From The Pleiadian High Council Of Absolute Light, April 5, 2020.


This Weekend Has Been a Very Important PORTAL & GATEWAY.

It Is Important That - If You Feel Or Experience Tiredness &/Or Other Ascension Symptoms - You Isolate YourSelf - Even In These Times Of Self- Or Enforced-Isolation - More Than Usual.

This May Sound Like A Strange Request. It Is Because High-Energy DIAMOND LightCodes Are Streaming Into The Planet Now To Support You All In Your Highest Ascension TimeLine As Individuals & As A Collective.

These LightCodes Are VERY Powerful.

It is Important that You Give YourSelf Adequate Time to REST.

Your BODY - Your LIGHT VESSEL IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD - May Experience A Great Deal Of Tiredness In The Upcoming Days.

This Is Okay. It Is Normal Considering the Intensity of The LIGHTCODES Pouring into The Planet at The Time Of This Very SACRED GATEWAY.

Do Not Be Afraid Or Worried Dear Beloved Ones If You Experience Other Physical Symptoms Too - perhaps a Thudding in Your HeartSpace or a Feeling like You Are Experiencing Heart-PALPITATIONS.


We Send You Our LOVE. Know That We Are With YOU, SUPPORTING You On YOUR Highest Path.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadian High Council Of Absolute Light.

The Pleiadian High Council - Channeled Message

From Lady Diana, April 1, 2020.


Dear Beloved Ones,

I urge You not to panic at this time, but to Ground Into the Centre of Your BEing Where All Goodness Lives and Thrives, & which is your place of Stability, Security & Safety in times such as this one that you are now facing upon the Earth.

I am talking - of course - of the Sacred Heart Of Love That Is Who You Are In Your Highest Essence of Self:

LOVE dear ones: YOU ARE LOVE 💙

I would add that it is important at this time that you come together in your communities to Support Each Other - whether that be at a distance or not, depending on the severity of the situation where you are.

Many of you are not able to go out or even leave your home. That alone is very difficult for some more than others - especially for those who live alone or with others they do not readily resonate with.

Have Compassion for YourSELF & for All Those Around You, whatever path or timeline they are on with relation to this virus that now permeates the world and to other things such as the Awakening Path & The Ascension TimeLine and such.

Do not - I repeat and urge: PLEASE Do NOT - Allow Your SELF To be pulled Into Fear.


It is as You EMBODY The QUALITIES Of This ETERNAL SOVEREIGN Part Of You That YOU Will Bring PEACE & HEALING To ALL Those Around You Through The LIGHTCODES You - As UNIQUELY You - Share.

It Is I, Lady Di.

Princess Diana - Channeled Message

From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, February 27, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you today.

I wish you to know that it is I The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light and I have an important Message for you today.

It concerns your ability to uphold the Embodiment of your Higher Self.

Many of you are doing this exceptionally well already.

There are, however, times when you get jolted out of the Embodiment of your Higher Self and embody more of the qualities of your egoic self and the egoic structures that you have taken on during your Incarnation in this lifetime.

While this is natural and not to be lamented, it is also something that I encourage you to step beyond.

You do this through the Power of your Choice.

Each moment you are given a choice - What qualities of Self am I going to inhabit in this situation?

We in the Higher Realms ask you to be more Conscious about the Choices you are making.

Before speaking, before acting, consciously interrupting thoughts of the egoic self - ask yourself: What part of me am I Embodying, my egoic self or my Higher Self?

This will bring more Consciousness to everything you do and help you to more Consciously Embody the qualities of your Higher Self and Be your Higher Self Aspect as you walk in the World.

Do not in choosing to embody your Higher Self Aspect simply dismiss the facet of the egoic self that is presenting without thoroughly examining it first.

It is important that you take the time to do this for it gives you the opportunity to clearly perceive what there is within you that still needs to be Cleared, Transmuted, Released, Returned to Love.

Be as Conscious about this process as you are about Embodying the Aspects of your Higher Self. Both are important.

Remember that All is of the Light - even that which doesn’t feel that way or look that way to you.

There is nothing which has not originated from and is not of the Light. And yet at the same time, you are given a choice about what you Choose to Embody as you walk in the World.

This is a continual and ongoing process which does not happen overnight. But you are the one who is Empowered to Activate it through the Power of your Choice.

There will be times when you feel like you are making forward progress on your path and times when you feel like you have slipped back into the clutches of a pattern that does not Serve you and does not let you be the Embodiment of Light that you so desire to be.

