together and work together for the upholdment of the Light, rather than for personal gain or personal benefit.

Ask the Light Within You And Your Highest Light Team To Support you in making Aligned decisions - for these next few months will be very Transformational in the Earth Planes and we wish you to be Fully Supported Through This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek And Metatron Of Absolute Light.

And now from The Lord Ganesha And Many Other Beloveds Of The Indian Ascended Masters Realms -

We Salute You At This Time,

Your presence of Light on the Planet has stopped the escalation of things in a number of situations and in various contexts beyond that which has been permitted by The Divine. We honor you for you have held the light even in the face of much darkness through multiple lifetimes for You Are The Mighty LIGHT WARRIORS who chose to Incarnate time and time again specifically to support Humanity and the Planet in their Evolution.

You are cherished by The Divine and held dear. We wish you to know this and to continue to be the very best self that you can be in each and every moment so that you may be the living Embodiment of All That You Share And Teach for those around you - this is important for people learn by what they see creating Transformation in lives, not by words alone.

It is important that you come back to presence and remember the Ever-Present Presence of the Divine in all that is Unfolding in the World. This will Support you as you watch the darkness seem to press forward. Know that it will always be turned back, will always be suppressed, will always be won over.

But that this requires both influxes of Energy of Light and Love and Clear Action in the direction of the Light on your part, United Together As The Brothers And Sisters Of Light That You Are And Came To Surround The World In LOVELIGHT And Stand As.

Stand strong in thee Knowing of the Light That You Are.

You are Blessed by Us and your Actions in Service to the Light will be Blessed by the Whole Of Creation.

Trust in your Inner Knowing for much is to change from now and it will be harder than it has been to rely on external sources of information.

Practice self-love and practice the art of practically loving others in ways that support them in embodying more of their truth.

Only you who have done this for yourselves know how to love in this way.

you are shining in the Entire Divine Cosmos.

We hold you in love. We support you in your endeavors and we are always there with you by your side.

It Is We, It Is Us, GANESHA And The Collected Indian Masters Of Absolute Light.

2:22 Channeled Message From Melchizedek & Metatron.

Greetings Beloveds in the Earth Realms,

Salutations on this most Auspicious of Days.

May you be Greatly Blessed by the Incoming Energies Through This Sacred Passage.

May You Evolve into a Higher Version of Self so that you may be the Greater Catalyst for Change in the direction of the New Earth that you Incarnated to be.

It is your time as a Collective to Evolve - And this Gateway is one of the most powerful yet.

The Sacred Symbology of this day is Significant - it is time for you to Unite with Your DIVINE SELF.

It is time to Stabilize the Energies of the Evolved Divine Self in the Earth Realm Now - and as you Unite with Your Higher Self Consciousness, Integrating this into Your Human Vessel And Consciousness you become the Embodied Leaders of the Age that is to Come.

Take time to Connect with your Higher Self through this Gateway and to ask to be Guided in your Path forward from this point.

Much change is about to Unfold on your Planet - make sure you are Grounded in the Energy of Your Highest Self so that you may Flow with the Energy of the New, rather than holding onto old patterns that no longer Serve You.

To Support you in this, you can ask to be shown what is no longer Aligned. Then be present with YourSelf and observe what appears before you throughout the day asking to be looked at and perceived differently - for many of you it will be less a case of Releasing that thought or word or emotion or behaviour, than subtly ‘ReTuning’ it to bring it into the Vibration of the New Earth.

The things that do not serve this Frequency will naturally fall away. It is your task to work with what remains and bring it into that Higher-Aligned Frequency of the New Earth Consciousness and Structures.

You are not alone in this task. There is much Support Available To You from the Higher Realms At This Time. Ask to be shown and then be open to Receive the Areas for ReTuning that present before you.

Most of all, remember you cannot get this wrong.

That which needs to Release will fall away.

That which stays, you will be given as many chances as are needed to bring it into Alignment with the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.

It is understood that this is a very big Shift taking place - so there is a lot of clemency around how long this will take.

But Know that it is available to you in an Instant when you pause and ReTune your Alignment with the New Earth Frequencies in the Moment.

This is all that needs to be done.

But it is a process that needs to be done over and over and over until this becomes your New & Natural Way of Being.

We hold you in love At This Time,

May the Upgrades that you are Receiving be Integrated in the Highest Possible Way for your own TimeLine and for the TimeLine of the Whole.

