Greetings Beloveds,
It is with joy that I greet you here.
The energies have been greatly amplified during the past week, and many of you have felt the effects in your physical body.
Perhaps you have seemed to need a great deal of sleep; perhaps your body has been detoxifying; perhaps you have felt the need to be alone; or to spend more time than usual in Nature.
All of these things are signs of your body absorbing and subsequently adjusting to the Higher frequencies.
You may at times wonder if this is indeed really happening for you. At times, you feel like you are still caught up in old patterns expressing in your life; or that you are embodying the small self, rather than the greater Self you know yourself to be at your core.
I am here to assure you that all of you are receiving the Higher frequencies. Not one of you is exempt from their influence.
The only difference between you is how fast, or with much ease and grace, you are able to integrate them.
Bringing your Consciousness and Intention to this process makes it a lot easier on your physical body.
You may wish to set an Intention at the start of each day to receive the Higher frequencies and integrate them with ease and grace in the way that serves your Highest Timeline.
Other things you can do to help yourself include things that support your physical body, like eating "real foods" and drinking approximately double your usual intake of water.
You may also find it serves you to bless the water before you drink it, requesting that it helps you to integrate the Universal energies in ways that support you in embodying your Highest Timeline.
In order to support your mental and emotional bodies, make sure you are taking enough time to be with the people you love and who are your support system. Also, do not be afraid to clearly state your boundaries and take time to be alone if that is what you need. You know best what you need, and it is important to listen to your body.
Meditation can also support you at this time. We would ask that you drop a strong grounding cord into the center of 5D Earth, as being grounded into 5D Earth in this way will help you to integrate the Higher frequencies into your body with more ease and grace.
It is an exciting time on the Earth plane right now. Great changes are taking place every day.
Stay in your heart space through as much of this as you can, and do not get caught up in conversations or activities that bring your vibration down.
Everywhere you see something that is not of Love, bless it and everyone involved with the Love that you are at your core. This is how you walk as Love in the world.
Know that every such energetic transmission causes great ripples in the collective consciousness and the energy that surrounds the planet.
You may feel like you are not doing enough and be eager to step up into the fullness of your role, but we tell you that each time you choose love instead of fear or anger or judgement or hate; each time you expand that Love out into the world; you do not only yourself but the whole collective an invaluable service.
Thank you for this Service and for being the Light you are.
It gladdens our hearts to see the willingness of the bearers of the Light to Serve and your eagerness to expand into more of your role.
There is not long to wait now, for the energies that are coming into the planet are bringing you into alignment with your Soul's True Purpose.
It is I, the Archangel Metatron