It is in these moments that you are to remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself.

Remember that you did not come here to be perfect, but to Grow and Evolve and come into a continual Remembrance of more of the Love and the Light that is Who You Are when you Authentically Embody your Essential Self and the Highest Light of your Soul.

I wish you to know how well you are doing on your chosen Path.

I wish you to know that there is nowhere where you are meant to be other than where you right now.

Everything is occurring in Divine Perfect Timing and Divine Perfect Design.

This will be important to remember in the upcoming days and weeks.

More Light is going to be coming into the planet from the Central Galactic Sun. You may find yourself tired, lethargic and/or restless, uncertain about your path going forward.

It will be important for you to rest and nurture yourself, and treat yourself with Kindness and Compassion. The same Kindness and Compassion that you would give to a small child.

That which is not of the Light will inevitably rise to the surface as the Light on the planet intensifies. This may create some discomfort, some uncomfortable encounters, and some feelings of unworthiness as you feel unable to Embody your Light as Strongly as you desire. It is important to look at each of these things and bring them back into the Light by asking your Higher Self how he or she would act or what he or she would do in this particular situation.

Give yourself and the world the gift of being Present with yourself, with others, and with what comes up.

Each pattern you Clear and Release will be Healed on a deeper level. This is what allows you to Be a Stronger Embodiment of your Light.

This is what it is to be a WayShower at this time.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

From The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light, February 1, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I commune with you today through our scribe Julia Greef.

You may have noticed in the experiences that you have been undergoing that time seems to be speeding up on your planet. Many of you are surprised and bewildered to note that is is already the first day of the second month of your Earth year and wonder where the first month has gone.

Do not think that you have not made enough progress, even if you have not “done” much as it is judged in the Physical World. We in the Realms Of Light see the tremendous progress you have made, and the huge expansion you are opening up to.

Do not be alarmed at the seemingly faster passage of time in your Earth Plane. Time is nothing but an illusion that you hold onto and make real by your belief in it. Know that this is true in your heart, and do not limit yourself with disempowering thoughts about the time that you have available to you.

Know that the most effective way to work with time is to master it, rather than letting it master you. It is the same for your Mind.

To make time work for you in the most effective way that is available to you in the Physical Dimension, hold your heart in Stillness and Be deeply present in each and every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Do not let your mind stray to the past. Do not let it stray to the future.

Keep all your attention focused on what is in front of you and what you wish to create in this Sacred Moment Of Now. This is how you Activate the Highest Power of your Mind.

The other component of the Mastery of Time and the Mastery of the Human Mind is not to listen to your ego‘s doubts and fears. Honor these doubts and fears by acknowledging that they are there, but do not subscribe to what they tell you about yourself or what is possible for you.

Do not let them distract your from the very real and Sacred Purpose that has been given you as a Being of Light in the World. This is the Sacred Purpose of your Soul. It is what you came here to Fulfill.

The ego does not want to stand out. The ego is afraid that it might be persecuted if it does. This is one of the reasons why it tries to keep you small.

Do not listen to the ego.

Listen to the Strong and Ever-Present Voice of your Soul.

The Soul always wants what is Highest and Best for you and Highest and Best for All.

Listen to the Voice of your Soul. It has much wisdom to share with you. Wisdom that can be garnered and shared with others, supporting you in the role of Wayshower and New Earth Leader that you came here to Fulfill.

It is time for you to more fully Embody this role now.

Do not fear what is ahead of you, for every step that you take that is aligned with your Soul’s Highest Timeline is supported by The Devine and The Archangels Of Absolute Light, and much in the way of Abundance and Resources and all the support you need will be given to you.

It Is I, The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light.

What Is Multi-Dimensionality? - From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

As questions come up in our Community about Spiritual Awakening and the process of Ascending in the Physical Body - the answers to which can Serve and Support us all on our Path of Ascension; from time to time I'm going to Receive a Channeled Answer from The Beings Of Absolute Light as a way of being of greater Service to the people who read this page.

Today's question is - What does it mean to be a Multi-Dimensional Being and to live a Multi-Dimensional life?

The answer is from The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light and is as follows:

First, I would like to point out that you in the Human World are confined by the definitions and labels you put on things.

We understand why this is, for in the Earth Plane language is your main communication system and your way of understanding your experience; but In the spheres which we Energetic Beings inhabit it is not so - for we have a more direct Connection To Source and understand things by osmosis, rather than by anything akin to words.