It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek & Metatron. February 22, 2022.

Channeled Message From Ascended Masters Yeshua & Joan Of Arc, Feb 7, 2022.

Greetings Beloveds,

First, Yeshua wishes to speak with you -

The Golden Age Of GAIA Is Now Here and it is time for each to Energetically Align with this Energy, spending time in Stillness, in Silence, in Contemplation of what it means to be Alive on the Planet At This Time, In Service on the Planet At This Time when so much is being Transmuted and Transformed by The DIVINE In Support of Your - Hu-Manity’s - Highest Ascension TimeLine In This LifeTime You Are Living In Now.

The Divine Christed Codes Of Light are Flooding Your Planet, Transforming Your Consciousness.

Allow YourSelves to take adequate time to Integrate these - you may need more rest, more alone time, more time in contemplation, more time in meditation, more time in nature than usual.

Do not judge yourself for what does not get done during this time. The next 2 weeks are a very important GateWay that All are Passing Through.

Be patient with your Physical vessels - they are doing most of the work of Integrating this Light Energy - and then throughout the rest of your year you will start to feel and see your Consciousness Transform as a result of the Energy that is Integrated At This Time.

Love yourself through this time - nothing is more important than that you feel rested and as relaxed as is possible, though the Incoming Energies may play havoc with your Body Systems and cause you a certain degree of Physical Exhaustion, Stress and other possible Physical Symptoms as you Release a lot of Unaligned Lightcodes that have been stored within the Body as you Transform into the Next Highest Potential for Hu-Manity At This Time.

It is not a time to be overly focused on the things of the world - put your Attention on your Spiritual Growth and your Evolution into the Next Level of Who You Came Here To Be and to Share as At This Time.

Beloved Sister Joan Of Arc has more to share on this -

Dear Beautiful Ones,

It is not a time to be silent and to watch things transpire without making your voice heard.

It is a time to examine within yourself and see what it is that you truly want to create in this world and to speak out in Alignment with that, for there is much that needs to change on the Earth in order for life there to become Sustainable For All.

There has been too much of a focus within the LightWorker Community on only focusing on your own Evolution - now it is time to make your Voices Heart to Support the Evolution of Humanity into Her Next Level Of Consciousness At This Time.

I am the one who has been chosen to say this - for I am known for a certain reckless boldness.

But actually during my time on Earth I experienced a lot of fear, as I know - I can see it within your Energy Fields - many of you do in regards to sharing your Truth.

I felt that fear and yet I didn’t let it control me - I acted despite it, with it still chasing me only a couple of footsteps behind. But the funny thing is, it was in the taking of the action that so often the fear just fell away.

So decide what is the Truth that you want to share from your Loving and Open Heart - and then create opportunities to do so, to form groups with other like-minded people so that you can leave the legacy of having created something better during your time there.

This is my Message for you today and I know it will not be easily received by all.

But it is still an important one to hear and to take in and ask yourself, what is it that I want to share during my time here? What legacy do I want to leave on the planet?

For in truth, every word spoken and unspoken, every action and inaction, leaves some kind of legacy.

You may think you are not important enough to matter, but this could not be further from the truth.

You are all co-creating what Human Life looks like together - with vast-reaching effects on the rest of the creatures inhabiting the Kingdom of GAIA with you.

Each of you Matters.

The voice of each of you matters.

The actions of each of you matter.

Let yourself be seen and heard as a presence of the LIVING NEW EARTH Now Being Born In Your Realms.

It Is We, It Is Us, Yeshua & Joan Of Arc.


Channeled Message For January 2022 From Ascended Masters Yeshua, Hilarion and Lady Portia.

Dear Beloved Hu-Mans,

We wish to Salute You for how well you are Moving Through the Passage of This Time.

We each have some words we wish to share with you about the Energy of this month and the ongoing Energy of 2022.

First some words from the Master Hilarion -

Beloveds In The Earth Realm,

It is with great admiration in my heart that I see you face whatever comes up for you in your daily lives and choosing to Interact with it consciously. I wish you to know that this is to be a big theme for this year and that the more mastery you are able to acquire in this, then the easier you will find this year to engage with.

This year will not be easy in all respects, but it will be one of great Transformation.

You are Transmuting All That Is Not Aligned with the Crystalline Frequencies of the New Earth.

This will require a lot of upheaval as things come to the surface to be Released, a lot of Shedding of patterns and situations that no longer serve your Highest Good.

It may not be easy.

But you will Emerge from it like a chrysalis ready to Embrace an Entirely New Manifestation of Self in the World.

Have courage and surround yourself with like-hearted Souls - for they will fortify you when you find the going hard and cannot see clearly ahead.

It will be important to Trust your own Heart’s Guidance more.

And as for this month, this is the time to Go Within - to ask yourself what it is you really want from your life.

If the way you are spending your time and what you are dedicating your Energy to differs from this - then now is the time to make the Change.

Next a Message from Lady Portia -


How heartfelt is my admiration for all that you are moving through.

I urge you to create more Clarity in your life.

Clarity breeds Simplicity.

Simplicity breeds Ease.

When you are Clear on what is you want to Create in your Life, then you can put all your Energy and Attention Towards that.

So many of you are half-invested in what you think is possible for you - and of the other half spending a quarter of your energy on lamenting or regretting or creating from your past. Instead of putting the majority of your Energy towards creating that Glorious Unforeseen Unimagined Beautiful Potential-Filled Future you truly long to see.

It is time to Release those ties to who you think you have been, to who you have been told you are, to anything that keeps you in limitation instead of allowing you to be Free - Fully Accessing Your Highest Potential as you Co-Create with The Divine in Self.

You have not yet discovered your true Power as Creators.

It is time for you to do this - and to Recreate your World.

As to January - Go Within. Forgive, Release, let your pain be Transmuted on your behalf.

And then draw all your Energy unto you - and ask yourself what would I really like to create with this Beingness that I have been Gifted in this life if I thought and Knew and BELIEVED that anything were possible?

And then start to Create from that place.

Last a Message from Yeshua -

Beloved Beautiful Shining Ones,

Your Embodiment of the Light of your Divinity is truly marvelous to behold.

Now it is the time for you to share your Knowledge with your Earthly Brothers and Sisters - that they too may come to Know Themselves in their Highest Truth.

You are Blessed by the Whole of Creation in this endeavor.

Now is the Time for the majority of Humanity to Ascend.

You will be Greatly Supported as you Step Out on your Path.

You know your Path already though you think you do not.

It speaks to you in the urges of your Heart, in the whispers of your Guidance, in your Certain Knowing about which part is yours and in the Signs and Synchronicities that help to Guide you in the right direction.

Now is not a time to hold back because of fear.

Let yourself be seen in your Embodiment of your Light.

Envision the New World as you want it to be and pray to your MotherFatherGod that you be Supported in Creating this.

You are now about to discover all the abundant resources of the Universe that are available to you as you Align with your Highest Passion, your Highest Path, your Mission here At This Time.

As for the month of January - get that Clarity that the Beloved Portia spoke of and then do not hesitate to Act.

The Energy Supports your Actions this year and you will be greatly Supported on your Path as you Step Out in Alignment with your Highest Guidance.

We are greatly pleased for this chance to talk with you today and remain, always, the Upholders of the Organic Ascension.

We come in love and we wish upon you many blessings of Light.

It Is We, It Is Us, Hilarion, Lady Portia & Yeshua.

January 1, 2022. Channeled by Julia Greef.


From The Ascended Master Quan Yin Of Absolute Light, June 20, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is with great Joy and Compassion in my heart for the journey that you are on that I greet you in this Sacred Space this day.

You are Brave and Courageous Pioneers dear ones.

Each and every one of You.

You are each a Sacred Fractal of Source Light come here to Know yourself in more of your Truth - as One with Absolute Light. You do this through the exploration of how you Create your life through your thoughts, your actions and what you put your focus upon.

For you see ‘Absolute Light’ is nothing other than another name for the Originating Source Consciousness from which you - we - are all brought forth.

You are One with this, one of its Sacred Aspects of Self. So are all the others you will ever encounter, including myself.

We are One on a very deep level, for we spring forth from the same Originating Source Consciousness of Absolute Light.

So you see that the Light that you see in me and in other Beings of the Higher Realms is the same Light that is In You, only we do not have to contend with the duality of the Physical World as you and others of your kind do.

This is why we are able to Help and Support you at such a deep level.

You can avail yourself of more of our Help and Support by asking for it whenever you desire to experience more Help and Support from the Higher Realms in your life.

You Are Light, dear one. You Are Love.