The word ‘osmosis’ itself is not a direct translation of the way that this occurs; but it is one that gives you some understanding of the state of Oneness With Absolute Source Light that we in the Energetic Realms experience; and how as a result of This Oneness we simply Know All That Absolute Source Light Knows - not by our effort to do so, but simply by our connection to and recognition of ‘self’ as Absolute Oneness With Absolute Light.

Indeed it is the same for you; you have the access to the same Knowing. This is a large part of what it means to open up to and Embody the Multi-Dimensional Aspects Of Your Being.

Multi-Dimensionality is a very helpful concept for those of you inhabiting the Physical Realms. It helps you to comprehend and understand that you are not only your Human Self; but also the Eternal Soul that resides in the Sacred HeartSpace and the Ethers simultaneously and Knows Itself in its Absolute Connection To Absolute Source Light.

Most of you in the Human world have forgotten this Connection that is the very Essence Of Who You Are. Opening up to this is what opening up to your Multi-Dimensionality is. As you Embrace yourself as more than just a Physical Body, and understand your Self as a Soul Incarnated In The Physical Body, you open yourself up to a Multi-Dimensional Experience Of Life.

Many of your religions have helped you to understand this in part; but where they have stopped short is in presenting this understanding of You as One With Absolute Source Light.

In doing this they have disempowered your understanding of who you are and separated you from the Guidance of the Eternal Part Of You that is Connected To All That Is and that is your Birthright; by Divine Design meant to be your Guiding Star in this lifetime and all other lifetimes and incarnations.

The more you lean into this understanding of yourself as a Multi-Dimensional Being, the more you step outside the time-and-space-continuum and Connect with this Eternal Part Of You that is also A Part Of All That Is; ever-present as a component of Absolute Source Light; Unchanging in His/Her Perfection and Oneness with Absolute Source Light.

This is what Multi-Dimensionality means - to be living your life from this place of Connection to and growing into the Embodiment of The Eternal Aspect Of Self.

The Guidance you lovingly Receive from your Soul and Higher Self and the other Beings Of Light who Guide you support you in coming into a more Empowered Understanding of Who You Are and a Higher Embodiment of Your Truth. This results in coming into alignment with your Highest Service in the World, which may be something as simple as demonstrating Love to the person you are currently occupying the same time-space-continuum as.

We do not want you to worry if you are experiencing Multi-Dimensionality or not; for the very fact that you are reading these words says that you are Connected to your Soul’s Guidance and that your Soul has Guided you here for this Sacred Purpose.

You are ALL Multi-Dimensional Beings.

How much you are able to enjoy the experience of your Self as a Multi-Dimensional Being and Engage in life in a way that allows you to have a Multi-Dimensional Experience of it, depends on how much of the True Essence And Nature Of Who You Are you allow your Self to Re-Member.

As you open up to the experience of Multi-Dimensionality and Re-Member your Self by connecting to the part of you that is Absolute Oneness with Absolute Light, you begin to Exist Within and Embrace A Multi-Dimensional Experience Of Life.

From The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light, December 11, 2018.

Beloved Ones,

It is with joy in my heart and gladness in my smile that I greet you this day.

This is true whenever you are reading this Message, for I am always glad of the chance to communicate with One Of You who is Incarnated on the Earth Plane. I am grateful Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe of The Archangels Of Absolute Light, for making this possible this day.

I speak to you with Gladness And Joy as the End Of Your Year approaches. This has been a tremendous year of Evolution and Growth and evolution.

Those of you who feel that you have not seen as much Growth and Evolution this year as others, do not be discouraged. Each of you experiences both times of Growth And Evolution and times that are a Sacred Pause allowing you to Integrate. Always, much is going on under the surface.

As the end of the year approaches, put your focus on all that you have learned, grown into and Become.

Do not focus on unfinished projects, or things that you feel you might have done better.

None of this matters.

When you are Embodied in the Physical World, it is impossible for things to Complete.

There is always more to Expand Into And Become.

I wish you to offer yourself Complete And Unconditional Forgiveness for everything you feel is not Complete; all those places you feel you have not been or done enough this year.

This Message is also an Activation which will support you in this.

Invite the Complete And Absolute Love That You Are to encompass yourself as well as others.

Then shift your focus to all you have achieved this year with a Joyful Air Of Celebration.

This may be something as large as launching a new Website, getting married, or having your firstborn child. Or it may be something as everyday as getting out of bed each morning this week. Perhaps you challenegd yourself to do something that took you out of your comfort zone. Congratulate yourself on that as well.

What matters is that you were willing and you put action to this and tried.