This is who you are in your most fundamental Essence, and as you start to believe this about yourself then you will open up into a greater expression of the Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are in your Expression of Who You Are and in your interactions with others.

While you are Incarnated in the Physical World, you are always able to avail yourself of a Higher Embodiment of the Absolute Light And Unlimited Love That You Are and Know YourSelf as More of this.

While this may not feel true or easy for you at all times, I would suggest that it is because you are looking at what you are not.

Change your focus. Put it on all the Love that you are giving in the world.

Start to see yourself in terms of the Love That You Are - The Love That You Are Already Embodying.

There is nothing more important than this when it comes to learning how to truly and deeply love yourself.

It Is I, Quan Yin Of Absolute Light.

From Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, June 17, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It Is I Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, here to Greet you in this Sacred Space today.

There has been much that you have been Awakening and Integrating within yourself in the last few days. There is much that you have been Opening Into, much of it Aligned with the Highest and Purest Light of your Soul. In this, you do great Tribute to your Dedication to bring through and allow to Shine and Radiate from you and around you in this your Physical Incarnation more of the the Most Absolute Highest Light of your Soul.

In order to do this with still more competence and in a way that feels truly Joyful and Uplifting to you, I ask that you Create more times of Sacred Quiet, Sacred Peace, Sacred Solitude and Sacred Silence throughout your day.

These are the times when you can come back to your Self and Connect with your own Divine Heart and the Divine Wisdom of your Soul that lives within you.

Because of your tendency to reach out and care for others, you feel the pull of all their demands on you. Do not allow the pull of these demands to take you away from Connection to your own true Self and the Highest Light of your Soul.

Nothing is as important as this:
To listen to the Guidance, the Wisdom, the Clarity of your own Sacred Heart.

To be able to hear her Sacred Guidance Clearly and with Accuracy you must make these times of Sacred Peace and Quiet throughout your day so that you can drop into and Access the Wisdom of your own Sacred HeartSpace easily in each Sacred Moment of Now.

I know that many of you are overloaded with commitments to others and to the job that you do in the world; I know that there is much that you feel responsible for. I ask that in all your looking after and taking care of others and meeting the practical needs of the world - the things that you do in order to be able to function and live successfully in the world, do not forget to also Honor your Soul and her Calling and what it is that she wants to say to you.

Honor this Above All Things for it is your Reason and your Purpose for Incarnating in this Lifetime.

I also ask that you Come Back Home to Rest often in the Beauty and Peace of the Sacred Energetic Field of your own Sacred Heart.

It Is I, Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.

From Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Jesus Of Absolute Light, June 6, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is I, Jesus Of Absolute Light. I am here to greet you in this Sacred Space today and to share my Message of Absolute Love and Absolute Light with you.

I have seen the efforts you have been making to grow into a Higher Embodiment of your Light. I would suggest that it is not something that you grow into or a process that you can control, but something that you Allow.

You do this by your Willingness and via your Intention.

Put your Intention on being Deeply Present in your Sacred HeartSpace at all times. This is literally all you need to do.

The rest will be done for you.

The Ascension Process is not something that you are to do alone. That would be impossible for you to achieve.

We in the Higher Realms know that and are here to Support you; to Lift you up and Raise you into the Higher Dimensions and a Higher Embodiment of the Light that you Innately Are but has been forgotten by you with the Energetic LightCodes that we are Transmitting to you and everyone on your planet all the Time.

Being in the Sacred HeartSpace is how you Allow these LightCodes to be Integrated with Ease and Grace.

Be in your Heart Dear Ones. Live in the Sacred HeartSpace.

The Heart is where the key to your Transformation lies.

I am here to Support you in this, both with my words and with the Energetic LightCodes that are being Transmitted to you in this very moment through this Sacred Message.

It Is I, Ascended Master Jesus Of Absolute Light.


From Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, January 9, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is with great love in my heart for each of you that I have followed your progress to this point. Each of you have been deepening into the process of the Connection with the Soul Light that you are in essence; releasing old identities and that which no longer Serves you and allowing yourself to step into a Far Higher Embodiment of Your Truth.

This is not always an easy process, and much discomfort may be felt at times. Discomfort shows you where you are growing into something more than you have thus far been. Shrug this discomfort off like shrugging off a shawl, seeing it as a mantle that has held you fixed to old identities and your old ideas about who you are. It is not the Truth of who you are, nor aligned with who you are in your Truth; only the veneer of the old beliefs that you have held about yourself.