As you think ahead to 2019, put your focus on your hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.

2019 is to be a tremendous year too, with lots more Change, Growth And Evolution For You.

Think of the things that you want to actualize in 2019 as being a Certainty In Your Life - Ready to come to you; Waiting For You Just As You Are Waiting For Them.

Be in an Attitude of Joyful Anticipation Of What Is To Come.

Take time at the End of this Year of Magnificent Growth And Evolution to be with yourself; to be with family and friends; and to be with others you love, including your Animal Companions.

This is the way to celebrate All That You Have Become.

By Being The Love That You Are.

By Being The Love That You Are Constantly Growing And Expanding Into A Deeper And Higher Embodiment Of.

Do this in your Interactions With YourSelf, as well as in your Interactions With Others.

It is I, The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light.

Channeled by Scribe of the Archangels Of Absolute Light, Julia Greef, Sacred Practitioner of Absolute Light.

From The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light, November 28, 2018.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

Welcome to the new face of this Blog Page which has been expanded in its capacity to transmit and share Messages, Light Transmissions and Energetic Lightcodes not only from Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, but also from I Archangel Raphael of Absolute Light, and our Brother in Light Archangel Michael of Absolute Light.

Today it is Archangel Raphael speaking to you. I am delighted to be able to share my first message with you through scribe Julia Greef.

I wish to speak to you at this time of how things are changing in your world and on your planet. I wish you to know that you do not need to be fearful if it feels like everything is falling away. This is a necessary part of transformation. The Earth and all you who reside upon Her are now in a Great Period Of Transformation.

It has been said before by Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, but you are entering the Era of Light.

In fact, you have already entered it. It is still nascent on the Earth plane at this time, but it will continue to grow and expand at a Greatly Amplified rate.

You who are already Being The Active Embodiment Of Light are an important part of this Growth And Expansion Of Light on the planet.

It is what you came to the Earth plane for.

It is your Main Role and your Main Purpose now:

To Be The Light In All Things.

Anywhere you see anything that is not Aligned with Light, try to gently show through your words and your actions to the people around you how to Bring It Into A Higher Alignment With Light.

Remember who you are at all times:

You Are Light.

Be the Physical Embodiment of this in your Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Actions.

This has an effect on those around you much greater than you are able to perceive.

You are already Being The Active Embodiment of this.

Everyone around you, the Consciousness of the Planet and of the Whole of Humanity is affected by The Light You Are.

The more you bring your Consciousness to this Active Embodiment Of Light and Be the Conscious Embodiment Of Light in everything you do, the greater will be the effect you are able to have on those around you and on the Consciousness of Humanity as a Whole.

This is your role now.

It is one that I wish you to engage in with Great Joy, Knowing that in Being The Embodiment Of Light you are already and always Being Of The Absolute Highest Service.

This is all I wish to say in my first message to you here.

It Is I, The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light.

Channeled by Scribe of the Archangels Of Absolute Light, Julia Greef, Sacred Practitioner of Absolute Light.

From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, November 22, 2018.

Beloved Ones,

Welcome to the Gateway into the Energy of December.

While you still have a week and more left on your calendar, the energy of December is ripe and ready to come in.

It is the energy of Completion.

The Consolidation and Integration of all that has been Activated in you during this year of miraculous-seeming Change and Transformation.

You are so different on the inside than you were at the start of the year. Very soon these changes will start making themselves manifest in the physical world and you will start to easily and with a great deal of help from Divine Grace draw to you All that is Aligned with your Most Very Highest Timeline.

Look forward to this, for this is to help you step into the next Highest Embodiment of your Light

As for the end of the year, we want you to celebrate all the change and inner transformation this year has brought and how much further you are on your path than you were at the start of it.

Focus on all that has already been transformed, rather than putting your focus on that which is still aligned with the old. As you move into the New Year these things will fall away if they are no longer aligned with who you are. If they are not, they are revealing to you something about yourself and it will serve you well to inquire why this thing that you are not so happy about is still in your life.

That is all I wish to say to you at this time.

Celebrate who you are.

Celebrate All you have grown into the Embodiment of and Become.

Be vigilant in your focus on that which is New and Aligned with your Very Highest Vision of Yourself.

All that is not aligned with this, let it go without regret or judgement of yourself or anyone else involved.

These are my words to you as you near the end of this year of powerful Energy, Transformation and Change.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.

From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, October 30, 2018

Beloved ones,

What a great deal you have done! What a lot you have accomplished.

You have burst through the barriers that were holding you back.

You are now strongly and powerfully aligned with your Truth.

Let me show you what you look like from here.

You are a gleaming star: shining so brightly that you can be seen far and wide.

This is the Expansiveness you now Embody.

This is the Light You Are.

You have been steadily growing into this.

Each time you say "Yes" to who your Soul came to Be, to your Soul's Highest Desires and Purpose, your radiance expands and shines more brightly still.

A great deal of what your Soul intends to do is now in place.

It is important that you allow yourself time to Integrate all that has been activated within you.

The next month will be one of consolidation.

Use the time to rest and to consolidate all you have learned.

This is a New Beginning; for you and for the Earth.

Be excited.

This is a turning point for you.

You will be clearly guided in the ways that you can be of the Highest Service going forth.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.

From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, Oct 27, 2018.

Beloved ones,

What joy is in me as I behold you.

What depths of Love.

If only you knew how shining and brilliant a Light-Being you are.

Your Light shines bright enough to reach around the world.

You have done well.

You have transmuted so much.

You have exceeded that which you set out to do,

You have honored your gifts, and in doing so you have brought healing throughout your family line.

You have transmuted much these last weeks and months.

And as you have done so, you have been of great Service to your family line.

Much of that which is called karma has been dissolved.

It is your Time.

It is time for you to stand in the Truth of Who You Are:

A glorious Being of Light that came to this lifetime to transmute generations of limitation for the family that you chose to be born into.

This is now almost complete.

You are a more solid and stable Embodiment of Light now.

You should be proud of all you have transmuted.

You are far further along your path than was projected.

You are now ready to embody the Light that you came here to Be.

The Light that is inherent.

Remember this:

You are Light.

You are stepping into the Embodiment of the Light That You Are.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.

From Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, Oct 25, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with a full heart that I greet you today, for you have transcended much of that which was holding you in the fourth Dimension and allowed yourself to step into a much greater embodiment of your Light.

I hold you in the greatest honor and respect, for I know that the path you have walked the last few days has not felt an easy one at times; and yet you have persevered; refusing to let the voice of your ego distract you from your Higher Purpose.

You should be proud and delighted with how far you have come.

There is much to celebrate.

You are now ready to step into the embodiment of your Soul’s Higher Purpose.

You have done well.

Now take some time to rest and integrate.

I want you to see what a miraculous transformation has been achieved during the past week.

You are five steps ahead of where you were just a week ago. There is much rejoicing in the Realms of Absolute Light at how far you have come; the pace at which you activate and integrate Higher and Higher frequencies of Light.

The energies pervading your planet support you in this. But only you can take the initiative and have the necessary commitment to benefit from them in the Highest possible way.

In this you have done well.

You have come beyond the point of turning back. You need not be apprehensive that the last vestiges of your ego can hold you back. You will be supported in releasing that which does not serve the embodiment of your Soul’s Highest Purpose.

Much is being done on your behalf.

Trust in this, and that you are being held and supported by Beings of Absolute Light.

You have consistently put effort into and undertook action in the direction of embodying your unique Soul Light. Be reassured that this is the path and the trajectory that is being followed as you move forward.

Allow yourself to take stock of and rejoice in all that has been accomplished. It is astonishing what you have achieved in the past week.

You are truly aligned with your Highest Timeline.

Relax, and let yourself enjoy the embodiment of all that you have activated.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.

From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, October 22, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you here, and celebrate with you all that you have transmuted.

It has not been easy on you I know, but I wish you to know that you are in a much more aligned place than you were just a few short days ago, and that this new and upshifted alignment with the Truth of who you are will support you greatly as you move forward in the coming days and weeks.

Thank you for your dedication.

Yours is not always an easy path, but the rewards are great.

You are stepping into the embodiment of yourself as Light - the Light that you came here to Be.

Do not give up now, for things are going to be easier very soon.

Keep going with your vision fixed on what you are becoming and how you want to feel.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.

From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, Oct 17, 2018.

Beloved ones,

A belated introduction to the energy of October. As you have been discovering for yourself, the energy of this month is faster-flowing than any you have yet known. It is wise to take advantage of this.

This is not the time to sit on your heels, waiting for things to come to you.

There is great potential available now. Align with it in your actions so that you can fuel your Soul's desires. This window is not to last long.

Because of the alignment of the stars and the energy permeating the planet from Central Sun, there is a great deal of energy available to you now. Be sure to take action in the direction of your Soul's desires to avail yourself of it.

It is time to align with your Highest Timeline.