Step forth in grandeur and Embody the New You that is Emerging.

This is what is being Seeded at this start of a new year.

It is important to go within and discover what you want to grow and expand into, and what wants to be given birth to through you this year. Look for a word that encapsulates each of these things, and hold these two words close to your heart throughout the year.

Yes, you are Rising dearly Beloved one.

You are Ascending.

Growing into the Embodiment of All That You Came here to Be.

As the caterpillar shrugs off its skin before it emerges as the magnificent butterfly; so you must shrug off the mantle of your old and limiting beliefs about yourself so that you may live as the Embodied free and beautiful Being of Light That You Are.

I wish you each to know that I, as part of the Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light, am so proud of you all. It is not an easy task that you have set yourself - to remember the Truth of who you are while you are living in a physcial body in the physical world.

There are many distractions that come up each day that would tell you what you are not, rather than what you are. There are many things that come up and momentarily take you out of alignment with the Absolute Love and Absolute Light that you are in your Essence. I wish you not to believe these untruths and to constantly come back to the Truth of the Absolute Love and the Absolute Light That You Are.

It is with a mother’s eyes and a mother’s heart that I see you.

I see the Absolute Light and the Absolute Love That You Are. I know that everything that comes into your experience is to bring you back into a Higher Expression And Embodiment of this,

You came here to be Love; to Be Light.

To Know yourself as these things; and in doing so Know yourself as One with The Absolute Love and The Absolute Light that is All That Is.

I am here to support you in this. You can call on me to support you anytime you have forgotten the Light and the Love that is who you are. With a mother’s gentleness I will bring you back to who you are and reconnect you with the Love and the Light that you are in your Essence if you allow me to do so,

By asking You Allow.

In closing I wish to ask you to take care of yourselves better. To honor your own needs first; not turning all your energy, care and attention outwards.

You are birthing a new planet. That requires a lot of time, energy and dedication. Many of you are devoted vessels for Source to work through. We thank you for this Service. I wish to remind you to also nurture yourself.

It is only when you are filled up with the Light and the Love and the Joy That You Are that you can be aligned with your Highest Truth and be of the Most Absolute Highest Service in the world in the way that you, uniquely, came here to be.

The way to do this is by nourishing yourself first; allowing yourself to make yourself your priority.

Nourish yourself first, and the Light That You Are will naturally radiate out into the world around you and touch New Yearall those with whom you connect.

It is I, Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.

From Quan Yin Of Absolute Light, December 22, 2018: The Winter Solstice.

Beloved Ones,

I wish to speak to you today of Absolute Love and Absolute Compassion and the Absolute Love and Absolute Compassion that You Are In Your Truth.

You must first know that both Love and Compassion can only begin with yourself.

If you wait for another to give you the Love You Desire or show you the Compassion You Wish To Receive, you will always feel Lack in some Aspect of your Being.

You must Give The Love And Compassion You Desire To Yourself.

It follows that you can only experience genuine Love or Compassion for Another when you have first felt genuine Love and Compassion for Yourself.

How can you feel Compassion for another, if you have not seen the places within you that are Asking For Your Compassion and Loved Them Where They Needed To Be Loved; Poured The Healing Salve of Forgiveness on Yourself where it was needed?

These are the first steps in Mastering the Arts Of Self-Love And Self-Forgiveness - the prelude to the Embodiment of Absolute Love and Absolute Compassion For Self And All Beings.

When you have Loved Yourself enough to Forgive Yourself for that which you perceive as wrong or lacking in you, only then you are ready to Embrace and See another with the eyes of Love, Forgiveness and Compassion.

Prior to that you may feel pity or even sympathy for another, but not True Compassion.

True Compassion is born of Love for Another as A Being Of Light incarnated in human form as you yourself are; combined with a deep understanding of the human condition that results from the experiences you have lived and/or witnessed during your Incarnation.

This deep understanding of the human condition is what enables you to Offer Unconditional Acceptance And Unconditional Forgiveness Towards Another, as you have Accepted and Embraced Yourself - Honoring the Light You Are but not feeling ashamed of any lingering Shadow Aspects: You Know their Purpose: To be your Teacher and guide you as you Navigate the Lessons you came to learn in this lifetime. To show you where you still need to move into a Greater Embodiment of the Eternal Light, Love, Joy, Pecae and Compassion That You Are at the Center of the Core of Your Being.