Put your time and energy to use in constructive ways, in order that you are able to receive the full benefit of this energy to support you as you align with your Soul Purpose.

Now is the time to move forward.

No more hesitation, or telling yourself the story that you're not enough.

No more listening to the ego's stories.

Instead tune your ears into the voice of your Highest Self.

You are here with a Sacred purpose to fulfill.

Ask to be guided each day in what steps you need to take to fully align with your Soul Purpose.

It is time for action. Harness the energy of the last 2 weeks of this month.

A period of rest and integration will follow this.

Now is time to hone your gifts to prepare yourself for your Sacred work in the world.

You are to be a brilliant Light in the world.

You are now ready to step into everything your Soul came here with the Intention to Be.

It is your time.

You are more ready than you know.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.

angel-ArtsyBee green.jpg

From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, October 9, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with open arms I receive you here; so pleased with your willingness to connect with those of us in the Angelic realms.

Today I will give you some clear guidance on how you can better do so.

First, be in a place of silence. By 'silence' I mean not only the external circumstances around you; but also the state of your mind. You can not connect and hear your guidance when your mind is busy chasing from one thought to the next.

Next, create a sacred place in your abode when you can come to connect with the Angelic realms and ask to receive guidance. This gives a clear sign that you want to connect and are ready to open up and welcome this.

Next, create a sacred ritual that you do each time you come to this place. Perhaps a short meditation; a prayer; or lighting a candle. Do what feels right to you. Those of us in the Angelic realms see beyond form. We see the desires of your heart.

Then ask your question; beginning by addressing the Being of Light you wish to receive answers from.

Sit in silence. See what comes.

Do not be surprised if an answer pops into your mind instantly in a voice that is seemingly your own.

The tenor of your thoughts is one of the main ways in which those of us in the Angelic realms communicate with you.

You may also find your answer given to you later that day in something you read, or see, or hear; or indeed in another thought that is seemingly your own.

Never doubt the guidance you have received; though it is wise to check if it comes from a Being of the Highest Light. You can do by asking your Self if the guidance you have received is aligned with Love.

Remember to thank your guides and angels for the guidance you have received.

Just as you prefer to be acknowledged for the part you play, so do we like to be acknowledged. Furthermore, this expression of gratitude on your part creates a closer and more personal relationship with us.

With that I leave you.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.

From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, Oct 7, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I am glad to have this chance to speak with you again through my scribe.

Change is happening rapidly on Earth now, and many of you are feeling turbulent effects.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted by what goes on around you. While it may be big, momentous change; you are more powerful than all that occurs in the physical plane.

Where is your power located?

In your connection to your heart space and the Truth of Who You Are.

Whatever occurs, stay in your heart space; breathing into the eternal Light of who you are; trusting that you will be guided in the right direction for your Soul's Highest Timeline; asking for it to be so.

When you do you create an oasis of peace and calm that serves not only you, but all those around you in the Highest possible way.

More calm is needed in the world now.

When energies are high, it is easy for humans in the physical world to lose their sense of themself.

When you, as embodied Light in the world, are Present with yourself; you support those around you in coming into a greater sense of their own Presence.

This is a great gift you give.

It is part of your work here as Lightworkers and Wayshowers.

Work on the deepest and most profound level.

Keep going. You are doing well.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.

From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, Oct 2, 2018.

Beloved ones,

You continue to progress in your Ascension process at an advanced speed, and we in the Higher realms are amazed at how Conscious you have become; how fast you are transmuting shadow and returning all to Light; at what an accelerated pace you are walking your Ascension path.

We knew you were Masters of this process from Time Eternal. Many of you have attained Enlightenment in many other lifetimes. It is somewhat easier for you than most to embody this most natural state of Being.

But still, to see the speed, ease and grace with which you are transmuting shadow; embodying Higher aspects of Self; and integrating the Light being showered on the Earth is truly astounding.

I want to speak to you today of how well you are doing; to congratulate you; and to offer two points that will enable you to make this process still easier and more Grace-filled.

- - Drink more water. Always this is needed. Your bodies are 70% water, and as you bring in fresh water you allow that which is not serving you to be released.

- - Do not allow others to discourage you from your path. Some would do so, for they do not understand the multi-dimensional nature of the reality you now live in. They may ridicule you, or simply not accept what you say you are embodying as Truth. Do no allow these things to hinder you. The fact that you are reading this is a certain sign that you are on your right path and the signs you are receiving are real.

This is what I would say to you today:

Have faith, for you are about to enter a glorious new chapter.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.