To feel the kind of True Compassion for another in which you Honor the Light That They Are And Honor The Journey They Are On without wanting to change it in any way, first you must have felt a depth of Love and Compassion for Yourself and Your Own Journey; seen that even though at times you have felt like you were not on your Right Path, everything in your Life has led to this Sacred Moment Of Now Which Is Perfect In And Of Itself.

This is True Compassion - when you can Hold Another In Light wherever they are on their Journey; and be a background Presence of Unconditional Love and Compassion that is always there for them to turn to if they so wish, in order that you may help them to Remember The Light, The Love And The Joy That They Are And See And Value This In Themself.

And now to speak of Absolute and Unconditional Love for Self and All Others.

This is what you are all aiming to return to during your Incarnation - that you may experience yourself while Incarnated in a Physical Body as The Absolute Light And Absolute Love That You Are.

In order to Embody Complete and Unconditional Love For Self, you must Accept all the parts of Yourself that you have disliked and/or felt to be lacking in the past.

You can only do this by being the Embodiment of Self-Compassion.

So you see that in many ways Love and Compassion are One And The Same thing.

Compassion is born of Love:

Compassion -Is- Love.

To Be Compassion Is To Be Love.

To Be Love Is To Be Compassion.

To Be The Embodiment Of Absolute Love In The World Is To Be Absolute Compassion Towards Yourself And All Other Beings.

It is I, The Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Quan Yin Of Absolute Light.

Transcribed by Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe To The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

From Jesus Of Absolute Light, December thirteenth, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I greet you with Joy in my heart and a bright, joyful tone in my voice At least, that is how I would sound if I was Incarnated in a body and able to walk amongst you and greet you whilst walking on your planet as I have done many times in the past.

You wonder who is present in this Sacred Space today greeting you in this way - It is I, The Ascended Master Of Absolute Light Jesus Of Absolute Light.

As you all know, I was known as a Great Healer - one who could Heal many diseases and bring Peace to the suffering - during my most recent Incarnation.

I want to let you in on a secret. It is because was able to see - never forgot in fact for this is the way my Soul chose to experience the world - that the Light In Me Is The Same As The Light In You.

I know that many of you work in the Healing Arts. I would like to share this one thing with you today:

You Are A Gift In The World.

And the Greatest Gift you can give to another is to see in them The Light That They Are.

The Greatest Gift you can give yourself is to Know yourself as The Light That You Are.

Ignore the rest. It is not important.

Align with that which is Light within you and you will have a Greater experience of yourself as Light.

Put your focus on and highlight in your interactions with others The Light That They Are, and they will start to experience themselves more as Light. This is the key to Healing.

This is the key to Healing the World.

It is time for Humanity to Wake Up and Know herself in her Truth.

It is time for all of you Incarnated on Earth at this time to Wake Up To The Light That You Are.

It is I, The Ascended Master Of Absolute Light, Jesus Of Absolute Light.

Transcribed by Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe To The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

From Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, December 4, 2018.

Beloved Ones,

I am a new visitor to your page. I wish you to think of me as "Mary, Mother of Jesus, of Absolute Light," for this is a title that most of you will resonate with and find it easy to comprehend a little of What I Am.

I am a Representative of the Sacred Divine Feminine Energy that is now permeating your Earth Plane.

It is tasked to me to help you move into more compassion, more gentleness, more of the Love That You Are And I Am.

In fact, We All Are.

I wish you to know that Compassion begins with yourself.

To remember this always.

Too many of you are very forgiving of others, and at the same time very harsh on yourself.

You chose to come into the world and forget who you are in order to then remember: I Am Love. I Am Light. I Am One With The Sacred All That Is.

When you do not honor yourself with the Compassion that you are intrinsically worthy of, then you limit your ability to see the Light That You Are Everywhere You Go; the Light That You Are In Everything You Do.

You Are Light.

It is Intrinsic In You.

Light Is All There Is.

There is no distinction between The Light That You Are And The Light That I Am.

All Is Light.

You must remember that when you chose to come to the Earth Plane, you didn't mean to forget The Truth Of Who You Are permanently, only for a short time.

This was meant to be an experiment to allow yourself to experience yourself more deeply as The Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are.

This is all there is: Absolute Light And Absolute Love.

In your Compassion for yourself, allow yourself to see yourself in your Truth and to Know yourself as the Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are.

It Is I, Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.

Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.jpg

Transcribed by Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe For The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.